Chapter 7: Beach Talks

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"Do you wanna travel today shithead?"

A voice from no other than Min Yoongi was heard and it made Taehyung smile. "I want to." he replied.

"Let's go to the beach today, then. For a change." Yoongi mumbled, his face looking up to meet Taehyung's and his smile could give the younger a heart attack. Nonetheless, they're just friends, and that's it. Friends.

"Let's go. I don't want to swim today though..." Taehyung spoke, grabbing his shades and hat while Yoongi wears his black cap. "Then we'll just watch the sunset there." the older said.

"Okay." Taehyung grinned on Yoongi's direction. "I'll look forward to that."

"No shit. This beach is so beautiful, hyung." The younger said, putting his hand on his chest as he opens his mouth. Yoongi, on the other hand, cockily grinned while watching Taehyung look at the sea. "There are still many pretty beaches here on Hawaii, Tae." He said, looking at the sea too. "Do you want to eat first? Maybe some Ice cream? I know some stores here." Yoongi added. 

"Ice cream is nice. We should get one then let's sit here afterwards." Taehyung answered, patting the cement ledge that they can sit on to watch the tides and the sun.

"Okay." Yoongi said, following Taehyung as they walked towards his favorite Ice cream place near the beach. They both agreed on the flavors, and sometimes, share and taste each other's Ice cream. They came back to the beach after a few minutes.

"This flavor tastes delicious. Let's buy there again next time." Taehyung says, licking his Ice cream. Yoongi giggled because of that. "No problem, Tae."

They were like that for like god-knows-how-long and they had conversations, that made them know each other more.

"Taehyung, I haven't asked you this so i'm asking it now... Why are you taking a vacation here on Hawaii?"

Taehyung stared for a moment and cleared his throat. "I-uhmm... want a break.." 

"a break from what?"

Taehyung gulped, and looked at the sea for a moment. "A break from everything."

"Why?" Yoongi asked, looking at Taehyung's way in a concerned manner.

"It's suffocating back there in Korea right now. I can't face the problems there at this moment." the younger said, staring at Yoongi with a strange look in his eyes. 

Can it be sadness? Loneliness? We don't know.

"What happened there in Korea?" Yoongi asked, holding Taehyung's hand.

"Too many questions, hyung." he joked, giving a fake chuckle.

"I'm asking you tae.."

Taehyung then sighed and lookef down. "My... M-my grandfather died."

Yoongi frowned and squished Taehyung's hand gently. "I'm sorry to hear that."

"I was his favorite Granchild, he... h-he taught me a lot of t-things... but-but now he's gone." Taehyung cried, now Yoongi hugging him tightly. "I-I don't know what to do without him" 

"You can get through this, okay? Your grandfather must be proud of you, and he's surely happy there in heaven. I'm here Taehyung." Yoongi said, patting the younger's back. "I know that we aren't that close, and we fight often, but... I'm here."

Taehyung stopped crying and broke their hug. "Thank you hyung. It feels so nice to vent out these feelings to somebody." He said. A gentle smile making its way on his face. Yoongi smiled back, in relief. "I'm glad to help." He then looked back at the sea. "It's the sunset."

"Yeah..." Taehyung said, looking at the sun then at Yoongi. "It's beautiful." he mumbled, staring at Yoongi instead of the sun.

"Yeah it is."



ANYWAYSSS, I'm 2 chapters away from finishing this fic, and I'm kind of sad :(((

I haven't got a lot of sleep these days. (mostly because I'm crying over how lucky I am to ship Yoonkook and Taegi)
And It's kind of my guilty pleasure rn.

Anyhowwww.. It's just the beginning of this book! Tell me if you want a double update because I will gladly do it ;)


(hey you, i see you 😊 thank you for everything bun 💕)

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