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Babysu Babysu Babysu

I forgot about school in the last couple of days, luckily Dan actually liked school, not for the classes of course but because of the instruments, never missed the chance to show off his musical talents. We were up early in the morning and we drove to school in peace, his anger from yesterday forgotten.

The school day went on as I dropped him off to his class and went to mine. This school day was different, for one Dan and I walked each other to class, second, I couldn't help but think of him as I did my school work, I even seemed to daydream for a bit. I even forgot about the bullshit about my brother for a while.

It was at lunch when I noticed another remarkable change, instead of sitting by myself or with strangers, Dan was sitting with me, which was admittedly predictable, but Rebbecca and Adam also sat with us.

"Sup my gay lads," Rebecca joked as she sat in front of us, Dan laughed, they really were best friends.

"Nothing much, just talking about our grades, apparently our John here is a straight A student," Dan bragged.

"Well I have all B's, all b's for bitches!" Adam joked, we laughed, he was slightly shaking and sweating but we all ignored it. His pale face said it all, he was trying to quit.

"Dude shut up, you have never even turned in one assignment!" Dan pointed out.

"True, I'll just retake my classes next year," Adam told us.

"That's what you said last year," Rebbecca pointed out.

"Okay Okay, I know I fucked up damn, I'll pass somehow," Adam sighed.

"I'll help you out if you want, I don't mind doing your homework," I told Adam and he smiled

"BOO!" There was a sudden yell in my ear making me jump up. I turned to find Bandon laughing at my fright.

"You okay John?" Dan asked and I nodded, ignoring my brother.

"Yeah I just need to go to the bathroom," I told them as I left.

As I entered the bathroom my brother greeted me with a normal hello.

"What are you doing?" I asked, my ears still ringing from his yelling.

"What are you doing?" Bandon asked.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, what does school have to do with my murder?"

"If I miss too many days I can't graduate this June," I told him, "I want a future Bandon, I actually need school unlike you I don't have plans to follow our curse. I want to get away from it and start a life, a normal one."

"God John, why do you try so hard to fight it," Bandon sighed, "But anyways, I just wanted to remind you, you're birthday is coming up."

I had forgotten about my birthday, hell I wasn't sure what month it was. I looked at my phone, my birthday was this weekend in 4 days.

"Why did you bring it up?" I asked.

"Wow, I thought you were smart Mr. I Need To Finish School, it's you're birthday and you actually have friends this year. I saw how you were talking to the others, never thought I'll see the day you made friends again."

"Well I was kind of force to, I swore I would never make friends after Bill and Tim, I mean looked how I turned them, they are in gang activity."

"Anyways, what I'm trying to say is that you can gather all of them up, together maybe they will agree to tell you about the accident, have a party invite them, all of them, with what you did I'm sure they will be more than willing to go. I mean you're one of the gang now.

"That is smart I'll give you that, fine," I agreed and he nodded. We stood in silence for a couple of seconds.

"So are you going to go back or?" Bandon asked.

"Well I don't know, are you going to disappear again? I got to admit I still miss you, your dead Bandon, and when I solve your murder it you'll probably go away," I told him, my eyes involuntarily getting misty.

"I know, I'm going to miss you too, but it's very hard to stay in this realm, I get distracted easily and just disappear. I can't control it." Bandon told me and I leaned against the wall, not wanting to keep my eyes off him.

"Then don't get distracted, please just stay, tell me about your day," I pleaded.

Bandon smiled and opened his mouth to speak, suddenly the school bell rung, I looked up at the speaker from the ceiling, when I looked back at him, he was gone. I clicked my tongue and hit the wall.

I walked out of the bathroom to find Dan waiting for me.

"That took a while," Dan teased, I smiled at his stupid grin.

"Yeah it's full in there," I gave off a fake explanation and he took it.

We walked to class together, our classes were in the same hall this time.

"Dan I'm going to have a birthday party this weekend, would you like to come?" I asked him knowing the answer.

"Of course! I didn't know it was your birthday!" Dan exclaimed and gave me a kiss before leaving, "I'm going to buy you a present!"

As I walked into my class I was surprised to find Chris in my seat.

"Chris?" I asked and he didn't respond, he was focused on a paper on the desk.

"Chris is completing a missing assignment, just give him a minute," My teacher told me and I nodded.

After a couple minutes he handed it in, "I'll do the rest at home, will this bring up my average?" Chris asked the teacher.

"Yeah it will bring your 60 to 82 if you turn in all your work," The teacher responded.

"Sorry about that John, I've just been trying to higher my grades, you know for collage and shit. like you told me." Chris explained, he looked tired but there was an urgency in his eyes.

"Hey, if it makes it easier I can help you out too, I'm tutoring Adam too. If you're both serious about it I can help you at my house."

"Thanks man, I'll text you later, I have to catch my next class," Chris told me and he was out the door in a second. I ran after him and saw him halfway down the hall.

"AYE MY BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEKEND, I WANT TO SEE YOU THERE!" I yelled after him and he gave me thumbs up before going around a corner.


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