Chapter 7-Jade

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It's Sunday night and I decide I better look at least hot for this party that I partially don't want to go to. Carlie is blasting hip-hop music from her room while we all get ready. I decide to go full on vixen because I can't stop thinking about Leo and how he was in awe of my body. Well if he stared, then he'll sure stare tonight. I throw on my favorite black dress and glitter heels, along with letting my hair fall after being in hot rollers and wearing smoky eye shadow. Meanwhile, Carlie and Kara's slender bodies are in similar black dresses and black heels. "Damn, we look good" Carlie says checking herself out in the mirror. "Yeah, I'm so going to let Gabe—" "Don't you dare finish that sentence" I say. "If you want to fuck Gabe Causse, then by all means do it, I just don't want to hear about."

Kara pouts and goes back to running lip gloss over her lips one more time.

When I reach for my bag, our doorbell rings. "Melissa's here. Let's go" I shout. When I open it, Melissa is in a short, dark purple dress and black heels. She looks absolutely adorable and I have no doubt guys will be hitting on her tonight. "Hey, girl. You look good" I say. "You sure" she says pulling at her dress. "You look amazing" she squeaks. "Yes, thank let's go have fun." I try to sound perky and fun, but part of me feels like I'm taking my kid sister to her first grown up and start to worry about losing her in the crowd.

We take an Uber ride to the party considering I'm not sure how much I'm going to drink and I know far too well that Kara and Carlie will be getting shitfaced. We arrive at the house and loud music is already spreading into the yard, cars are lining the streets, and people are spilling around it. We walk in the front door and are greeted with multiple red cups. I'd like to think my roommates and I are smarter than to take a drink from strangers, but sure enough Carlie starts chugging, Kara refuses and goes in search of Gabe, and I smack the cup out of Melissa's hand and take her hand and scurry her to the kitchen for a drink we can get ourselves. We enter the kitchen and I already feel multiple eyes on me from frat boys and athletes that I'm well acquainted with considering I've tutored half of them the past three years earning a heavy amount of cash to put in my pockets. "Hey Kevin!" I shout over the music "Can me and my friend get a drink" "Hey, gorgeous!" he embraces for a hug longer than I want. "Of course, a beer or vodka sour" he asks. "Vodka sour for both of us" I say. He reaches for the bottle and pours us each a cup. I have my eye on the cup the entire time until I hear someone say "Jade, you came?" I turn and see Leo looking me up and down and I can't help but be proud of what I'm doing him considering I see the bulge in his jeans grow. "Who's your friend" he asks trying to distract himself. "Oh, this is Melissa. She's a freshmen. Pre-med like me." Leo's eyes light-up like he's hearing the information for the first time. You are so dumb. "Well that's great. I hope you stay a while and enjoy the party. See ya around" as he walks off.

"Who was that Greek God" Melissa asks. "Nobody important—"I say "Oh, that's Leo Mendez the best forward in the state. He's no football player like me but he's bad ass" Kevin adds. "Thanks Kevin" I gruff. I grab the cups from Kevin and hand one to Melissa. "My hot tutor from last semester...well, well..." I see its Matt Fletcher the QB of the football team and the man that has it all they say. "Hey, Matt" I can't help but bat my eyelashes at this beautiful specimen. I've gone out of with him a dozen of times after I finally gave in when he wouldn't stop begging. I tutored him in Biology and would say he earned more than a B+ in that class, but after a few weeks of spending too much time with him, I realized I didn't want to fall for a football player, let alone a jock that could jeopardize my goal. He didn't seem too hurt by it considering he went back to his usual one night stands, but we remained friends since. He wraps his arm around my waist "Who's your friend?" "This is Melissa...Melissa, this is Matt" Melissa's expression says it all because she just giggles like a little school girl. He kisses me on the cheek "Alright, girl...I'll check with you later. I might need you again this semester for another biology class that I'm taking." "Sounds good, Matt. Just text me. You remember my rate, right?" "Yeah, I sure do. I'll let you know."

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