Nuns? The devil? Yes, Daddy.

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Chapter Seven

Before we even entered the bible study area there were two kids smoking in front of the door. A ginger kid with pale white skin and a short chubby girl with golden locks.

"Hey, Adam, new kid?" The girl asked as she took a puff.

"Yeah, his name is John. Is that weed? Let me!"

"Here have mine, it's from Chris," The ginger told him and let Adam take a hit. Chris as in Rebbecca's ex?

A nun turned the corner and saw us, she walked passed and I was scared she was going to tell on us but the other kids didn't pay any mind.

"Smoking kills boys," The nun told them softly.

"So does talking shit sister Helen!" Adam cursed and she glared at him.

"Hey fuck you!" Helen yelled before taking the joint from Adam's hand for herself.

Adam opened the door to the building and we walked in. This was not a regular Bible study. There were red solo cups everywhere and people were dancing to Christian songs.

"WELCOME TO BIBLE STUDY WE ARE ALL CHILDREN OF JESUS!" Adam yelled as the kids cheered for him, he was very popular here. Adam quickly went to the table where a girl was snorting cocaine.

"Kumbaya my lord!" Adam sang as the song started playing, the other people sang too, clearly high out of their minds.

The music was suddenly stopped as an elderly man turned off the speaker, I presume he was the teacher given he was the only adult in the room.

"Ya'll keep it down we are practicing on the play," The man announced in the microphone and he spotted me from the distance and walked himself over.

"Hi my name is Jim, are you new?" Jim asked me and I nodded slightly and he smiled.

"Jim you should sing him that rap you've been working on," Adam joked and Jim smiled brighter as he took out a microphone from his pocket.

"I wrote this song for Christian youth I wanna teach kids the Christian truth If you wanna reach the kids on the street then you gotta do a rap to a hip hop beat so I gave my summon an urban kick my rhymes are fly my beats are sick my crew is big and it keeps Getting bigger that cause Jesus Christ is my (censored)." Jim sang and my heart stopped from the last word of the verse.

"Oh my god that's not a good word don't say that!" I told him and Adam just laughed.

"Fine whatever, why don't you show him your song then Sarah?" Jim questioned the girl a couple of feet away from us.

"Oh sure," The girl got closer and put her hands together in a praying position before starting her song, "Slow down, Grab Your Bible. Pray like your trying to make your soul revival. Praise The Lord, Praise the Lord."

I couldn't help but laugh at the lyrics and her dance, she smiled back. Jim dismissed us and walked away to help the other kids with the play.

"Hello Adam," Sarah ignored me and gave Adam a hug, he seemed uncomfortable.

"Hi, Sarah," Adam sighed as she let go and held his hand.

"Fuck me in the ass 'cause I love Jesus. The good Lord would want it that way Gimme that sweet sensation of a throbbing rationalization It's just between you and me'Cause everyone knows it's the sex that God can't see," Sarah whispered into his ear but I could hear her clearly, Adam blushed and pushed her away.

"Fuck off Sarah! Whore." Adam cursed at her.

"Whatever." Sarah walked away with fists for hands.

"Wow, that was odd," I told him and he nodded.

"Yeah, I want a church girl to go to church and read her bible," Adam sang and shook his head at her behavior.

"So what do people do at bible study?"

"Study the Bible, we used to go out and try to convert people but we were banned from doing that."

"Banned? Why?" I questioned.

"Oh, you know that ginger kid outside? He's why." There was a look of fear in Adam's eyes as he stared past me and into a memory.

"Anyways want to see how our play is coming along?" Adam asked quickly snapping out of it and I nodded, he lead us to where Jim was.

The kids in the play continued their lines as we walked to them.

"I brought you Frankincense."

"Thank you!"

"And I brought you myrrh..."

"Thank you."



Man, bible study was actually fun as all hell.


"Thanks for walking me home, want to go in?" Adam asked as we approached his house from a long walk.

"Say yes," My brother Bandon ordered, he managed to locate me at the church.

"Yeah sure."

There was a kid on his driveway. Just standing there and looking up at the sky, his eyes were dilated and didn't seem to see us.

"Fuck, not again, he got into my stash that fuck." Adam cursed as he shook the boy but he was too far gone.

"This kid is definitely on coke right now," Adam sighed and grabbed the basketball that was on the ground. He took said basketball and hit his brother on his head.

"YEAH," His brother yelled excitedly but he still didn't look at us, he clearly didn't have a sense of where he was in the universe.

"I can't leave him out here, help me carry him inside." Adam grabbed the ten-year-old by the shoulders and I grabbed his feet, with our combined strength we managed to get the boy on the couch and looking at the ceiling.

A beagle dog came walking up to us and I felt chills crawl up my back. It had dark black soulless eyes as it stared directly at me or so I thought. I followed his gaze to my brother who was behind me, hiding in fear.

"What's the deal?" I whispered to my dead brother as Adam checked his brother for damage.

"There's a demon in that dog," My brother said simply and the dog growled at us, knowing that we were talking about it. Why would a demon be here? More importantly with all the religious symbols on the walls complete with statues and crosses, how is a demon here?

"Hey Adam, you have a demon in your dog," I told him, knowing I would sound crazy.

I looked at Adam as he took the coke bag from his brother's pocket and pour some in his nostrils before inhaling it. He opened his eyes and stared at me with a smile before looking at the dog.

"Demon huh? YOU SLY DOG, HIDING IN MY HOME, YOU DEVIL," Adam yelled at the dog, quickly getting a Cross from the wall and pointing it directly at him, "THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPEL YOU."

The beagle growled and howled at Adam's words.

"THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELS YOU!" Adam yelled again getting closer to the dog with the cross.

The dog howled one final time before collapsing from the... exorcism?  Adam smiled proud of his victory, his brother, however, got up quickly from the couch.

"SHUT UP ADAM," His brother yelled before going back to the couch and looking at the ceiling, he was getting off from his short high.

Adam raised his hands to his brother, acting as he was strangling him but then he took a deep breath before doing the sign of the cross. I swore I heard a "Not today Lord," under his breath.

"I am disgusted, I am revolted," I followed Adam to his laundry room as he talked he started to put himself into the dryer, " I dedicate my eNTiRE LifE tO oUR LORD aNd SAviOr JeSuS CHRisT and tHis iS tHE THanKs I gET!"


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