Chapter 4: The Weird Acting Man

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"Hey, Min Yoongi-ah. Your client is calling you numerous times. If boss finds this out, then we'll be dead. Just meet Mr. Kim already." An annoyed tone given to Yoongi made him roll his eyes and sigh in surrender.

"Fine. Fine. I'll meet him." he said. "What did I do to have this shithead on my job?" he added, mumbling to himself.

He went to Taehyung's room immediately (with a pissed look) and after a few minutes, he got there, finally knocking on his client's door.

"It's open!" A voice behind the door was heard and Yoongi carefully opened it. He was met with a Kim Taehyung, sitting with a flirty posture on his fancy chair and pressing the hotel's telephone on his ear.

"What the-"

"Hey Mr. Tour Guide~ Finally you showed up! I've been calling for..." Taehyung paused, looking at his watch. "..for about 30 minutes." He mocked, a smug look showing, giving Yoongi a reason to punch him in the face.

"Sorry" Yoongi said, rolling his eyes. "I thought you don't want me here anyway."

"Well I want you now." Taehyung winked. "But no offense Mr. Tour Guide.... Why do you look like that?" he snickered.

"Huh? I look fine? What are you playing on?" Yoongi said, looking at his body and clothes.

"You look like a dying man" Taehyung laughed while Yoongi crossed his arms. "Are you on drugs or something? You look weird" he added, continuing to laugh.

"I don't care shithead." Yoongi fought. "Why did you even call me? To annoy me?"

"I wanted to travel 'Mr. Tour Guide'~" Taehyung winked again, making Yoongi scoff.

"Let's go then." The older said, patting Taehyung's back harshly that resulted in the younger to bump his head on the Telephone.

"ow" he said.

Taehyung then went in front of his closet to remove his shirt while Yoongi sits at a chair, watching Taehyung silently. After the younger changed his clothes, they went outside the hotel, and rode at Yoongi's car.

"I think you'll enjoy at the place we're going" Yoongi said, looking at the road. Taehyung nodded, throwing his head repetitively because of the music.

After a few minutes, they have arrived at the place and Yoongi gladly pulled Taehyung outside the car.

"Welcome to Ala Moana Center! It's one of the most largest malls in Honolulu and Hawaii itself!"Yoongi said, spreading his arms in front of Taehyung to show the beauty of the mall.

Taehyung smiled a bit at the older's attitude. "It's very nice... and fancy too. Great taste, Mister Tour Guide." he said, giving an impressed look at Yoongi which made the older smile. Taehyung thought that it was... adorable.

"Thank you for that, shithead." Yoongi smiled. "However, here... You can go shopping, have dinner, and take pictures of the view! Isn't it nice?"

The younger nodded cheerily. "Yes. It is."

Yoongi grinned at the response and held Taehyung's arm to pull him inside the mall. "We also have Gucci here, Chanel or Louis Vuitton if you want to spend a lot of money. I think you're that type of a man." 

Taehyung glared at Yoongi but soon replaced with a smirk. "Yes I am. And thank you for that information. Now we'll spend the rest of the day picking for outfits and accessories at those places."

The older frowned. "But that's boring. You can also wander around the gardens here... I'm here to tour you anyway, not to assist you on picking designer clothes"

"Fine. Let's shop first then let's do that. Happy now Mister Tour Guide?"

"Happy isn't the right word, but it's acceptable." The older said.


it's old news but, incase you didn't know, I changed my username to @nanadulcet. I was @demureyoongi before but things change ;)))

N e ways... tune in for a change in Taegi's relationship too ♡


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