Chapter 5: The Deal

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Yoongi just got home from his work (Touring Taehyung) and he was met with his roommate sitting at his couch. "Yoongi-chi, you're finally touring that 'Taihyung' guy?"

"It's 'Taehyung' hyung, and yes, I started touring him." Yoongi answered, sighing in relief.

"Sooo... What happened? Did you two fought again?" 

"Of course, Jin-hyung. We fought when I first dropped by at his house, and when we picked a Gucci coat at the mall. It was exhauuussting..." Yoongi said, sitting beside Jin with a tired expression.

"At least you're doing your job. But, Yoongi-chi... I think that Taehyung and I will be close when we meet." Jin said, massaging Yoongi's shoulders with a smug look on his face.

"How can you know?"

"We're both 'Kims' duhhh" Jin giggled, laughing at his own remark wile Yoongi rolls his eyes. "Whatever, hyung. I'll rest now." the younger said, walking towards his room.

"Rest well Yoongi-chi my roommate!" 

The next day, Yoongi was called on by Taehyung again, preparing himself and grooming himself for the upcoming tiring job. 

"Hey Mister Tour Guide~ I waited again." Taehyung said, smirking.

"Don't call me that, It's annoying."

"What did you say? Mister Tour Guide?" the younger teased and moved his face closer to Yoongi. The older gave no response and just rolled his eyes.

"Why aren't you answering, Mister Tour Guide?" he continued teasing the older with an evil grin plastered on his face.

"If you annoy me one more time-"

"MISTER TOUR GUIDE I CAN'T HEAR YOU~!" Taehyung joked, earning a light slap on his shoulders.

"Why can't you just be normal for once, Taehyung?"

The younger frowned. "I don't have 'normal' in my vocabulary."

"Ugh. For god's sake! If you're going to continue this attitude, I might as well replace myself with another tour guide!"

"Why can't you just accept my attitude, Yoongi?" Taehyung said, his face really close to Yoongi's. The older moved back but Taehyung held his arms and looked at him in the eyes intensely. "Yoongi, tell me. Why can't you like me?"

Yoongi can't speak and thankfully, his phone rang and he answered it immediately, moving away from Taehyung.

"Hey dad."

"Yoongi-ah. Son." a sad tone from the other line was heard and Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows.

"Dad? Is anything wrong there?"

"Your mom collapsed again today. And the doctor says that we'll need to stay in the hospital for several days. We don't have that much money, son... D-do you have extra savings there in Hawaii?"

"I-uhh... I have some money here. Don't worry dad, I'll think of something to earn more... P-please just wait until I send you the payment for the hosp-pital" Yoongi said, teary eyed as Taehyung stands beside him, overhearing the call.

"I'm sorry for this son... You know that I can't earn money because of my condition. I'm sorry for making you do this alone son..."

"It's okay dad. I can handle this. Now rest. Don't stress yourself. I'm going to go now." Yoongi said, ending the call after his father said goodbye. He wiped his tears and forgot that Taehyung was beside him.

"You okay?" The younger asked, touching Yoongi's shoulders.

"I don't know."

"I heard that you need urgent money."

Yoongi scoffed. "So what?"

"I can help you."

The older moved away from him. "No thanks. I'm not a charity case."

Taehyung held his arm again, making the older look at his eyes. "I want to help your family."

"You don't even know them."

"I don't care." Taehyung said. "You know what? Let's make a deal."

Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows again."Huh?"

"A deal. I'll give you the amount of money that you need for your family and send it to them, and in return, you'll be nice to me, tour me properly like you're supposed to be doing, and follow my orders."

"So, It's like I owe you?" Yoongi asked, his eyes glassy from crying earlier.

"Yes. But think about it. Your family won't suffer." the younger said. "So.. what do you say? Deal?" Taehyung asked, giving his hand out to Yoongi.

Yoongi stared at Taehyung's hands and hesitated. 





What's your favorite song? There's an hour left till the MV hits the 24 hour mark but KEEP STREAMING. I haven't stopped streaming since and I'm currently exhausted lmao.

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