Chapter 20: The Dinner

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Taehyung's parents invited him to have dinner later at a prestigious Hawaiian restaurant. They also told him to invite his newly made friends which made the younger more nervous yet excited at the same time. Even though Namjoon's reminder was quite alarming, Taehyung knew that him and Yoongi just started figuring out their relationship, so he knows that this won't be a problem. Or so he thought.

"You want me to have dinner with your parents?" Yoongi asked, sitting comfortably on Taehyung's couch. "Yes, they told me to invite some friends. And Jin-hyung can come too, if he's available. It's just going to be me, you, Jin-hyung, my father, mother and brother."

"Oh. Okay, I'll tell him later. Do they know?"


"Your parents."

"What do my parents know?"

"That you and I are a... thing?"

"Oh." Taehyung chuckled. "Not yet. We just confessed to each other yesterday! Let's take this slowly, hyung." He calmly said.

The older nodded, making Taehyung grin while watching him silently. "I'm just messing with you Taehyung-ah." He laughed. "Yeah. Let's take this slow." 

The younger nodded in response.

"Anyway... I'll get going, tell Jin-hyung about this and blablabla." He added, standing up to leave Taehyung's hotel room. "You sure you don't want to be toured today, shithead?"

"Ah, not today, hyung. I'll prepare instead."

"Okay" Yoongi beamed a smile and left the room.

"Son! Oh! Who's these two handsome men with you?" Taehyung's mother asked, pointing the empty seats to the three men.

"Mom, dad, hyung, these are my friends, Jin-hyung, and Yoongi-hyung. They kept me company here in Hawaii."

Taehyung's parents nodded and flashed a genuine smile. "It's great to know that people took care of our son! It's been a bit gloomy for our family these days." Taehyung's mother says with a sad smile. "However, we're glad to meet you two. You look very handsome." She added.

Jin and Yoongi uttered a 'Thank you' while slightly bowing their heads and Taehyung's father started talking. 

"Pick your meals, lads." he said, giving out the menus to the three men. Namjoon just watched them silently. "Taehyung-ah, son. How did you became friends with these two attractive men?"

Jin snickered a little bit at the father's words and Yoongi kicked his shin. Namjoon noticed it and hid a laugh.

"Well, Yoongi is my Tour guide... and I met Jin-hyung because of Yoongi." Taehyung answered and Yoongi glared at him.

"I'm older than you. Manners, child." Yoongi mumbled lowly for only Taehyung to hear but unfortunately, Taehyung's mother started to laugh.

"You're hilarious, Yoongi." the woman giggled. "I like your attitude." she added and Taehyung's father smiled. "And you, Jin. I heard your laughs whenever I say attractive and good-looking, I see that you're confident about your looks?"

Jin scratched his head at that and his ears became red because all of their attention are on him. He lets out a ridiculous laugh and said. "I may be a little too in love with my self, but what I'm saying is that I'm quite very handsome." He joked, making Taehyung's father laugh.

"Oh my god. I was just like you when I was young." The father chuckled. "Don't worry, I think that you're handsome... but don't go boasting about it!" he joked, earning a laugh from the five of them at the table.

They then ate together and it was unexpectedly fun.


waaaah.. it's still fun ^○^

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