I Miss Copper

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~Sad Hours~

As we walked out of the hospital Chris got a call from his phone, at first he was surprised for a moment before realizing the buzzing was coming from his own pocket.

"Hello, oh it's you, What! Bro, you better have the fucking money or your dead!" Chris hung up the phone as we passed a group of puppies being sold outside the hospital. "HI PUPPIES" He cooed as we walked by.

"Are you okay?" I asked him, his thoughts seemed to be going everywhere without reason.

"Huh? Oh yeah, you. How are you going to help me get Rebbecca back?" Chris questioned me and noticed that his full attention was on my answer.

"By fixing what she can't stand about you," I told him simply.

"That is?"

"Your attitude."

"Fuck you, I'm fine!" Chris yelled, obviously offended.

"See, you get aggressive quickly, do you have anger issues?" I questioned him and he took a second to respond.

"Yeah I do, it's heredity and you can thank my dad for it."

"Heredity? That's a big word for you," I teased.

"Fuck you! I'm not stupid."

"Yeah yeah, so what's the deal? You get me back with Rebbecca what's in it for you? Do you want weed? Crack? Shrooms?" Chris asked and I found it noteworthy that he was immediately exposing his business.

"Why don't you fear I'll turn you to the cops?" I was genuinely curious about how fearless he was.

There was click and before I knew it cold metal pressed against my head. I blinked and slowly looked him in the eyes, there was absolutely no mercy in them, just dark black pools falling into the emptiness.

"You work for someone? John." There was a threat against my name and for a second I thought he would pull the trigger.

"No, I don't work for anyone." Chris put the gun back in his pocket, not even bothering to take the safety off.

"Listen John, I don't trust you, I don't like you, and I sure as hell don't want you taking up my time." Chris started walking away but I wasn't going to let him.

"I can help you, just talk to me."

"What can you tell me that I don't already know?"

"I can tell you the reason she won't take you back."

"You don't know shit."

With that line, I felt my blood run cold and my body shiver.

"I know you left her when she needed you most, begged her to get an abortion, tried to guilt-trip her, made her stress more than she had to when she was pregnant. When her mom's money ran out you didn't answer the phone, and when she found you and fell to her knees you didn't give her a cent. She had to move into a trailer, sell her and her mom's things, get a job and still go to school. She is a warrior and inspiring woman and you had the audacity to walk into the delivery room, see your child and fall in love. You want her back but the way you treated her, I'm surprised you're not burning in your skin."

Chris took out his gun and aimed it at me once again, but I had no fear. There were tears in his eyes as he fell to his knees, he was falling apart at my knees and I had my brother to thank for that. I felt my skin shiver as Bandon exited through my eyes and in front of me.

"What the fuck was that?" I questioned quietly, those weren't my words nor my knowledge.

"I can possess people now! I saw you walking down the street and thought I would help," Bandon said simply and we watched Christian break down in front of me.

"It wasn't me. It wasn't me. It wasn't me," Chris whispered over and over again.

"But it was you, you said those words to her, and you meant them," I repeated what my brother said to me, luckily I am the only one who can hear him.

"SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!" Chris yelled at me, catching the attention of the few people taking a late-night stroll.

"I will help you," I promised sincerely as Chris cried beneath me, and for a moment I felt powerful.


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