Chapter 16: The Stars

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"hahaha, fuck you! I never told you to catch me like that, you idiot!" Yoongi exclaims, slapping Taehyung's biceps while laughing horrendously. They were walking away from the campfire just like the other tourists do, and went to a more quiet and private place. The younger smiled and lays his arms to Yoongi's shoulders as they walk. "It's not my fault that you're not letting me hold you~! It's your fault that we fell on the sand" Taehyung teased.

Yoongi rolls his eyes with a big smile on his face. "Whatever." he says. 

Taehyung then stopped their tracks and laid his mat on the sand, putting it properly. He then sat on it and invited Yoongi to sit beside him.

"Hey, My tour guide. Before coming here, I searched a few things about Hawaii. And it says that most of the stars are seen here." he paused, turning his head to face the older. "I've done research, chief." The younger said and gestured a soldier position, trying to make Yoongi giggle.

"So you want to stargaze here?"

"Yep. Look!" Taehyung pointed at the sky. "There's a lot of stars up there!"

Yoongi looked up and giggled. "You're right. What's that called?" he asks, pointing at a constellation.

Taehyung scratches his head and said, "I... I-i don't exactly know their names, but I'm sure it has a great name! haaahha" he laughs awkwardly, making Yoongi chuckle.

Aish, I should've memorized the name of the constellations, I'm an idiot. Taehyung says to himself.

"That's fine, I think you were too busy anyways." Yoongi said, giving a soft grin to the younger then looks at the sky again.

Taehyung smiled back, a soft feeling was felt in his stomach, not knowing what's the cause of it.

"The stars are more prettier than you, hyung."


"Oh shit- What I mean is.. You're more prettier than the stars!" Taehyung quickly said, anxious because of his failure to say a pick up line.

"Okay?" Yoongi says, laughing afterwards, making the younger laugh too.

"You know... It's nice to be like this sometimes..." The older says.

"What do you mean.. 'like this'?"

"What I meant is like... serene atmosphere... you can hear the waves of the sea... you can look at the stars with a person that you trust, and just... let yourself out there." Yoongi says, closing his eyes while inhaling a deep breath.

Taehyung can't help but to stare.

Yoongi is just so... Beautiful

He only looked at the older, admiring his pretty little face and grinning softly. But... Yoongi opened his eyes, and caught Taehyung staring. 

He stared back with calmness on his face and Taehyung widened his soft smile which made Yoongi smile back, too.

Taehyung sighs. "ah. you're too beautiful for my own good, hyung." and holds Yoongi's cheek, now facing him as he engulfed him in a soft kiss. Yoongi kissed back, letting himself be vulnerable in Taehyung's touch, giving small whimpers as their hearts were racing too fast. Taehyung pushes Yoongi slowly on the mat, now on top of him while their lips dances together. He then widened his eyes and broke the kiss as he sat up from their intense position.

"Fuck! What did I do?!" Taehyung exclaims, covering his mouth with shocked eyes.

Yoongi sat up too and touched his lips. "Y-you... k-kissed me?"

Taehyung looked at Yoongi in horror and covered his face. "Fuck! I'm screwed. You won't talk to me ever a-again because of this"

"Why did you kiss me Tae?"

"Why did you kiss me back?" Taehyung countered, his hands still covering his face.

"You're not answering my question Taeh-"

"It's because I like you, okay?" he exclaimed, ducking his head in embarrassment. "I started to like you, hyung."

"oh. so you're saying that you like me? Am I hearing this right? Because last time I checked, you hated m-"

"Yes you're hearing this right. Now why did you kiss me back??"

Yoongi was taken off guard and looked down from hearing that question again, playing with his fingers uncontrollably. "uhm... I don't know??" Yoongi mumbled, avoiding Taehyung's stare.

"You kissed me back because you don't know? What kind of answer is tha-"

"okay fine! maybe... I like you back?" Yoongi squeaked, making the younger raise his eyebrows.

"Seems fake. I don't buy it." Taehyung says, now holding Yoongi's chin to make him face him closely. "I confessed, hyung. I want a more acceptable response." He grinned, causing the older to gulp.

"I like you too." Yoongi finally said, his chin still on Taehyung's hold. "Now will you let my face go?"

Taehyung smiled at that and cocked his head on the side. "That's the answer that I want to hear." He then chuckled, making the older confused. "But nope! I won't let go of you." He said and grabbed Yoongi's cheeks to meet his lips again in a hungrier kiss.

The younger then slides his hands towards Yoongi's waists, pulling him onto his lap while Yoongi lays his arms on Taehyung's shoulders, kissing him passionately with such love.

Taehyung roams his hands on Yoongi's body, rubbing his thighs as he laid Yoongi in the mat once again. They continued kissing each other, rubbing each other's bodies, actually needing more.

Yet, Yoongi broke the kiss and subtly pushed Taehyung's chest as they take heavy breaths.

"Hyung. I want to kiss you mor-"

"We're on a public place, tae. Somebody could see us." The older says, giving a last peck on Taehyung's lips.

"I want to take you home, Hyung." Taehyung softly smiled.

"Then take me."



wink wOnk ;)

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