Chapter 16-Leo

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It's been complete and utter bliss between Jade and I. It's been almost a month of endless sex, cuddling, studying, games, and few nights where we struggle in bed because were not in the same bed together. We're constantly sharing a bed and I feel like its absolute torture when we're not together. Gabe and Kara seem to be still sucking the life out of each other. The few times they leave Gabe's room they join us for pizza and a movie.

Gabe and I are still kicking ass on the field and Jade sent in her applications over a week ago. She's no longer tutoring me in Shakespeare, but were exploring the power of love in all sorts of ways. We're finding balance in between everything we're doing and we're actually excelling between our management of time. We were both so worried about losing focus, that I think we're actually stronger because were together now. So many of my teammates are idling us or booing us...either way I think they're just jealous of my super-hot girlfriend who seems to be wearing less and less clothes every time she comes to a game. The last one she attended she had super short cut-off jeans and my jersey with the incredibly sexy low cut front. I swear if I wasn't so focused on the field I would stare at her boobs as the jump up and down as she does when I score. Part of me is trying to score even more points than needed just so I can see it happen.

Halloween is this weekend and there's a huge party at Club Blue. It's a big deal for upperclassman at our school. I was surprised when Gabe said Kara they were going and wanted to know if we are going too. Jade wasn't a 100% sure but she gave in when she realized she could tease me all night in a costume that would make me go crazy. Damn that girl is wild once she trusts someone. I was pretty surprised to hear too that Carlie and Taylor have been spending time together. Come to find out they had a lot in common. I don't think it will last because both of their nature but they really like sucking face and playing video games together.

Surprise, surprise when I open the front door on Halloween I see a slutty teacher, slutty coach, and naughty doctor standing in front of me. Guess, which one mine is? "'re not going out in that" I say to Jade as she struts her way into my arms. "What? We're supposed to have fun and not care...remember" she innocently says. "Really, Jade" I whisper into hair. "I know you like my dirty mouth, telling you what to do when we're don't play innocent with me young lady." I smack her ass and I immediately see her ass cheeks tighten.

Carlie wonders into the living room to find Taylor who's adjusting his Clark Kent outfit, while Kara runs upstairs to surprise Gabe who is guessed it a Ref uniform. I however am going as favorite superhero growing up. I pull Jade into my chest and hold her tight as I whisper "good thing were leaving soon or else I would fuck you in the bathroom... I would muffle your screams like I've done before and make you beg me to stop..." I feel her body go a little limp as I continue. "I would pump in and out of you so fucking slow, you would be begging for release." I feel her pulse racing and I glance around to make sure no one's back in the entrance again. "You know I'm the only one to make you come and make you scream like no one else." I pull away from her and she tries to steady herself. "Oh, well too bad we have to go" I say cheekily. "Fucking asshole" she mutters. "I smack her ass headed to the front door "That's what you get for wearing something like that in're torturing me to death" I wink. "Oh, I see" she says collecting herself. "Two can play at that game." She walks out of the front and on porch waiting for Uber to pick us up. "Oh shit" I mutter. "I'm going pay for this one aren't I?"

Sure enough I did. We get to the club and the music is banging. Tons of our classmates are there from Brooksville and everyone is having a great time. We danced all night, drank a few shots, and Jade continue to sway her hips into my groin. I had enough of her tricks and treats when I saw that we've been here about two hours. I grab her hand and take her to an upstairs bathroom that was completely empty and surprisingly clean. I thrust her up on to the bathroom counter before removing her naughty doctor panties... yet again I gasp that she's going commando. I part from her for a quick minute "I'm just blocking the door." I pull out a condom and roll it down my long, hard cock. In one quick thrust I'm inside her begging to be relieved on the ache she was causing me. She bites down on my collarbone and shoulder to prevent her screams from being heard. We embarrass ourselves by coming so hard and so fast that we laugh after we finish and try to wipe away the sweat from our foreheads. Her cheeks are flushed and her eyes are smudged, but she still looks like a Victoria Secret model.

We move the blockage from the door and make our way through the loud dance floor. We yell over the music to Gabe and Kara that we're leaving. Not to our surprise, Carlie is having a serious grope session with Taylor in the corner and we walk away laughing. We hop into the Uber and head back to my place. As we exit the Uber my house is lite with people, music, and lights. We walk in and Devon is throwing a massive party. "Here, my room, or your place?" I yell over the music and into her ear. "Let's stay here and enjoy it" she yells back. I lace my fingers in hers and head to the kitchen to find Devon drinking shots with several other people. Many of my teammates are involved. "Devon, pour me a shot" Jade yells. "You'll keep me safe, right?" she asks. "Of course baby, I'm done drinking tonight and would rate myself a 3, maybe 4 on the scale...have some fun." I know Jade likes to have fun when she feels safe. She's gotten shitfaced before during her birthdays and after stressful situations. I know this is a stressful moment for her because of her crazy schedule and having recently submitted her applications.

Shot after shot, Jade shoots it down. I can tell she's beginning to feel the kick because she starts slurring her words and is becoming touchier with me. She's laughing hysterically with some of my teammates, which I don't mind, but I certainly do mind when a few juniors start looking at her body like it she's a dessert. I grab Jade's face and force it to look at mine. Her eyes are definitely grazed over, words and body are slow, and she tries to stick her tongue down my throat when I do. "Okay, baby...time to go upstairs." She doesn't put up a fight just tries to grab my crotch a few times. I'm over it so I throw her over my shoulder and smack her ass as I carry her up the stairs.

I lock my door behind me and lay Jade down on my bed. I grab some Excedrin and water and make her drink it before she passes out. When she finishes she falls back down and starts to drift off. I remove her naughty clothes and slip her into an old tee shirt and shorts. I tuck her in and then remove my own clothes. I climb into bed and pull Jade into my arms, spooning her from behind. Even with the loud bass and noise of chatter downstairs I fall asleep with a beautiful, yet drunk woman in my arms.

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