Chapter 10: Prove It

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I'm helpless if I fall to you.

Yoongi went home from Taehyung's room, and he was met again with a smirking Jin on the couch.

"What did you two do today?" he asked.

"Just cleaned his room."

"JUST clean? Are you sure you just cleaned?" Jin interrogated, wriggling his eyebrows

"Yes- wait, why- are you always asking what I'm doing with Taehyung? It's starting to get weird."

"I just want information if you're getting a boyfriend soon or not."

"Hyung. I don't even know if he's straight."

"Then let's figure it out!" Jin exclaimed. 

He probably thinks that he's wise. Yoongi thought.

"W-we can't do t-that."

"Why not? If he's gay, then let's see if the both of you will click together!" Jin said. "Besides, I feel like you like him anyways."

"I DO NOT!" Yoongi said defensively with furrowed eyebrows and sweaty hands.

"I think you do. I'm your hyung for years, Yoongi." Jin said, emphasizing the word 'years'.

Yoongi then sighed and combed his hair with a stressed and exposed look. "Whatever, hyung. I'll be in my room." He said, and walked towards his area while Jin sneakily said 'YOU STILL LIKE HIM, YOONGI-CHI!'

Yoongi secretly grinned and closed his room door while Jin chuckles. "That kid, aish." He mumbled to himself.

The next morning, Yoongi woke up from a noise. Specifically a spatula banging his door. He then rubbed his eyes annoyingly, and stood up to open the door.

"What the heck hyu-"


Jin stood up in front of him with a big smile plastered on his face. He then went inside Yoongi's room without permission, (leaving Yoongi shocked of course) and opening his closet to grab one of his stylish clothes that Jin bought for him.

"What the heck hyung?"

"You'll wear this for today." Jin said, throwing the clothes on Yoongi. "Get yourself ready in ten minutes or-"

"Wait- why am I getting ready?" Yoongi asked, looking at his clothes then to Jin.

"We'll eat lunch together with your 'Mr. Kim' and you're going to enjoy it." The older said, looking at his face on Yoongi's mirror. "Ugh, Why am I still handsome? Anyway, my handsome face will be furious if you aren't ready after ten minutes, okay?" Jin said, closing the door, leaving Yoongi alone.


"Knock on the door Yoongi-chi!"

"Don't call me that!"

"Just knock on the door~ you're prince is waiting for you!"

"Shut up hyung!"

"Hey, what's going on?" Taehyung showed up, opening the door, exposing Yoongi and some stranger bickering at each other. The two then laughed awkwardly while scratching their heads. Mumbling a 'sorry' to Taehyung.

"W-what-what's up Tae?" Yoongi asked, giving a sly smile to the taller.

"Uhm.. I'm fine.. Who's this?" Taehyung asked, pointing at the stranger whom Yoongi was bickering at just a moment ago.

"This is J-Jin-hyung. He wanted to invite you for lunch... if that's okay?"

"Hey! Mr. Kim! I'm Kim SeokJin, Yoongi's roommate! It would be nice to have lunch with you to know my Yoongi-chi's friend!"

Surprised was an understatement to explain Taehyung's reaction at this moment, but he let out a laugh and smiled at the both of them. "Of course. Come in, and I'll just get ready."

The two boys smiled and nodded. "Told you he'll accept it." Jin whispered, making Yoongi elbow him.

After a few minutes, the three of them exited Taehyung's room, and both rode on Yoongi's car. They went on a fancy restaurant named 'Lahaina Grill' and ordered their food. Taehyung was happy all those time and he was delighted to meet Jin whom he thinks that is very close to Yoongi.

"So... Mr. Kim-"

"You can call me Taehyung." the youngest cuts Jin's sentence.

"Oh, okay. Taehyung. So, why are you here in Hawaii?"

"My grandfather died."

"Oh. sorry to hear that."

"No need to say sorry. That's why I'm taking a vacation here... to forget about problems back in Seoul."

"That's good. Is my friend 'Yoongi-chi' here treats you well?" Jin said, holding out Yoongi's shoulders while Yoongi whispers 'Don't call me that' to the oldest. 

Taehyung laughed. "Yes, he is. We're not on good terms on our first days together... but, we've made up."

Jin smugly looked at Yoongi because of Taehyung's response. "Oh. I see." he teased. "Are you perhaps.... single?"

"Yes, I am."

"Uhmm.... what about..." Jin said, rubbing his chin as he thinks of the right question. "Are you... gay?"

"Hyung- don't ask that!" Yoongi whispered-snarled to Jin. He then faced Taehyung, "You don't have to answer that. Sorry. Jin hyung is sometimes so nosy."

Taehyung chuckled. "No. I want to answer it." He then looked at the oldest. "To be honest, Jin-hyung... I don't think I'm straight? I never really thought deep about my Identity."

Jin nodded and gave a smile. "Maybe our Yoongi can help you with finding that." he smirked. "He's gay, after all."

Yoongi widened his eyes. "Hyung- stop-"

"Yeah. I'll remember that." Taehyung smirked too, making Yoongi sigh in embarrassment.

"The food is here!" Jin exclaimed and clasped his hands together. "Let's eat deliciously." He said, making the two guys nod and smile.

Yoongi-hyung is gay, huh? 


He gay
U gay

We all gay



we all a boy with luv. ♡

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