Chapter 23: The Truth

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While Taehyung sobbed in the arms of his older brother, Namjoon. Yoongi, however, walked home alone. He was met with his hyung, his roommate, who cares for nothing but to make Yoongi happy. 

The tour guide stood in front of the door of his room and saw Jin right when he opened it. The oldest saw his troubled and broken expression and he knew right away that something happenedㅡ and it's not good. He offered his arms, opening it wide enough for Yoongi to hug. Silence lingered through the atmosphere yet Jin can feel the younger's sadnessㅡ his loneliness.

The older held Yoongi for a while and rubbed his back, comforting the younger and asking him what's wrong. Yoongi answered with a glint of hurt that made the oldest comfort him more. 

It took a lot of effort to put Yoongi to sleep, and right after when Jin left the younger's room, A knock was heard from their shared apartment. 

Jin opened the door and was met with a problematic Namjoon. He furrowed his eyebrows and crossed his arms together.

"What." He sternly asked.

"I need to tell Yoongi something."

"He doesn't want to talk right now. Especially to you. Asshole."

"Then can you just deliver t-the message?" Namjoon stuttered and surprisingly, Jin raised his eyebrows.

The oldest stared at the man for a moment, then decided to open the door more further to let him in. "Fine." he uttered. "But I want the truth. ONLY the truth. No lies. My Yoongi is on a vulnerable state and I can't let you worsen it."

"Okay." Namjoon said, now trying to sit awkwardly beside Jin on a couch. He cleared his throat and said, "I know that you don't know me that much but I just want him to know that Taehyung has nothing to do with this."

"So???" The oldest rolled his eyes, not really impressed with the man's words. "What did you do, Namjoon?" He questioned. "As his older brother, what did you recklessly do?" he asked, and suddenly his eyes were full of disappointment.

"I hired a woman to seduce him."

"I thought so."

"And I took the photo so I can break the two of them off." Namjoon sighed. "I never knew it will lead up to this. I thought that they'll break up then Taehyung will be straight again, yet he'll still come out to our parents."

Jin clicked his tongue furiously. "This is what happens when you stick your nose to other people's business. I can't believe you. Looking like that, I never knew that you were this dumb."

"I knowㅡ I know now. And I'm regretting every single thing I did." Namjoon surrendered.

"Being gay is not a phase. It's a part of them. And it will never go away."

"I understand."

"Then go support Taehyung, and be a good older brother for once.

ㅡ The next morning, Taehyung and Namjoon, made up and talked out their problems and apologies. Then surprisingly, they are walking silently on the way to the restaurant where their parents invited them. 'We're not hanging out much as a family, so let's have breakfast together!' her mother once said. Considering that they're still grieving, it seems that they are trying to move on. Yet now... Taehyung has to do something and if it means being ashamed of, or denied of by his own familyㅡ then he'd take it.

"Whatever they'll react, I'll be here for you okay?" Namjoon said, patting Taehyung's shoulders comfortingly.

"Thanks, hyung. I want to do this for myself. I want to be brave for this and thank you for supporting me." the younger said, earning a nod from the older.

They then reached their parent's booth and sat in front of them.

"Joon! Taehyung! Sit down! How are you two?" Their mother cheerily asked, their father nodding in agreement.

"We're fine mom, we're just fixing some problems lately." Namjoon responded, looking at Taehyung carefully.

Their father looked suspicious, "Problems? Boys, we're in Hawaii. No need to solve some problems here... We're here to relax and move on, right??"

Taehyung then cleared his throat, "Uhm, to be completely honest with you... I have to tell you two something."

"Then what is it, son?"


I'm gAy!
(insert meme tone)

anygays, taegi hugged 3 times or MORE! Like... omg is this our time to get fed?

Make sure to tune in for the next chapter!

ILY 3000 💛

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