Chapter 3: Where to go?

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"Aloha! Mr..." the person stuttered, looking at the small paper that he's holding. "T-taihung! I'm Yoongi, your tour guide for today!"

Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows and gave Yoongi a judging look. "You're the tour guide sent by the hotel?"

"Yes sir. Why?"

"You're small." Taehyung chuckled and Yoongi gave an 'unbothered' face.

"You're tall. That's why." Yoongi snarled back with his arms crossed.

"It's 'Taehyung' by the way, you pronounced it wrong, dumbass."

"Whatever. You have a shitty name anyway, shithead." Yoongi said, making Taehyung roll his eyes and plop himself on the bed.

"Why are you even here? I just got here." Taehyung complained and played with his phone, not giving Yoongi a single glance.

"I was sent by the hotel to check up on you. Anyways, forget my rude attitude towards you earlier, and can I sit here?" Yoongi asked, pointing at the space beside Taehyung's bed.

"Wow. You're a bold man aren't you? Sitting on the bed on his first day. You're different." The taller huffed, giving an annoyed look on his face.

Yoongi rolled his eyes and faked a smile to Taehyung. "Thank you sir. However, do you want to travel around the beautiful island of Hawaii? I'm here to guide and tour you wherever you want."

Taehyung continued playing on his phone and he completely ignored Yoongi's remark.

Yoongi breathed heavily, trying to remove his anger from his client, and just mumbled a soft "Hey sir?"

He still received no reply from the taller. "Sir? I'm asking you if-"

"Can you zip you mouth for a moment? I'm trying to ignore you here." Taehyung raised his tone, a pissed look showing on his face as he glared at Yoongi.

"What do you want me to do then?! I was hired to tour you and it's my job to give you the best experience here in Hawaii! Why did you even ask for a tour guide when you're going to waste their time instead?!" Yoongi fought back and he can see Taehyung smirking which made him more mad.

"My brother asked for one. Not me. Blame him."

Yoongi huffed. "Whatever." he mumbled, standing up. "If you need me, I'll be in my room. Fucking call me if you want a tour guide." he said and slammed Taehyung's door.

The taller flinched and laughed afterwards. "He's funny" he mumbled.

After a few minutes, he finally gained some energy to unpack his things, and to shower. He remembered Yoongi's angry face, and he laughed alone in his bathroom. 

When he was done taking a shower, he dried his hair, but it got interrupted with his older brother calling him on the phone.

"Taehyung-ah? How are you holding up there? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Namjoon-hyung. I unpacked and I just finished taking a shower. I'm being a productive man today!" Taehyung boasted and Namjoon can't help but to laugh at that.

"That's good, that's good. Oh! I remembered, How's your tour guide? Is he nice? If you don't like him, then we can replace him" Namjoon asked, an expecting tone given to Taehyung.

"He made me laugh earlier" Taehyung chuckled. "And he's a fighter. Just like other people say: 'feisty, I like it' " He said, laughing loudly.

Namjoon chuckled at the other line. "Then I won't replace him?"

"Nah. he's fine" Taehyung said, thinking about Yoongi for a moment, then he smiled.

"Okay then. I just called to check up on you. It seems that you're fine. Enjoy there! Bye!"

The call ended and Taehyung changed in his clothes and drifted to sleep.

"That tour guide is a cutie, eh?"

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