Chapter 2-Leo

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"I'm not fucking going" he gruffs.

"Dude, you have to. You promised me and Coach that you would come with me. I told you I would get my shit together after last year" I demand.

"Bro, I'm past all that shit! It's all good—"I interrupt him. "You and I have too much on the line. Even if you don't see it right now" I shout. Gabe towers over me and places both hands on my shoulders almost giving me that disappointed dad look. Fuck, if he wasn't my best friend and roommate, I would kick his ass.

"Fine, I give win." he mumbles and heads back to his room to pack his bag.

I revert back to my old self for a few minutes in the silence he left me in. I can't handle this anymore. Why did I come back here? Maybe, I should have stayed in Brazil and not come back. But I did...I did because I know my mom would have been disappointed in me if I didn't graduate and try, while my dad would have cut me off if I missed my chance of going pro in the States. I tried to shake it off and finish packing myself since we were leaving in an hour.

I wanted to play pro soccer since I was five. Soccer in Brazil is a way of life, but when my dad and coach saw that I wasn't good enough to play in the club league in at 17, they said I would have a better opportunity to go pro if I went to the States. My mom didn't hesitate to the idea considering her only son could be a college graduate from the States. And when I sent videos and applications to multiple schools who in return tried to offer me the world, she jumped on board and helped me decide on Brooksville University in Florida because of their school ranking and programs, their statistics of student athletes going pro, and the flight time home to Brazil.

Gabe and I met our freshmen year and both declared ourselves as Sports Management majors. On our first day of practice we almost killed each other because we are both cocky as hell when it comes to scoring. But after realizing that we were stronger together in our first game against Weston University, we plowed the competition away the next three years. We were the best forwards in the state and scouts were taking notice since freshmen year. But after last year I put my life and future career on the line when I started drinking on a daily basis, fucking different girls every night, and getting red cards every single game for starting fights and making dirty plays when the refs weren't looking. I don't know why I did it I would tell myself when I knew exactly why I did. I was fucking afraid... I was afraid I wouldn't make it...afraid of making it and becoming like my dad who's a fucking monster. On the surface he's calm and collect but behind closed doors he pushed and pushed me to be the champion he wanted me to be and belittled my mother not only by choice of words but with his fucking hands and decisions on sleeping with any woman who was still a fan. My dad, Sandro Mendez who was the best player on Sao Paulo's team for years and was considered among the great. Though he was no Pele, he played in the World Cup and multiple championship games that earned him tons of sponsors, promotions, and a hall of fame nominee.

After barely passing my finals, I went to Brazil for three weeks to visit my mom while my dad was away on so called "business." She told me to leave Brazil and focus on school and make my dreams come true. I didn't want to leave her but I promised her I would get her away from my dad one day since I knew she wouldn't leave him out of fear. So when I got back my Coach and I had a heart to heart about my mistakes and fears. He didn't lecture me or tell me to fucking get over it, just he gave me a manly hug and told me he would help me in any way he can starting with me living with him and his wife for the remainder of the summer. He kicked my ass every day with 6-8 hours of practice and thanks to him I got into the best shape of my life. I stood 6 ft., 185 lbs., of pure muscle. His wife cooked for me three times a day and at the end of the summer she was basically my second mom. I was focused and ready to lead and rally our team together like I once did our freshmen and sophomore years, but Coach told me it would do me some good to participate in the senior mentor program in order to keep me out of potential trouble. I tried to convince him otherwise but he called me on my bullshit and said I had to.

School and official practice wouldn't be starting for another week so the program's advisers scheduled a retreat to rally the 40 or so students in the program to plan and prep for the incoming freshmen. The retreat would only last a few days, but I really didn't want to go. Yet, I made promises to my Coach and myself that this senior year would be my best. I would be focused...I would be determined...I would lead us to another championship.

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