[ epilogue. ]

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"Welcome to Hawaii Mr

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"Welcome to Hawaii Mr. Kim Taihung!"

"Stop touring me! I'm your ‒" Taehyung clears his throat. " ‒ boyfriend now" he said with a wide smile. Yoongi giggles and slaps Taehyung's arm, now tangled with his.

"But you can't deny~" Yoongi wriggles his eyebrows. "That was the best first impression that you've ever had."

Taehyung chuckled and held the older closer to his grasp. "You are a bold man, and I ain't denying that."

"So where to go first on our vacation, Mr. Tour guide?" he added.

"You told me to stop touring you seconds ag― well, let's go to the beach? Campfire? Stargazing?" Yoongi suggested with a flirty grin.

"Anywhere you like, baby." Taehyung flirted back, pecking Yoongi's lips softly, earning a pinch on his hips.

After all the crazy things going on, the five of them went to Hawaii (again, I know) because Jeongguk insisted to go there. He really acted like a brat because of his bruises (that Taehyung gave by the way), and Namjoon barely agrees but Jin pleaded and of course, he lost to the oldest.

The Kim family finally accepts Taehyung's sexuality and somehow, they loved Yoongi more than their sons. They were really surprised about that, but.... whatever.

Yoongi was the sunshine of the Kim family, and including Jin, he found love with a Kim too.

Jin and Namjoon are dating after a lot of bickering and teasing from each other, and now they're inseparable. As expected from all of us, yes. Namjoon somehow learned to love him despite his homophobic attitude last time and Jin looks at the younger fondly everytime.

And right now, they went back to the first place that they all met, (except Jeongguk lol).


"JOON I SWEAR TO GOD ― IF YOU DON'T DROP THAT CRAB I'LL KICK YOUR ASS TO THE SAND." Jin warned, pointing his small shovel to Namjoon.

Yoongi and Jin were making a small sandcastle while Taehyung takes pictures of Namjoon holding the crab that he caught. Jin was so done to Namjoon and he rolled his eyes.

"Fine, fine, hun. I'll drop it. Just let frank live in your castle plith?" Namjoon cutely said with a pout and Jin scoffed.

"Unbelievable." He huffed. "You named a crab and you think that you have the audacity to act cute right now? When I first met you -you were as straight as a raw noodle. And now... I don't even know anymore." Jin complained, throwing a handful of sand towards Namjoon's direction.

It hits Yoongi instead.


However, Yoongi's yell was ignored when Namjoon pecked Jin's lips and the oldest gave a flustered giggle."Fine. You let me fall for your charms again, fucker."

Namjoon winked and Taehyung sat beside Yoongi to touch his face. "You look like sand man"

Yoongi pouts, "Jin didn't even notice."

Taehyung laughs fondly and brushes his cheeks (which is full of sand, by the way) and stared at Yoongi's eyes for a long moment. The older's cheeks flushed in a light tint of red, and Taehyung resists himself to kiss the pretty man.

"Cute." the younger uttered.

"Stop staring." Yoongi whined, his eyes still intact with Taehyung's.

"How can I stop?" The taller said, slowly brushing Yoongi's face. "When you're this pretty?"

"Am I?" The smaller asked, wetting his lips. Taehyung immediately looked at it and smiled.

"You're going to be the death of me, Min Yoongi." he said as he moved his face closer to meet Yoongi's soft lips.

Low hums were heard as they smiled throughout the kiss, Taehyung moving his hands from Yoongi's face to his hips, pulling him more as he wants a deeper, deeper, kis―

"TOO MUCH PDA!" Jin snarled, pulling the two lovers away from each other, crossing his arms as he pulls back a laugh.

Namjoon then smirked, crouching down to pat Taehyung's shoulders harshly and playfully, laughing as Taehyung glared at him.

"Why am I the only one single here." Jeongguk complains. "I may be regretting coming here with you."

Yoongi then giggled, making the others laugh too, then they all pushed each other to the sea as they enjoyed the time of their lives.

PARADISE has officially ended.

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