Chapter 6: Great Tour Guide

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"Welcome home, yoongo boongo~" Jin said, eating a slice of cake on their dinner table. Yoongi said 'Hey, hyung' and sat beside him to steal some on his plate.

"Anything important that happened today?" Jin questioned, munching on his food while Yoongi slices a piece of cake. "Not much, hyung. Why?"

"Just wondering... You talk cool about him these days, what's up with you and Mr. Kim?"

Yoongi sighed and looked at the older. "He helped me with something...." he then looked down and said, "I owe him my coolness, so... that's that."

"Aweee, my baby's being calm today!" The older said and pinched Yoongi's cheeks. "As your hyung here in Hawaii for about 2 years... I'm happy to see yoongi boongi like this!"

Yoongi removes Jin's hands on his face and gave a judging look which made the older laugh. "Hyung, stop 'baby'ing me"

"Whatever... You're still a baby brother to me." 

A knock on Taehyung's door was heard and he opened it, revealing a happy Yoongi wearing an adorable beach hat and a big backpack. "Hey, sir shithead! Are you ready to travel around the beautiful island of Hawaii?"

Taehyung chuckled at the cheeriness of the older and he nodded with a small grin. "Yes, I am."

With that said, Yoongi giggled and hugged Taehyung's arms to pull him outside the hotel door. "Then let's go!" he said, making Taehyung choke a cute laugh. "I planned a lot of cool things that I think you would enjoy today!"

Taehyung looked at Yoongi with an impressed expression. "Really? You think that I'll enjoy whatever we'll be doing today?"

"Just think that I'm a close friend of yours that wants to tour you around, okay?" Yoongi said, still clinging to the younger's arms.

"Alright." Taehyung responded, letting himself be pulled by this cute man.

By cool things, Yoongi meant by buying ice cream together, wearing matching bracelets, and putting henna tattoos together. Taehyung cannot resist these things anyway, and he can't deny... he had fun.

Yoongi smiled throughout the entire afternoon, pulling Taehyung into places that he knew that the younger would enjoy. Once, in the ice cream shop, Taehyung accidentally booped his ice cream onto Yoongi's face, which made the older pout, but Taehyung immediately wipes it off and they shared a bit of a silent staring contest, I must say.

Surely, when they were walking around Hawaii, people were giving them weird glances and looks, but neither of them care. They we're thinking of a wrong thing anyway. They're just friends. Or are they?

"The owner will scold us if you waste so much ink, or if that's what you call that" Yoongi said, pointing at the pen that Taehyung uses for drawing his henna tattoo. 

The 'thing' that they are doing in this situation, is that Taehyung draws whatever he wants on Yoongi's part of the body, and vise versa.

Taehyung decided to draw butt cheeks and a ridiculous cowboy  on both Yoongi's ankles. However, Taehyung wasn't doing a great job and he kept on erasing what he's drawing. Yoongi caught the owner looking at them with a pissed expression, and he scolded Taehyung to hurry.

On the other hand, Yoongi have decided to draw a poop on top of a body because of Taehyung's nickname to him; 'Shithead'.

"Where do you want me to draw your tattoo?" Yoongi asked, excited to draw his hilarious idea.

"Can I have it on my stomach?"Taehyung smirked while Yoongi gulped. "Sure."

Taehyung then removed his shirt in front of the older whom is speechless. Yoongi just stared at the younger's body and soon woke up from his trance to draw the 'shithead'.

Afterwards, when Taehyung saw it, he widened his eyes and furrowed his eyebrows playfully. "What is this?!"

"It's a shithead, shithead." Yoongi teased, choking in his laugh while Taehyung pinched his cheeks.

"You're really something, Min Yoongi."

"It's 'hyung' to you, shithead."

Damn it'll be a long fun day.


This is a late post and sorry for that :))

However, let's enjoy bangtan's comeback okay??

Thank you for reading! Have a nice day! LY :))

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