Chapter 15: Join Us

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"People has secrets, my tour guide."

Yoongi flinched at that phrase, and soon, they were being called by the camp leader to stand up and join them to the dance.

"Campfire in Hawaii is never fun without dances! Come dance with us!" The leader said, making several tourists stand up and walk around the campfire in circles. They all laughed, enjoying the music and moving their body freely, not caring about the others judging them. Same to Yoongi and Taehyung, they swing their hips, dancing along with the people while Taehyung tries to tease Yoongi whom is in front of him.

"Yoongi-ah~! Let's dance together~!" Taehyung sang, trying to hold Yoongi's shoulders. The older dances away, not letting Taehyung hold him. "Nope~! You ain't holding me~"

Taehyung then chuckles and shows a smirk. "Are you sure about that? Well, I want to hold you." He says, then finally running to catch a playful Yoongi. 

The both of them were running around the campfire and people are watching them with smiles on their faces. They kept on running at a fast pace, yet Taehyung catches Yoongi after a lot of sprinting.

"Gotcha!" Taehyung exclaims, hugging Yoongi from the back with a victorious look on his face. 

Yoongi, however, is laughing and is trying to let go from Taehyung's hold. He kept on swinging his body exaggeratedly, making the two of them fall on the sand.

Taehyung hovers over Yoongi, and their faces were close yet again. The people were cheering for them, lots of squeals and shouts heard while the two of them feels hot.

Yoongi is sweating and Taehyung is smirking, smiling cockily while he moves his face close to Yoongi's.

The older closed his eyes, but he did not feel a peck or a kiss. Instead, he felt Taehyung chuckling brightly while offering his hand. 

Yoongi took it, and stood up to dust off the sand on his body, and the people were still cheering for them. They smiled and continued dancing.

"Such a sweet couple." an old woman said, touching her chest while smiling stupidly.



Next chap will be TEAAA!

Please tune in and thank you for spending your time reading this crap ♡

I hope it made you smile at least a little :))

See you on the next one ♡

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