Chapter 9-Jade

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What the fuck? I'm going to school full-time, working on my applications that I need to submit before the end of October, being a TA for Professor Anderson and Professor Darby, and I decide to add Leo Mendez to my work load? I am fucking stupid. But wait...I am getting paid double the rate, so maybe it's worth it?

I almost throw up three times on my way over to Leo's house. I've tutored basically all jocks and most types of frat boys, but somehow Leo Mendez is a different type. Why, did I say yes! The money, the money I kept reminding myself. I open my car door and walk up the front door steps. I'm not sure if I should knock or just walk in so I just knock and walk in. "Hello" I shout. "In here baby" someone hears. What a creep? I should have knocked. Two heads turn and their jaws almost seem to drop my direction. "Hey" I say awkwardly. "Hey" they say in unison. Not like it can get any awkward but it certainly does when I see Gabe and Kara walking out of the bedroom door. "Oh shit" Kara says. "Studying at the library" I grin at her. "Yup, we're studying" Gabe says kissing her neck. She knows she's caught as if she's sleeping with the enemy. I shake my head and just laugh at the situation I find myself in. "Is Leo here?" I ask the room.

The front door opens behind me and Leo rushes in closing it behind him "Jade sorry, about running late. Have you been waiting long?" he grins. He's carrying a huge box of Chinese food. "I didn't know what you liked so I got a few more items than what I got the group. I can't help but smile at his gesture. "Thanks I'll probably like it all." "Foods here" he yells. I follow him to the kitchen and start unloading the small Chinese boxes. "Where are your plates" I ask. "Top cabinet on the left" he says. "I hope that's okay I thought we could eat while we study." "Yeah...I'm starving anyway. But we don't have all night."  He smirks.

The six of us gather around the table and start into a lively discussion about obesity and nutrition in children. "Obesity is a major issue" I shout. "Well maybe if parents didn't feed their kids shit then they wouldn't be fat" Taylor yells. "No, dude, there is good food out there but it's too damn expensive for parents" Devon adds. "Well its poor health education" Kara chirps in. Of course Kara throws in a comment about health education. Who would have thought that I would be sitting here actually enjoying myself and having a discussion about childhood obesity? In the corner of my eye I see that Leo is staring at me. I quickly turn my head "It's not polite to it's not polite to keep your tutor from helping you pass your Shakespeare course." He smirks at me "You're right, your time and my money are valuable. We've already wasted an hour."

We head upstairs to his room and there's literally nowhere to sit beside his king bed. And I didn't feel like sitting on the floor. He opens his book and hands it to me. "Were starting with Romeo and Juliet" he says. "I can see that" I say. Do you understand what the story is about?" I ask. "About two people who fall in love, from different families, and seem worlds apart. They're parents don't like each other, lots of fight scenes, and then they die because they're stupid" he mumbles. "Wow, thanks for the spark notes version." "How about we dissect the chunks and talk it through so you understand what they're saying and what's happening."

After three hours of breaking down chunks, re-reading verses, and getting literally lost in the words of Shakespeare I realize its past midnight and gaining on one. "Hey, it's late. I better go" I say. I push off the bed and begin to collect my things. "Oh, right it's late. Do I pay you now or on a weekly basis?" "Cash is fine and I like it after every tutor session." He collects his wallet on the dresser and pulls multiple bills and hands them to me. I slide them in my pocket and turn to walk out the door. "When's our next session?" "How about Thursday?" I respond. "Sounds good, 7 again?" he says. "Yes, sounds good."

I walk down the stairs to see Taylor and Devon still playing video games. Gabe's door is shut so I'm not sure if they're still in there or not. I open my car door and blast the A/C. Florida is fucking hot all year round and even though fall is here,it's still hot. But my cheeks still flush with heat. Did I actually have fun with him?

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