Chapter 18: Hide

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"Taehyung-ah! Surprise!" Namjoon and his parents said with their arms wide open. The youngest smiled and hugged the three of them, mumbling a 'Why are you here?'.

"We wanted to take a vacation too, you dummy." Namjoon said. "Besides, mom needs some tanning from how pale she is!" He joked, making their mother chuckle and hit Namjoon.

"You didn't inform me! Look at how messy my room is!" Taehyung joked, giving a smile to them while pulling them inside.

"Oh, no no no, son. We'll stay at the room beside yours. We know that you need private time for yourself." His father says, patting Taehyung's shoulders with a fatherly smile. (As Taehyung would describe).

"You don't look surprised, son. Are you okay? I mean... I'm still not okay, but I'm trying." His mother mumbles, grabbing his son's hand and rubbing it gently. The youngest gave back a soft grin, looking fondly at his mother. "I'm okay mom. And I am so surprised!" he exclaimed. "I'm just tired from travelling all day so it doesn't show." he added with a tired smile. His parents' smiles faltered and showed a concerned look towards Taehyung. "Oh, son. Why you didn't tell us." his father said. "We wanted to talk to you because we missed our kind son. But if you're tired, we can go now to our room."

"Kind son? Hey what about me, dad?" Namjoon complained playfully making the three of them laugh. Yoongi heard it too and he giggled silently.

"You're the intelligent one, joon-ah." His father said, patting his shoulders with wrinkled eyes.

"Whatever, dad." Namjoon rolled his eyes with a chuckle, the three of them smiling. Taehyung afterwards cleared his throat, trying to break the fun atmosphere.

"It's true, Namjoon-hyung. You're the intelligent one, so now get some rest, eomma, appa, hyung. Let's catch up tomorrow. It's running late." The youngest said, giving the warmest smile that he can give. The three nodded and started to walk towards the door. Namjoon turned around to face Taehyung, "Call me when you need something, I'll be next door." he said and patted the younger's back before leaving together with their parents.

Taehyung sighs in relief and closed the door. "Yoongi hyung, you can get out now."

The older then opened the bathroom door and walked towards Taehyung. "I guess it's my turn to leave." he said with a smile and grabbed his bag to stand in front of the door. "Call me when you need a tour guide." He jokes and Taehyung grabs his arm.

"Hyung I'm sorry for tonight, I was not informed. I'll make it up to you."

Yoongi then giggled and looked at Taehyung's eyes. "No need Tae. I'm glad you'll be spending time with your family, duh." He jokes again. "Anyways, I should get going.. bye tae" He said and opened the door to leave Taehyung's room.

However, while Namjoon was sipping his nighttime tea in front of his hotel window, he saw Yoongi leaving from his brother's room and he raised his eyebrows in confusion.

"Who's that?"


N A M J O O N ; )

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