Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Our nap? Apparently was not a nap at all instead it was a fucking hibruhnation. Before we knew it it was a half hour before the party. I took a quick shower and borrowed a black t-shirt, he changed as well and put a couple bottles in a bag before we headed out. We enjoyed the ride out to the country, the town lights fading behind us.

"Ten dollars." an older man in his thirties took the money from Dan's hand and stood aside for the motorcycle to pass through from what I could gather the man rents communal places for parties and announces it on facebook for the local youth.

We came across another man a couple yards away from the first guy, he looked younger, a teen like us. There was a tired look in his eyes as if he was done with everything, but once we got in front of him, he gave a smile.

"Hi, got any bottles?"

"Yes," Dan pulled out two small bottles of a drink called fireball, "It's plastic not glass."

The teen took the bottles from Dan and held them for confirmation, once he felt them he gave it back to us and waved us to go further. The boy didn't care for our age, which gave me an idea of what kind of party this was.

There was a driveway down the road, there was only one way in and out which concerned me, if the police were to come for us only a lucky few would escape, however Dan and I were on a motorcycle if anything got too hasty we could easily get away.

As we parked beside the tree I let Dan tie his ride as I looked at the place. It was a big piece of property easily over an acre. There was already a couple of older looking men near a grill, cooking up some meat product under a wooden gazebo. A little farther from them was stairs leading up to a dance floor.

"You ready?" Dan questioned as he finished tying up his bike, he tossed me one of the fireballs.

"Yeah," I gave him a smile, I didn't know what was going to happen for the next few hours but I knew he would make sure I was okay.

The music hurt my ears as we walked up the steps and onto the dance floor. Dan led me to a ledge, next to a kid who was looking at the moonrise and smoking a blunt. To my surprise there were already a whole lot of people at the party despite it being early, the DJ was already blasting music, teens were playing beer pong or king cup, and the dance floor was filled with people.

Dan tossed me the mini bottle of fireball and gave me a playful wink as he chugged down his. I opened mine as he finished his and tasted it with my tongue, immediately it burned but it wasn't because of the alcohol content, but rather it was mixed with cinnamon. Painfully I drank it all at once giving me pleasurable shivers and a chuckled from Dan.

"You didn't have chug it all at once," Dan told me and I felt my cheeks get red, I was just copying him because I didn't know how to drink.

"I just wanted to see what you felt," I told him and for some reason his eyes changed.

"Oh," He smiled, "I'll show you."

For the next hour and a half Dan showed me the best time in my life, never before have I felt the rush before. The rush for fun, our minds focused on having a good time. We played beer pong against a group of girls, played a game of truth and dare that ended up with me jumping over a lit grill. The talks with random people with topics like where you from and what you on, some friendly, some not. Fights breaking out with random people and people making out in every crook and corner. It was a wild place with no rules and new experiences. I was living for it.

Finally after all that we were drained, the energy from our nap gone in less than two hours. We leaned against the railing and looked out at the dark night, taking a break from the madness.

"How you holding up?" Dan asked as I gazed at the moon in utter bliss.

"I'm great, this is the happiest I've been in a long, long time. You don't know how much this means to me, thank you," I couldn't help but smile at Dan, he brought so much joy in my life.

It could've been the amounts of jungle juice I drank or the high of happiness I was on but whatever it was it broke my wall.

"Dan I," my mouth instantly closed as vomit made its way up.

"John?" Dan asked curiously.

I put my head over the railing and let the contents of tonights actions empty out my stomach. Dan instantly was behind me, rubbing my back and reassuring me that it was okay to throw up

After a minute I was finally done, acid in my throat left me with a burning feeling. Dan gave me a bottled water from the drinks table and I drank as much as I could. My body felt dehydrated and the taste of vomit made me gag.

"You good?"


There was an awkward silence between us now. Then all of a sudden I heard it, the song that made Dan wild.

"Four tres two uno," the song started and as I predicted Dan perked up, a sudden smile and crazed eyes.

After a couple seconds he couldn't help himself and danced to the beat. It was the stupidest shit I have ever seen, what ever the proper dance to fergalicious was, Dan was not doing it. He looked like an idiot, but he was my idiot. Well. Not yet.

I danced with him, trying to copy his moves, his eyes lit up and it didn't matter that people were staring, this was us, and we were everything.

"Baby baby baby if you really want me, honey get some patience maybe then you'll get a taste," Dan sang the words and I didn't have anymore patience, I loved this bubbly idiot.

I grabbed his face and kissed him, for a moment he didn't respond and I was worried I had made the wrong move. But then his lips pressed into mine, it was soft, it was slow, it was perfect. I was blushing now.

"I love you," Dan told me and my whole nervous system shut down. His eyes looked soft and worried as he waited for my response.

"I.. I love you too." My whole face was red now but when I looked back at him I realized he was as red as I was.

"Do you think maybe we can be together?" Dan asked looking like a kid as he looked away in embarrassment.

"Yes," I answered and his eyes snapped back to mine.

And for some reason, we hugged, any normal person would have kissed or talked. But this silent hug, I felt his some his pain vanish and I knew he felt some of mine go away too. This is why I love him


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