Chapter 26: Follow

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"I love you too."


With Yoongi's sudden reply, Taehyung's eyes widen and he immediately typed his response

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With Yoongi's sudden reply, Taehyung's eyes widen and he immediately typed his response.

hyung, I'm in a plane,
I'm coming back to Korea.


I don't know what to do.

"Fuck what do I do?" Taehyung says to himself, wanting to get out of this plane right now and run to Yoongi's arms. He can't, though. He stomps his feet repeatedly, overly anxious to what Yoongi will reply but he then hears his phone ringing. He sees that it's Yoongi who's calling him and of course, he answered it.


"Hyung. Hyung- I-I don't know what to do. I- can't get out of the plane. I-I want to go back t-to youㅡ"

"Shh... Relax, Tae. It's fine."

"But what about you?" Taehyung asks, seeing the flight attendant glaring at him yet he ignores her. "I need you here."

"Maybe I will." Yoongi says, his tone can be heard from the other line and it looks like he's smiling.

"What do you mean?" Taehyung questions, loudly stomping his feet with nervousness and he can see the flight attendant walking towards him with a composed, yet pissed expression on her face.

"Justㅡjust don't come back here for now. Take a rest there on your home okay?"

"But hyung, you're my home."

Yoongi smiles from the other line. "You are too, so trust me on this. Our days are going to be better from now on." Yoongi reassures. "Jin hyung and I are finding a way."

"Are we going to be finished like this? Hyung, how are you gonna find a wayㅡ"

"Sir, for the last time, can you turn of your phone because it can be dangerous? You can use it again after a few minutes but please, please turn it off." the flight attendant has said, giving Taehyung an irritated smile.

Taehyung removes his phone from his ear. "okay, I'm almost done." then he puts it again on his ear.

"Taehyung? I heard the flight attendant. Let's talk when you arrived safely at home okay?"

"okay. I love you, hyung."

"I love you more."

then the call ended.

"Jin-hyung? Are you sure about this? You have a life here in Hawaii

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"Jin-hyung? Are you sure about this? You have a life here in Hawaii. I don't want you to come with me just because you're my hyungㅡ"

"You love Taehyung right?"

Yoongi sighs and covers his face.

"Yes, I do."

"Then what's the problem?" Jin said, a smile making up to his face. "Yes, I'm your hyung but don't you know I've always wanted to come back home? We can see our families again and we have a job waiting for us there. A job better than touring and serving tourists, right?"

Yoongi groans and sat nervously on the couch. "Yeah. I'm just―scared.  We don't know if this plan of yours and his is gonna work."

"Don't you trust me, Yoongi-chi?"

Yoongi sighs. "I trust you, hyung."

"Then just believe. Okay?" 

"O―Fine." he surrenders to the older.

"I hope we won't regret this." Jin said.

"Yeah. I hope we won't."


FYI: This story was supposed to end today, but guess what? I made it longer lol. I was also supposed to break them up for good, but that's not nice :(( So here ya go, and I hope you're looking forward for the next chapters! ♥

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