Over The Coffin

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Chapter 6

"You can ride shotgun," Becca told me and I did as she said.

An odd thing I notice is that instead of sitting on the sides, Dan sat in the middle of the backseats, it was odd. What was even odder was that he reached under the seat without looking and pulled out a bottle of fancy looking vodka.

"We each have assigned seats in Becca's car, you're currently sitting on my spot," Bandon informed me of the odd rule.

"You're on your own again, try not to sleep with anyone this time Kay?" My brother teased as the car drove off, leaving me and the others in silence.

"How about a little Radio?" Dan asked and Becca turned it on without a word.

One Directions, Story of my life started playing and I scoffed, smiling.

"One direction is terrible," I groaned and Becca seemed to agree.

"I hate them," She exclaimed and just as she finished her statement the main chorus began.

"THE STORY OF MY LIFE, I-," Rebbeca and I sang at the top of our lungs, our hands intertwining for a second before being interrupted by Dan.

"I WANT HARRY STYLES INSIDE ME!" Dan started taking off his shirt and throwing it at me. Luckily Becca changed the station before anything else happened.

"Yo, can you guys keep it down, I'm trying to hide," A familiar voice came from behind Dan.

"Adam?" We all questioned the voice in unison and soft 'shit' was heard from the storage area behind Dan.

"Yeah," He stumbled over the seats and sat on the right of Dan.

"Why were you hiding?" Dan asked and Adam just shrugged.

"More importantly, what are you doing in my car?" Rebbeca questioned, puzzled by here friends.

"How did you even get in without the key?" I quizzed him further but he didn't answer.

We finally arrived at McDonald's, instead of getting off we went through the drive-thru. Dan took a big gulp of Vodka as Adam stared at him with a hard glare.

"How can I help you?" The machine buzzed and it was barely audible.

Dan jumped from his seat to the space between me and Rebecca, "Can I get a dick taco?"


Rebecca's slap was loud as she pushed Dan back into his seat, "What the fuck is wrong with you."

"Dude shut up," Adam sighed and I couldn't help but let out a small laugh.

"You like dick up your ass, we get it, I don't want to hear about your sinful behavior," Adam continued and the car went silent. Dan was no longer smiling and he glared at Adam.

"I was just joking," Dan defended himself but Adam seemed angry.

"You're always pushing your gay agenda on us," Adam yelled and there was an uneasiness in my chest as I realized he was homophobic.

"What are you talking about?"

"You always make it a point that you are gay, it's wrong! Keep it to yourself."

"Crack is wrong."

"Gay is a sin, says so in the bible."

"Guys stop fighting! I'm trying to order!" Rebbecca tried to stop the fight but it wasn't working.

"I have an essay to turn in", Dan took a swing of Vodka before putting it back under the seat and exited the car. I watched Adam as he stared at Dan stumbling away, hatred in his eyes.

"What's wrong with gays?" I questioned Adam and he seems taken back as he stared at me.

"John right? Gays are a sin, simple as that. Their behavior is disgusting. When did my mother describe gay sex to me? I was 8 years old. She said "Do you know how your father and I love each other" I said "Of course, you and dad love each other more than people could possibly love each other" She said, "well, 2 men can love each other in the exact same way your father and I love each other" What happens when 2 men love each other? Well, they take off all of their clothes They get in the bed and SHIT ON THE BIBLE," Adam laughed but there were tears coming from his eyes.

"Heard that before," Rebbeca shook her head before apologizing to the lady taking the order.

As I promised I paid for her nuggets and a big mac for Adam, I wasn't hungry so order nothing despite Rebecca's reassurance.

"Thanks for the food John want me to take you back to school? The third class is starting," Rebecca offered implying that she wasn't going to school for the rest of the day.

"Nah, I have 90 and above in my classes so I can afford to take a day off," I told her and she looked amazed.

"Wow, you must be smart! I can't get above an 80 no matter how hard I try."

"That's pretty good, you are actually trying unlike the other idiots in class," I told her and she blushed as I called her smarter than everyone else.

"IT'S THE LORD'S TIME! I'M LATE," Adam's booming voice surprised us.

"What are you talking about?"

"GET ME TO CHURCH QUICK, THERE IS A SIN THAT'S BURNING MY SOUL INTO HELL," Adam yelled and his words caught my attention, he knew something.

Rebecca rolled her eyes and started the car driving down the road. A couple of minutes passed before anyone said a word.

"Oh my fucking God, traffic really?" Rebbeca cursed as the light turned red with cars in front of her.

"Hey!" Adam glared at Rebbeca before starting to sing "You shall not take the lords name in vain, a synonym for 'in vain' would be 'useless' or 'fruitless'. So let's say if your friend tells a joke and you laugh and you say OMFG did you need God for that? You can't swear to God because the Lord's name is holy. Only say his name to pray, praise, or bless, or for his glory."

"Shut up church boy," Rebbeca could help but laugh at his silly song and so did I.

Finally, we arrived at his church, it was a small church but there was a small building behind it which I assumed was for the bible study.

"Want to learn about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ?" Adam asked me before getting off and honestly, I needed to earn his trust.

"Yeah sure." My blood went cold as he smiled like a cultist.


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