Chapter 9: Eat Together

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Taehyung muttered, sitting beside a curious Yoongi.

"Son, How are you there? Anything unusual?"

"Nothing new, I'm just touring here with the tour guide that Namjoon-hyung hired for me." Taehyung said, flashing a smile at Yoongi whom is blushing and dumping his head on the pillow.

"Oh! That's good that you're enjoying your stay there. It's sad that we can't go there too. Your mother seems to need that kind of vacation."

"Hm? Is mother still sad? How is she?"

"Still the same. I'm worried but... I'll figure this out."

"Okay. Good luck with that dad. You need something else from me?"

"Nah, I'll talk to you some time again. My secretary is calling me. Bye son, enjoy your stay!"

"Bye dad." Taehyung ended the call, sighing while he thinks of his mother. Imagining how sad she is, locking herself on her room, not eating at all, and thinking that her eyes are swelling. It was a hard thing to accept, especially for Taehyung. 

"You okay?" Yoongi asked with concerned eyes, gently patting Taehyung's shoulders. The younger smirked instead, slightly looking at Yoongi while he secretly grabs a small pillow and funnily smacked it on the older's face. 

Yoongi, however, scrunched his face and stuck his tongue out to show his annoyance. The younger chuckled and stood up to walk towards his small but fancy kitchen. "Want to eat, hyung?"

Yoongi raised his eyebrows at that and gave a little smirk. "Hyung? You're calling me hyung now? That's odd." 

Taehyung then looked sensually at Yoongi and smirked back. "What? Do you want me to call you 'Babyboy' instead?" he teased, making Yoongi clear his throat and blush intensely. Taehyung let out a silent laugh, grabbing a pan on a cabinet. "So... omelets? or nah?"

"Yeah, I'll eat omelets. Thanks." 

"Still shocked on your nickname, eh? Want me to call you that often?"

Yoongi widened his eyes and looked at a cocky Taehyung. "Do you want to make people think that we're weird?" He defensively argued, his ears red.

"Your face says the opposite, hyung~" Taehyung teased, staring at Yoongi's red face for a few seconds, and continued cooking afterwards.

Yoongi chuckled and walked towards Taehyung. "Okay, you got me. Happy?"

"Very happy. Now go sit there and wait for this yummy food. Sorry, this is the only food that I know how to cook well."

"It's fine, some other time, we should eat together with my roommate. He cooks delicious food. He also works here so... you can trust him." Yoongi winked at the younger, making him laugh while serving the food to the older.

"I'll look forward to that, hyung." Taehyung said, sitting in front of Yoongi and giving a big smile while he attractively looks at Yoongi while eating the food on his fork.

The older giggled. "Stop flirting at me!"

You almost kissed me earlier, don't you remember that?  Yoongi thought to himself.

"Okay, okay. I'll stop." Taehyung surrendered, raising both of his hands to make the older nod in satisfaction.

You should stop attracting the fuck out of me before I fall. 


ugh, cheesy line.

but they'll meet our precious jin!

let's get this bread 🍞

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