The Purple Bitch

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"Actually want to skip? I don't want to go to band." Dan asked and I thought about it for a minute. Bandon was following us closely behind but didn't have anything to say.

"Yeah sure, why not." I didn't mind skipping my first class, it was such a drag.

"Let's go to the choir class, the teacher there is chill," Dan suggested and lead the way.

Once we arrived at the choir room there was an eruption of greeting for Daniel.

"Hey ya'll," Dan greeted them, the teacher was nowhere to be seen.

"Look, let me show you how talented I am," Dan suggested as he saw how nervous I was, he sat in front of the piano and played some classical music. My brother, Bandon, began to dance in front of the piano, it didn't even match the music.

Ignoring my brother I watched as the red hair boy played the piano, it was lovely, to say the least. His hazel eyes looked a bit calm and focused as his fingers danced across the keys.

"I can also play random songs," Dan started to play a different song I didn't recognize, but the choir class certainly did.

"To all skeet skeet motherfucker (motherfucker!) all skeet skeet got dam (Got Dam)" They sang, different sections singing different parts into an organized chorus.

"Impressive," I complimented and I decided it was time to ask the burning question.

"Have you heard of that missing kid Bandon?" I asked Dan and his eyes went wide before he looked down.

"I'm going, to be honest with you, I know something but I can't tell you. I swore to keep my mouth shut. I really wish I can tell you but I keep my promises. That's all I can say."

The door was kicked open and the Hispanic girl I now know as Rebbeca came through, she looked pissed.

Another teen walked through the door, he was wearing a tank top with a snapback hat, a weird choice for school.

"Rebbeca please talk to me!" The boy pleaded and everyone stopped what they were doing to watch them.

"That's Christian, Chris for short, he's another one of my major friends," Bandon whispered to me as we watched the scene unfold.

"He's been trying to get back with her since the beginning of Junior year, he's a senior now" Daniel sighed as we watched the exes fight.

"Fuck off Chris! I'm not interested in you anymore," Rebbeca yelled and Chris looked lost at what to do.

In what I assume was an act of desperation he took a guitar that was leaning on the wall and kneeled onto on foot.

"I love you bitch," Chris strummed the strings, "and I'm never going to stop loving you.. Bitch"

"Oh, hoe he didn't." Dan looked amused as Fuck and honestly I would be laughing too if I was used to this craziness.

"Fuck off Christian!" Rebbeca yelled using his full first name.

"Becca please just talk to me! I can take you to Arby's later and order us ribs!" Chris pleaded, using food to capture her interest.

"Yeah right! Chris, you don't eat meat and I'm pretty sure that makes you a vegetarian, so Fuck off!" Rebbeca gave him a slap that was audible in the now quiet room.

"Well you only eat dick and I'm pretty sure that makes you a slut!" Chris yelled at her and stormed out of the room.

Dan walked up to the now crying Rebecca and they embraced each other in a hug. A second later she pushed away and started looking up.

"Why are you looking up?" Dan questioned her and she fanned her eyes.

"This is a 45 dollar mascara!" Rebbeca told him and he rolled his eyes.

"Let me breathe and count to what I am, a ten," Rebecca took a breath and counted to ten, she looked calmer now.

"He doesn't deserve you if he doesn't treat you right by now, your gone," Dan told her and she seemed to agree.

"I'm gone."

"Good! Now go chop his Dick off!" Dan told her and I was surprised by how this conversation worked out to.

"Want to go to McDonald's?" Dan asked her and she nodded.

"I only have 69 cents," Rebbeca pouted and Dan smiled.

"You know what that means," Dan joked but there was no smile on her face.

"I don't have enough money for chicken nuggets," Rebbeca started crying again.

"I'll pay," I offered and she looked at me with a cold stare.

"Fuck off!" She yelled and I felt hurt at her behavior.

"Becca! He's my friend, his name is John. I know you're hurting but don't yell at him," Dan scolded her and she pouted again.

"Sorry I've been rude to you, it's been a bad couple of weeks," The girl apologized, hugging Dan again for comfort. Bad couple of weeks? She knows something too.

"It's okay, let's go get that McDonald's, I'll buy you the nuggets," I told her, not caring that leaving campus was forbidden.


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