Chapter 28: Are You Lying?

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"Yah! Jin!" Namjoon laughs and pushes Jin away as he tried to wipe his dirty hands on his cheeks. They were clearly enjoying their company while Taehyung, however is just sitting there, arms crossed and an unidentified expression on his face. 

Are they fucking with me? This is a joke, right?

"Yo, Taehyung-ah, why do you look like that? It's been creeping me out." Jin says, sipping his coffee ordered just minutes ago. Namjoon nods in agreement and hides a smirk by palming his chin. The youngest of the three furrowed his eyebrows and says, "The thing that you told me earlier..."

"What about it?" Jin says, his smile faltering until it becomes a frown. "You're not done about that yet?"

"Are you telling me the truth?"

"Of course." Namjoon answers, his face serious now. No glint of cockiness. "Do you think we're just messing with you?" He clicked his tongue, clearly disappointed. "Because if we did, why would we not laugh and try to make you happy right now?"

"It doesn't feel right." Taehyung says, biting his lip. "I know Yoongi hyung wouldn't do that to me, especially in a short amount of time."

"But he did." Jin cuts with a pissed expression on his face, his hands clenched on the table. "Do I look like I'm telling you a lie? Come on, Tae. I know I liked you because of him, but don't make me hate you because of him too." He says, standing up from his seat, grabbing his small bag.

"Hyung, where are you going?" Namjoon asks, panic written all over his face.

"Home." Jin answers. "My father is waiting for me. Thanks for the fun talk, Joon. Nice seeing you again." he says and walks away from the cafe. Namjoon hurriedly follows him, running quickly to catch up to Jin. Taehyung, too, tries to call his name but he didn't even gave him a glance.

Jin walks swiftly with a pissed look, but the two brothers caught up to him when he stops in front of a pedestrian lane.

"Hyung I'm sorry!" Taehyung yells, clearly scared that the oldest will never acknowledge him again. "I believe you now!"

Jin looks at him with a forced smile but he noticed someone he knows, and he is suddenly raging with anger. "Hey asshole!" Jin shouts, walking up aggressively to that man and the man widens his eyes in surprise.

"You!" Jin yells, fisting the man's collar, causing a scene in front of many people. "Where's my Yoongi-chi, huh?"

"What the fuck?!" The man exclaims, anger seeping through his voice.

"Where is he? You fucker!" Jin says and Namjoon tries to split them off and calm the older down but he failed and was pushed away horrendously. Taehyung was just standing there, not knowing what to do. 

"Jeongguk, answer me." Jin says in a monotone voice, scaring the two brothers. The 'Jeongguk' guy was just smirking.

"Oh, that Yoongi guy?" Jeongguk chuckles sarcastically. "I don't know where he went." he says and he gains a furious expression from Jin and the two brothers. "I just wanted a quick fuck but he says that he loves me and wanted to be my boyfriend. Do you know how ridiculous he looked back then?" He laughs and suddenly he smirks, "Oh, I remember. I drugged him, right? Maybe that's why." Jeongguk sarcastically says, his cockiness felt through the atmosphere. "But I kicked him out of my house and I never tried to find that slu‒"

Taehyung punches him.

"You asshole! You asshole!" Taehyung aggressively hits him, not giving any mercy to the boy. Namjoon gets in between and pulls Taehyung away from Jeongguk. "You don't deserve him. He should've been with me." Taehyung walks out and runs away from them, tears dripping on his cheeks.

"I don't deserve this, by the way." Jeongguk says while Taehyung is getting farther away. Jin slaps him. "Don't call him a slut ever again."

Namjoon clears his throat. "I think Taehyung's going back to our building. We need to catch up, hyung."

"Yeah, let's go."


I think that it's a trashy update because I just wrote this today, however... hello :)

I'm hella busy, so please bear with me. #graduatingstudent uwu ♡

Stay tuned and Love you all ♡

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