Chapter 25: HOME

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Taehyung sighs in both dismay and sadness as he walks around the airport. It's too soon to even leave here, hell Yoongi hasn't even replied yet, he thought.

He was the only one left on Hawaii, Namjoon and his parents got back home a few days ago, and they kept on asking him to finally go back — home.

"Okay, hyung. Don't worry, It's still 2 hours long before the flight. I'm gonna wait here."

Namjoon hummed from the other line, clicking his tongue. "Enough of the flight, He's still hasn't replied?"

Taehyung wets his lips and mumbled a 'yeah, still no reply.' while checking his messages to Yoongi. A tear escaped his eye and he immediately wiped it away.

"Still wait, brother." Namjoon uttered. "He'll soon respond. I still believe."

"I don't know, hyung. Either ways, It's still his choice." Taehyung said, fiddling with his fingers.

"Okay. Take care, Taehyung-ah. I gotta hang up now, dad's calling. Bye."

"bye." He ended the call and sat down to lay his head comfortably at the waiting seats. 

I can't believe I came here broken, and also go home more broken, he thought. 

He then swayed his legs, played on his phone, listen to his music playlist until he heard an airport announcement.

"Good afternoon passengers. This is the pre-boarding announcement for flight 89B to Korea. We are now inviting those passengers with small children, and any passengers requiring special assistance, to begin boarding at this time. Please have your boarding pass and identification ready. Regular boarding will begin in approximately five minutes time. Thank you."

Hearing the announcement, Taehyung sighed and prepared his passport, fixing his beret and glasses as he stood up.

"Well, I guess ― goodbye Hawaii." he said, smiling sadly as he looked around the scenery outside the clear glasses of the airport before walking towards the checkpoint.

He pulls his luggage and sings a pretty song but there's still something missing. Justㅡcan Yoongi just come back to him? He's desperate. He doesn't want to come back homeㅡif Yoongi's not around.

Just a message, please. Taehyung pleads, not sure if he's going to give the luggage to the staff, but he does.

And along the way, he's now walking towards the plane, nothing to hold but a backpack. ㅡIt could've been Yoongi's hand.

Taehyung sits. He wonders. He cries silently. Yoongi still hasn't replied. Maybe he will, but it's too late.

He calls Namjoon, seeking for comfort even though he's a big part of thisㅡthis heartbreak. He's still the brother he looks up to and nowㅡ"Hyung?"

"Hm? Tae? Did he reply? Did you cancel your flight? How are you?" Namjoon eagerly asks, also hoping for things to get better because this is his fault. His fault.

"No. I'm in the plane so if he ever replies, I can't exit the plane. But anyway, I'm going to see you soon, hyung!" he tries to say that with enthusiasm but Namjoon heard the crack in his voice. "Yah Taehyung-ah, don't cry anymore. Justㅡcome back, okay?"

Taehyung licked his dry lips, trying to sit comfortably on his seat. "Yeah- I will."

He managed to sit there, looking at the windows while waiting for the plane to finally fly. The announcement to turn off the phones is being said, the passengers now hiding their phones on their bags or pockets. Taehyung, too,was about to put it butㅡ

ring ring.

A notification?

Taehyung turned on his phone in the speed of light and opened it with hopeful eyes.


You really are a shithead :)

I love you too.


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