Chapter 27: I'm Back

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Taehyung has arrived back home.

'Trust me on this.' those words are repeatedly ringing on Taehyung's ears. Yoongi said those words to him a week ago and yet he never called him or texted him back.

What a shame.

Taehyung continued to work on his company, Namjoon now free from work and doing some things that are kind off shady to the younger because he never tells him what it is. He still waits, waits until Yoongi texts him at least, but it's saddening how he didn't care.

Maybe he's busy?

He doesn't even know anymore.


"Hyung, I don't get it." Taehyung says, removing the lollipop from his mouth and he sighs. "Why isn't Yoongi hyung replying again? Did I do something wrong?"

"Nah, you didn't do anything. He did tell you that he's finding a way right? Maybe he's arranging his things there to come back here in Korea." Namjoon calmly says, sipping his coffee while explaining to the younger.

"Maybe." Taehyung answers, holding up his head to face his hyung. "But why isn't he answering though? Should I come there instead to check up on him?"

Namjoon snickers. "No, you dummy. Just let him be there. Besides, Aren't you an Jin hyung communicating once in a while?"

The younger furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, "What? No. He isn't answering my texts and calls either. Should I be suspicious now?" he asks Namjoon but when he looked at him, he's silently laughing. "What the hell are you laughing about, hyung?"

Namjoon stops laughing, calming himself down. "Nothing. It's just so fun seeing you like this, Taehyung-ah."

"Am I a joke to you?"

"What???" Namjoon asks with a smile visible on his face, "No! Of course not. You're so moody, you should lighten up a bit. Maybe buy me more coffee?" he adds, shaking his empty coffee cup and Taehyung growls, standing up irritatingly to extend his hand to Namjoon. The older mumbles a 'what?' and Taehyung gives a fake smile.

"The money. Give it to me." he says, moving his hands in front of Namjoon's face.

"The what?"

"The money." Taehyung gritted his teeth, obviously starting to get mad at his annoying brother.

"Use your own. I forgot my wallet, teehee" Namjoon says, smirking. Taehyung huffs. "When did you get so annoying?"

"Blame Jin for that." he answers and Taehyung furrows his eyebrows.

"Jin-hyung? What are you―you're talking to him without me knowing?"

"Just buy me coffee already! I'm literally dozing off again." Namjoon exclaims, acting like he's sleepy and Taehyung aggressively leaves his office.


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"Two large Doppios please, and an Old-Fashioned Glazed Doughnut." Taehyung orders, giving his credit card to the cash registrar. After a few minutes, he receives his order and starts to walk outside the shop, but then he hears a ridiculous loud laugh that is quite familiar.


He immediately looked around to find the owner of that laugh and he did.


He ran towards him and immediately engulfed him in a yearning hug. "Jin hyung! You're here? In Korea?!"

Jin laughs more and ended his phone call, "Of course I am in Korea, does this place look like Hawaii to you?"

"No" Taehyung laughs and moves backward to break their hug. He stays on Jin's booth, sits in front of him and eagerly asks him. "Where's Yoongi?" he says, and he didn't missed the slight frown on Jin's face when he mentioned Yoongi. "Hyung? Where's Yoongi?" he anxiously asked, shaking from fright.

"Uhm, about―him." Jin says, tangling his fingers together on the table. "He's―"

"Jin! How are you~" Namjoon's voice echoed through the entire cafe and they received glances from the staff.

"I'm fine Joon-ah! You?! How are you? It's nice getting calls from you everyday." He winks and Namjoon blushes. "Thanks, by the way. You're the reason why I'm back here on Korea with a perfectly stable job, house, and more!"

"No problem hyung." Namjoon says, grabbing Taehyung's order from his hands. "As you can see, I sent Taehyung here to buy me coffee but he didn't come back to his office soon so I came here... and found you."

The youngest of them furrowed his brows and complains. "Why aren't you answering me? Where's Yoongi? Is he still in Hawaii?"

"You're so stubborn aigoo~" Jin growls. "I don't know where he is. We fought and he left me. End of story." he says and rolls his eyes.

"What the heck?"

"Taehyung-ah.. I'm sorry if I didn't tell you 'that' sooner when Jin hyung and I were talking. I just― please forget about him for a moment please? He did something bad to Jin-hyung and I'm really disappointed in him. You should be too."

The youngest furrows his eyebrows once more. "What did he do?"

"Yoongi and I fought. A really bad one." Jin says, looking straight at Taehyung's eyes with a sad yet pissed expression.


"because I scolded him when he flirted with a hot dude. What's his name again?" Jin rubs his chin. "Ah―Jeongguk is it? Anyways, I told him that you're waiting for him here and he should be loyal to you but I think someone casted a spell on him or something..."

"So?" Taehyung asks.

Jin clicked his tongue. "So he left our apartment and ran away with that dude. What a terrible friend if you ask me." he finished then drank his last sip of coffee.

What the fuck?

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