Chapter 8: Not Bad

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Yoongi just went home from that beach trip with Taehyung. Jin watches him walk towards the couch with a weird smile on his face.

Jin waves his hand in front of Yoongi but he's not noticing him. "Earth to Yoongi, hello?"

This made Yoongi flinch and look at Jin. "huh?"

"Finally. I've been calling you numerous times." Jin said, sitting beside Yoongi.

"Oh really? Sorry, I was just thinking of something." Yoongi said, his smile not faltering. 

"Thinking of something? ooorr... thinking of someone? I'm not dumb Yoongi-chi. I think you're thinking of him." The older said, cocking his eyebrows to Yoongi.

"Huh? What do you mean? Who's 'him'?"

"Who else? Mister Kim, duhhh" Jin said, pushing Yoongi playfully.

"What? No! I'm not thinking of him!"

Jin widened his eyes intentionally. "You're not thinking of him? Really now?" he teasingly said. "Then what are you thinking about?"

"I'm thinking about.... t-the s-sun-rise! no.. I mean.. s-sunset!" Yoongi stuttered, making Jin laugh.

"Shut up Yoongi. What did you two do today?"

"We just went to the beach. I toured him and we watched the sunset." Yoongi answered, laying on the couch comfortably.


"Hyung, you know what? I think Taehyung is not so bad after all." Yoongi said, looking at the ceiling.

Jin smirked at that response and said, "Oh really? Then that's nice then. Anyways... I'll sleep now. I heard what I want to hear aaand I need my beauty sleep." the older said with a smirk still on his face, walking away while Yoongi sighs on the couch.

"Do you wanna travel today, shithead?" Yoongi asked right after Taehyung opened his hotel door. The younger beamed a smile and said, "Not today, Mr. Tour Guide. Let's just stay in my room." 

Yoongi nodded and went inside Taehyung's room. However, when he got inside, he was met with a mess. "Taehyung. What's this mess? Are you too lazy to just clean up your room? Gosh... Am I your mother?"

Taehyung chuckled. "I'm sorry mom. I am just unmotivated to even move a single muscle. Thank me I opened the door for you." he teased, pinching Yoongi's nose.

Yoongi then rubbed his nose and said. "Let's clean up this mess."

"Yes sir." Taehyung playfully said, making Yoongi giggle.

Their time there was just devoted on cleaning Taehyung's messy room, and surprisingly... they're doing a great job. After several minutes, the last uncleaned spot in the room was the bed.

"Ugh, Taehyung-ah. Why are you soooo lazy? Let's clean this up." Yoongi said, fixing the blankets. Taehyung, on the other hand, just lays on the bed, not letting Yoongi clean.

"Tae. Move." The older warned.

"I don't want to." Taehyung annoyingly said, a smirk on his face while Yoongi huffs.

"I told you to move."


"Taehyung if you don't move away from the bed, I wil pu-"

"I said... I don'T WANT TO!" Taehyung playfully said, smashing a pillow on Yoongi's face while laughing loudly at the older's reaction.

Yoongi widened his eyes at that and he, too, grabbed a pillow and smacked it on Taehyung's face.

"Two can play at that game!" Yoongi evilly grinned, repeatedly smacking a big pillow on the other's face.

Taehyung fought back and tried to hold Yoongi's arms to stop him, but the older was too fast. "Hyung-Stoooopp hahahaha" he pleaded, his face having interaction with the pillow for too long.

Yoong then smirked. "No. This is your fault." he said, then, to Taehyung's surprise, Yoongi pushed him in the bed and sat on his stomach to repeatedly smack him with his pillow.

However, Taehyung switched their positions, making Yoongi shocked and he ended up holding Yoongi's wrists while he lay on top of him.

They both widened their eyes and were silent , not uttering a single word while they both breathe heavily.

Their faces were so close and Yoongi doesn't know what to do.

Yoongi closed his eyes and Taehyung moves his face closer to Yoongi's.

Eyes on his lips.

Taehyung was ready to kiss him. But--

ring ring ring.

at that moment, his phone rung and they bot sat up. Making Taehyung grab the phone. 

Yoongi, however, cleared his throat and fixed his hair while Taehyung finally answers his phone.



Hello :)

How are you? Are you doing well?
Thanks for reading this lol.

N e wazeee I started working out and I'm close from having muscles and biceps ^_^ I'm so proud of myself.

Hope you're being productive too lmao ;)

I finished typing this story too, and I think it's great. (for me ofc). So I hope  you'd anticipate for the future chapters.


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