Chapter 12-Leo

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"You and Kara are what" I yell.

"Yeah, man. Kara and I made it official" he says.

"Are you serious?" I ask.

"Serious enough to know I don't want to be with anyone else" he replies.

"Seriously, the guy...the guy of one nighters and who never get serious?" I ask filling the chip bowel.

"Yes! Kara and I are official. And I'm freaking happy."

He was right. He looked ecstatic. My best friend settling down with a pretty hot chick. Yet, she was no Jade. I was too focused on soccer the last three years that all I ever had were flings, one nighters, and maybe a few repeaters. Camilla was one of those repeaters, but I haven't seen her since I started getting tutored by Jade. Fuck! I wonder if she's coming tonight. That might be a problem.

"Alright, man! I'm super happy for you" I say. I started rethinking my focus the past week or so since I first kissed Jade. I know she's busy being pre-med n' all, but I'm busy too with soccer. We haven't said much about a relationship. Part of me hoped she didn't want one because of her crazy goals but the other part of me wanted to keep her in my bed and really fuck her. Only time will tell... But I guess, we should talk to tonight.

A few hours later our house is filled with dozens of people, drinking, dancing, flirting, and probably fucking somewhere but certainly not in my room. Jade hasn't shown up yet and I'm starting to get worried. I text her at least three times, but she never responds. I make my rounds in the party and everyone is having a good time. I actually see Kara and Gabe holding hands and laughing in the corner. I see Jade's friend Carlie flirting with one of my teammates, Max. Max is certainly not her type but then again Max is loving the attention. "Carlie, where's Jade?" I ask. Carlie looks a bit uneasy. "She's not coming...she's studying at our place." What the fuck? Without thinking I grab my keys and head to her apartment.

Within 10 minutes, I'm at her front door knocking. Jade opens the door in a pink baby doll tank top and yoga shorts that make we want to do terrible things to her until she screams my name. "Why didn't you answer my text?" I growl. She looks annoyed "Because I have to study." She leaves the door open and walks away. I'm not sure if I should follow but I go inside anyway and shut the door behind me. "I call bullshit, Jade... Why didn't you show up?" She turns around and her arms are crossed over her chest "Because your distraction... I can't afford one" she yells. "Oh, hell no" I shout back "You're a distraction for me too, but we can make this work between our busy schedules. I know we—" "No we can't" she shouts. If wasn't so angry I would have noticed a small rim of water start building up in her eyes. "Yes, we can! Why can't we?" I shout. I'm almost touching her. Fuck it!

I grab her into my arms and place a kiss so hard it will probably leave a bruise for both of us. She doesn't even fight back and throws her arms around my neck. I lift her body up and she wraps her legs around my waist. I feel the warm, salty tears on her cheeks as I kiss and suck at her jawline and neck. She whimpers as I nibble her ear and palm her breasts. "Which room is yours?" I whisper. She points in a direction and I head us in that direction. I push the door open with my foot and find her soft bed laying us both on it. She removes her tank top and pull off her bra. I hover over her and lay wet, soft kisses over her neck and suck on her nipples. She's moaning and her body is screaming at me for more. Her hands grip my tee shirt and tosses it to the floor. I insert my fingers underneath the band of her shorts and gasp as I realize she's going to commando. I spread her legs wide with my hands stare at how pretty, pink, and smooth she is. My lips begin to suck and torment her until she starts crying out my name. Her fingers run through my hair and pull at every strand. She slightly pushes me away and I look up her to meet her eyes "I want you inside me" she whispers.

I remove my jeans and she uses her legs to kick them off faster. I reach for my wallet and pull out a condom and roll it on. She stares at my long cock and her eyes go wide. A moment later I'm hovering over her and gathering her wetness over the condom. Her tongue is like pure heaven and she smells like vanilla. I'm lost in her and then I enter her. She moans as I pump in and out of her and its like music to my ears. She whimpers when I pull away from her lips to catch my breath but pulls me back down without a successful attempt of taking drop of air. I'm moaning her name and I can't stop. Every thrust I enter her, I say it. And it pleases her. A thin layer of sweat starts to build between us and I only want more. With one more thrust, we ride out our high together, with her screaming my name. Fuck! I want all of her. All the time.

We roll onto our sides facing each other. She buries her head in my chest and my arms wrap around her. "I can't believe I slept with you...I told myself I had to stay away from you so many times" she whispers. I cup her cheek and raise her eyes to meet mine. "Trust me...I told myself I didn't need this...I shouldn't have this...but I couldn't stop." "I guess were inevitable like Romeo and Juliet" she says. "Just without the dying part I hope" I add. I kiss her softly on the lips "Two different worlds, two different goals, but we can make it work."

"Speaking of two, wanna go for round two?" she murmurs.

"Fuck... I'll go for three or four if you let me" I smile.

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