Chapter 30: Cruel

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"Yoongi hyung?"

Taehyung exclaims and ran to engulf the smaller into a hug

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Taehyung exclaims and ran to engulf the smaller into a hug. "You're here. I-I thought that you left me, I thought that it's all r-real―"

"Shhh.. Tae. It's not real. I'm here." Yoongi sighs. "I'm sorry we took it too far. The joke, I mean."

Taehyung continued to hug him and caress him and Yoongi speaks again. "We really wanted to surprise you, and it looks like Jin-hyung and Namjoon did a great job at acting." he laughs.

"You didn't have to do this," Taehyung wipes his tears. "You should've just showed yourself to me immediately so we can spend our time together."

Yoongi smiles. "That wouldn't be fun, would it?" he says. "We wanted to mess with you, but I guess it really looked real." a laugh escaped through his lips. "Poor jeonggukie, he was beaten up. This was a bad Idea." 

"It is." Taehyung chuckles. "That Jeongguk guy really sounded like a jerk."

"He's Jin's cousin. He's a nice guy." Yoongi says. "He wanted to help us. He's a real prankster, you know?"

"Yeah. He is. He really fooled me on that one." Taehyung says. "What's important is that you're here, and that's all a lie."

"Yeah." The smaller tightened his hug. "I missed you, Tae."

"I missed you too."

"OKAY NO MORE PDA HERE KIDS!" Jin suddenly barged on Taehyung's office and caught the two hugging. Namjoon and Jeongguk are standing behind him with a quite funny expression.

"I hate you guys." Taehyung says. "That's not very cool." he added, breaking his hug with Yoongi.

"We're sorry, okay? At least it's all a very funny joke, for us." Jin snickered and so did the other three. Taehyung frowns. "You need to compensate me for doing this one hell of a joke."

"That's a very easy catch." Namjoon utters. "We're going to Hawaii!"


"YEAH WE ARE!" Yoongi and Jin exclaims, waving their arms playfully. "Even though we just got here for a week now... IT'S FINE!" Jin says, making Namjoon laugh. Taehyung finally smiles again and laughs as he sees their ridiculous faces, especially Jeongguk's.

"Hey, I better be included on your trip." Jeongguk says. "Look at what he's done to my face." he added, pouting while pointing his finger to his pretty face.

"We're still not sure about that." Jin says. "Yes, you did good with acting, but you called Yoongi a slu―"

"Shut up, Jin-hyung." Jeongguk cuts. "I said that to make it more convincing."

"But that's offensive." Jin glares.

"Okay, enough of that blabbering. It's all done now." Yoongi says, his arms crossed.

"I'm sorry Yoongi-hyung." Jeongguk says, looking down in guilt. "For adding that slut part."

"It's okay. You did great." Yoongi says, patting the younger's head.

Taehyung clears his throat and looked sternly at the two of them. They all turned their heads to face Taehyung and Yoongi stopped patting Jeongguk's head. "I'm still mad about that joke. That's very cruel."

"Past is past Taehyung!" Jin shouts happily. "And for the future?"



Hawaii baby!

anygays, sorry for the 5 day wait ooof-
my exams are now over and it was really stressful. but yeah! the next chap is maybe the ㅡ[REDACTED]

love you all ♡

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