Chapter 25-Jade

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It's been over a month since we reunited and it's been pure chaos. I've slept at his house every night and we haven't gotten a full night of sleep since. At one point I begged him for a night off because I was so sore, but who am I kidding, the moment he touches me, I want him inside me. We've been slammed with classes, his practice and games, my TA sessions, and my paranoia of med school applications. I plan sleeping at his house this entire weekend while he's gone with the New York Red Bulls, but he keeps texting me with every little details. I was pumped to later learn Gabe got a similar offer from the Orlando City and would be going next week.

He's not back until tomorrow night so I'm catching up on sleep this Saturday morning because I know I won't get any once he's back. My phone is buzzing which pisses me off because its 9am...all I want to do is sleep. I don't glance at the number I just swipe and answer "Hello" groggily. "Will you take a collect call from Joseph Doran from the State Penitentiary ?" an automated voice asks. I shoot up from the bed. Fuck no! I immediately hang up the phone. Why the fuck is he calling me? So it looks like he was moved from county to state. I wonder— No, stop! I try to go back to sleep but I can't focus on anything else. So call my aunt. "Hey, Sarah!" "Oh, hey baby! Did you hear back yet from med school applications?" "No not yet....Umm do you know why Dad is calling me from jail?" She's absolutely silent "That motherfucker reached out to you?" "Yeah, he called me but I didn't take the call." "Serves him right...he's called me a couple of times but I told him to fuck off and stay away from you." "Do you know what happened?" I say shaking. She lets out a deep sigh "After he was arrested and you pressed charges they dug deeper and found other issues.  Looks like he was trafficking drugs for a bit, fights when he was drunk, and other complications... so they sentenced him for a minimum for 12 years, possible parole on good behavior in 10." I'm blown away by this information my aunt just laid before me. "Why didn't you tell me?" "Because you are better off not knowing. By the time he's out you'll be a successful doctor and he won't know where to find you this time." I let out a deep aunt is right. But I wouldn't mind spitting in his face one last time. I talk to my aunt a few more minutes about school and Leo before I hanging up.

I quickly look online and see visiting hours end at 5pm. I can get there in 2 hours. I decide against my better judgment because I'm fueled with rage. I shower and get dressed and head to my car. Carlie catches me before I open the front door. "Doc, where are you headed in such a frenzy?" I turn to look at her but she already knows I'm about to lie "Don't fucking lie to me unless you know it's worth it." I look into her eyes "It's worth it. I'll be back later tonight." She reaches for my arm. "Do you want me to go with you?" she whispers. "No, I need to do this on my own." She gives me a big hug "Be safe. I'll tell everyone you're doing research today." I smile and head to my car.

My drive goes by faster than I anticipated. My thoughts are swirling with what will he say or what will he do. I pull my car into a large parking lot outside an enormous, depressing, cement looking building. I walk to the gate and pull out my ID. A guard walks me inside and I take a sit at table in a large open area. It kind of reminds me of a depressing cafeteria. A few minutes later a large, tall blonde walks in. He looks older and battered with a thick layer of scruff on his face, yet his eyes are still piercing blue. If I didn't hate the man before me, I would I have figured he was a good looking guy in his younger days. He sits before me and we sit in silence for a few minutes. "Thanks for coming to see me Jay." I cringe at the sound of him calling me by my nickname my parents gave me as a kid. It no longer brought joy and excitement, just pain and bad memories of him beating my mom to a pulpit. "Don't call me that" I growl. "I'm sorry...but thank you for coming" he whispers. "You've called and you've called Aunt Sarah a million times...stop calling us. I'm here so tell me what you need to say" grinding my teeth.  "I wanted to tell you I'm sorry...sorry for everything I did. I was angry, fucked up, and I did everything wrong. I'm a bad man. I just wanted to tell you before we never see each other again. I'll be in here for a while." Silence lays between us for a while until word vomit explodes from my mouth "Yes, you are fucking bad person. You beat my mom all the time. He fucking hurt me only a couple months ago. I fucking left because you're a shitty father and a shitty person. Don't ever think about me or try to contact me ever again. You deserve whatever comes to you and you can go to hell" I scream. This must happen all the time because the guards don't even flinch as I say it.

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