Chapter 5-Leo

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What the fuck is wrong with me? Why did I push her buttons? Why did I embarrass her? I seriously am the same motherfucker from last year? Wait...Why did she not screw me over like she should have?

The retreat goes pretty well or at least at it could be....I barely talk or see Jade the remainder of the trip but that was my own doing considering I completely embarrassed her and was a total asshole. But then again, she worked with different people and in a different group. However, Gabe scored Kara's number and tried to reach second and third base while we were there but she's not that easy apparently he says so he will  give it another go later on when school's in session. I highly doubt that considering the dude doesn't last longer than a few days with a girl before moving on. We all start heading out and soon it's Gabe, myself, and a few other girls including Jade. I move to climb in my jeep but before I'm completely inside I make a quick glance over at Jade, who is hollering at her friends to get in the car. Her hair is in a messy done-up bun and I am in complete awe of how beautiful she is, but I catch myself staring at her too long because she catches me. "You need to learn that it's not polite to stare, Mendez. But I appreciate the compliment" she smiles at me. "I hope not to see you at freshmen orientation on Saturday."

She climbs in her car and turns on the ignition. Her friends jump in just in time as if she was going to take off without them. I hope not to see you at freshmen orientation on Saturday? Wow, I must really get under skin. "Dude, let's go" Gabe startles my thoughts. "Alright, man I'm going."

We head back to our place where Gabe and I are living with two other players in a house off campus. Taylor and Devon both play defense and are killers on the field. They're both juniors but both are already being scouted by recruits for club and professional leagues. We walk into the house and it reeks of cheap beer and sex. "How was your therapy sessions, boys?" Taylor says. He's playing video games in his boxers and several half eaten boxes of dry cereal lay on the table, along with a few bottles of beer. "How was playing with yourself for a few days" Gabe asks. "Nah, man not these past few days...We had a few pre-school parties while you guys were gone. Speaking of which, I think Devon is upstairs still with the hot redhead from last night. She was definitely a guys should have heard her."

As if on cue, a clumsy redhead in a short black dress, with heels in hands walks down the stairs and walks past us without evening acknowledging us. Total walk of shame. "Yeah...that was her dudes." "Please tell me no one was in our rooms while we were gone?" I ask. "Not that I can think off, but then again I don't remember much" as he focuses back on his game.

"Holy, shit Devon" Gabe says. Devon walks down the stairs only in his boxers and red marks are scattered all over his chest and neck. It looked like someone hoovered his body for hours. "Hey guys...Ah, yeah...she was a little much but must have really enjoyed it because she fucking screamed the entire night." "Screaming out of pleasure or pain" Gabe adds. "Who the fuck cares, hopefully both considering how tight she was."  I shake my head and throw my bag over my shoulder. "Alright then...well guys don't forget we have our first practice this weekend. Coach expects the best. Plus we have two or three new freshmen on the team this year" I say as I move towards the stares. "Eye, eye captain" they say in unison. "Don't forget Gabe, we HAVE to go to freshmen orientation on Saturday." "You guys are doing what?" Devon asks. "Going to freshmen orientation to get to know some of our freshmen" Gabe responds. "Taylor, you wanna go with me to freshmen orientation to check out the fresh meat" Devon yells. "Hells, yes!" Taylor says.

"Fine, you guys can come but we actually have to help or work or whatever the hell we're doing...but the two of you have to stay out of way." I yell. "Eye, eye captain" they both say. I close my bedroom door behind me and throw my bag on the floor. I'm grateful that I was able to persuade my teammates that I deserved the biggest room with a master bathroom considering I was their captain but they didn't put up much of a fight.

I start removing my shirt when I hear voice from my bathroom. "Hey big boy..." she says. I turn and see Camilla staring at me in nothing but black lacey panties and no bra. Her dirty brown hair falls past her shoulders and is wearing black stiletto heels. Camilla and I met last year, during my year of mistakes and kept in contact over the summer. She was a huge soccer fan... I mean a huge fan of the soccer team and only wanted to be around us because of our social status. "Hey sexy...miss me?" I grin. "Absolutely, wanna open your back to school present?" she smirks. She pushes me on the bed and starts pulling down my sweatpants while she drops to her knees. My cock is already incredibly hard and she starts sucking at the tip where precum has begun to form. "Oh" I say pulling a fistful of her hair. I reach my climax in a few minutes after intense sucking and twirling of her tongue around my length. She swallows me whole and stands up wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. "Oh, baby that was delicious..." She falls on the bed next to me but I don't even look at her I just stare at the ceiling thinking what if I wasn't such a jackass to Jade. "Hello....Are you doing it or what?" Camilla asks me. "Doing what?" I ask not realizing that she was talking. "Are you guys throwing your big back to school party on Sunday, because I heard you were?" "Uh...Uh yeah we are." "Okay, I'll stop by then."

She closes the door behind her and I walk into the bathroom to shower. I turn the shower on and run through my head that we have freshmen orientation on Saturday, first practice on Sunday, and our annual big back to school party on the same Sunday night. I promised Coach that I would limit myself with my drinking like I've done before, no more than 5 drinks after a game win or defeat and during the week when we have practice only 1 a night. Suddenly, Jade's deep green eyes pop in my head and her full thick lips. Why is this girl in my head?

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