Chapter 14: Camping

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Double update so check if you read the other one :)

"Ey, shithead. Let me give you an awesome experience here in Hawaii!"

"Quit the tour guide act, hyung." Taehyung chuckles, grabbing Yoongi's arm to pull him inside his room. The smaller then sits at the fancy couch and lays his head on his palm while looking at Taehyung in a hesitant way.

"What ya lookin' at, hyung? My glorious muscles?" Taehyung jokes, pulling his shirt off with a smirk etched on his face. The older hisses and snickers but does not respond a single word.

"Where are we going? Do I need to bring some stuff? Ey Mr. Tour Guide?"

Yoongi blinks a few times and nods quickly, regaining his thoughts for a second. "Yeah. Bring a camping bag, sleeping bag, a mat or something. We're going camping!" The older says, smiling from ear to ear, and Taehyung can tell that he's excited from the way the smaller acts.

The younger hums and wears his favorite t-shirt, smiling to himself while Yoongi plays some random game on his phone. "Do you have your things prepared, hyung?"

"uh..." Yoongi mutters, tapping on his phone for a moment, definitely focusing on the game. "Yeahh.. It's all in my backpack."

Taehyung says an 'okay' and fixes his needed things for the camping trip that Yoongi just said a while ago.

After a while, they are now inside Yoongi's car, arranging their things before starting the engine. They drove towards a popular park that provides a camping program for the night. The two of them arrives after somewhat an hour and they were grinning to each other because of some funny-flirty joke that Taehyung said.

"Welcome to Camp Mokulēʻia!" A staff exclaims, surprising the two guys that were just walking around. "Feel free to enjoy the scenery of this beautiful park, and get ready for the singing and dancing at the campfire tonight!"

"Oh! Luwela!" Yoongi says. "Nice to meet you again!"

"Yoongi? Min Yoongi? Oh! Welcome back!" The staff says, shifting his gaze to Taehyung. "And who this might be? Your boyfriend?"

Yoongi shakes his head and laughs awkwardly. "NO, no no no.... He's my client! I'm your favorite tour guide here, remember?"

"Oh! Yes yes... I'm sorry to assume." The staff looks at Taehyung again, mouthing a 'sorry'. "Then, enough chatting with me and enjoy your stay!" she says and waves while leaving to talk to other tourists.

"She's a close friend of mine here..." Yoongi explains to the younger, earning a nod.

"Now let me tour you and camp!"


The two of them wandered around the park, Yoongi explaining the histories of the precious bodies of land and water on the park. After hours of enjoying at the beach and running at the sands, they've decided to stay at the famous campfire venue. The sun is setting and the two of them chose their seats and waited for the other tourists that will join the campfire tonight.

"Oh! You're early hoalohas! I have the other tourists here, and let's light up the fire!" The staff member says, talking to the tourists and telling them to sit down on the sand or logs of trees.

Taehyung and Yoongi smiled, looking at the other people while the camp fire is being lit.

What a nice atmosphere to live at. Taehyung thought.

"Sunday morning, rain is falling~" All the people around the campfire sings the famous song and all of them swings their body while raising their hands. Taehyung then took this opportunity to lay his head on Yoongi's shoulders while singing along with a low volume of voice. The people continued singing along, then the leader pointed his stick to Taehyung. The people looked at him, waiting for him to sing the next part, and Yoongi is, too.

"That may be all I need~" Taehyung sings, earning a smile from the people and a surprised look from Yoongi.  The leader continued singing, not pointing his stick to Taehyung anymore. The younger sings along too, now with a louder volume. Yoongi taps his shoulder and said, "You have a nice voice?!" 

Taehyung chuckles, "Is that a question or a compliment?"

"Both?" Yoongi giggles. "But wow... your voice is nice. You should sing to me often."

"Really?" Taehyung questions, "Then okay, whatever you want, I'll give it to you"

"But why didn't you tell me this information earlier?" Yoongi exclaims, pulling Taehyung's biceps playfully.

"People has secrets, my tour guide." Taehyung winked. 


Double update!!!

Next chapters will be... idk

See you soon and I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Love yall ♡

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