Chapter 8-Leo

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It's been two weeks and the ordeal is finally over. Gabe and I beat the shit out of him, before he confessed to the coach about what he did. The coach said it was my call as the captain to determine if I wanted a player like this on our team. I told him fuck no, but instead of Coach telling him he was out, he said it was my job as a leader. The kid cried and from what I understand he packed his shit up and left the school. I wonder what happened to Melissa, hoping she was okay. So I got Jade's number off the mentor roster and texted her.

Me: Hey, it's Leo. Can u talk?

Jade: Hi. No too busy.

Me: I wanted to see how Melissa is?

Jade: She's fine. Is your asshole friend gone?

Me: Not my friend. And Yes.

Jade: Fine. I'm in the biology building. Room 221

Me: Be there in 10.

I open the door to a large classroom in the Biology building. Jade has notes all across the dry erase board and a few diagrams. I wonder if she's a TA or something. God, knows she's probably smart as hell.

I walk towards her as she goes from the board to the table. "Hey" I whisper. "Hey" she looks up. "Can we talk for a few minutes?" I ask. She looks at her phone and says "I've got an hour before the class starts, so sure." We take seats in the front row and I'm reluctant to see how she pulls her knees up to her chest and turns towards me. "I wanted to let you know, we beat the shit out of him, and he's no longer on the team or at the school. I don't stand for shit like that...I want to make that clear to you since I know you already have a low opinion of me already." She pauses and meets my eyes. Damn her eyes are probably the most beautiful thing I've ever seen besides...her lips, ass, legs...Stop thinking! "I appreciate you coming and telling me that you beat the shit out of him" she laughs and I feel like its music to my ears. Stop! "Melissa is okay and knows everything stopped before it went there but she said she's never drinking at a party again...I just hope the girl isn't scarred for life" she says.

"Yeah, me too...Speaking of which I also wanted to apologize to you for real...ya know, about what happened at the cabin." A flash of embarrassment streaks across her cheeks "Oh...yeah that was embarrassing but it's been forgotten. Don't worry" she says. I place a hand on top of her knee and I feel a slight twinge in her leg. I almost feel the heat on my cheeks as I begin to ask "Are you still open for tutoring?" "Am I what?" she questions. "Everyone says you're an amazing tutor and I wanted to know if you could tutor me?" "That depends...tutor you in what?" she asks. "Shakespeare?" I say. "I heard you love literature and that shit and that you took as an elective last year and totally aced it...I'm taking it this year as an elective too and I'm already so lost in the shit." I can see an array of emotions in her face as she contemplates it, but I won't take no for an answer...because you know I need the good grade. "I'll double your rate?" I blurt. "You'll what?" she jumps out of her seat. "I'll double your normal rate." "That's pretty stupid of you considering you could probably get a good tutor at ½ my price already—" I interrupt her " Yes, but I want you...since you're the best in all." She leans against the table for a quick moment and then extends her hand to me "Deal." "Deal it is then" I say. "When do we begin?" How about tomorrow since I'm slammed the rest of the day and you said you have that class tomorrow morning? We can go over what you learned...I'm assume you're taking it from Professor Peterson?" "Yeah, not to fond of him" reply. "That's because you're lost in his shit. Say 7?" she says.  "Sounds good."

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