Chapter 21: The Uncontrollable

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The next few days since the family's stay, Taehyung and Yoongi's relationship has gotten more strong. And also... Namjoon has gotten more suspicious and observant. Yet, the two lovers are still oblivious about the older brother's odd attitude. Even Taehyung whom is warned.

Unfortunately, in one sunny afternoon in Hawaii, Namjoon caught Taehyung and Yoongi sharing a quite heated moment under the shades of the trees at the beach. With this, all of his suspicions are now answered. His brother is.... Gay.

He furrowed his eyebrows and squinted his eyes when he saw the two lovers pecking each others lips lovingly, knowing that he must do a way to get Taehyung out of 'that' phase.

Well, if we observe Namjoon carefully, he can be a bit... homophobic. And if it means doing cruel things to remove Taehyung's weirdness or gayness, then he'll gladly do it. For the sake of their family he thinks.

Sadly, after the moment when Namjoon saw the two of them kiss, he immediately called the hotel and told them to remove Yoongi as Taehyung's tour guide. 'He shall never even breathe near Taehyung and see a single strand of hair or skin of my younger brother' he says. And by that, he thought that it's enough to keep them away from each other.

His brother can be straight again.

That's what he thought.

Right after Yoongi got removed as Taehyung's Tour guide, the younger immediately made his way onto Namjoon's room and furiously called his brother's name.

The older heard his younger brother's yells and finally walked out of his bedroom to meet Taehyung whom is stomping his foot while sitting at his couch.

"Taehyung." Namjoon sternly said, glaring scarily.


"Taehyung, we need to talk-"

"Why did you fire Yoongi?"

"What? I just removed him-"

"I'm not saying this again. Why.... Did.... You.... Fire.... Yoongi?!"

"I saw you two kissing at the beach." Namjoon harshly answered.

Taehyung widened his eyes, his brother catching him off guard. "W-wait what?"

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