Chapter 15-Jade

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The game is finally here and I drive to the away game with Kara, Carlie, along with a few others who followed us. We wanted to get a decent size support group there so we cold cheer them on. Kara and I wore Gabe and Leo's jerseys. Leo said I can do whatever I wanted to it so I decided to get Carlie's decorative opinion on it. She probably made it a bit too slutty for my taste— sides ripped and tied back together and a low cut V-neck in the front. Kara followed her lead but didn't go as far as my V-neck went. Luckily, it was an indoor field this time but it's still hot in late September so we decided to go with shorts.

We screamed and shouted the entire game. I happen to know a bit more about soccer than Kara who happens to know nothing. So we probably looked like raving idiots the entire time. Gabe and Leo scored 2 points each, the final score was 4-1. They mopped the Hell out of the other team. The three of us waited patiently for them to emerge from the locker room. I noticed a few scouts who approached their coach and who then walked them over to Gabe and Leo. We didn't want to interrupt their conversation and didn't know how long it was going to take so we text them that we would meet them back at their place for a victory party.

The guys showed up a few hours later and the music was already blaring. Plenty of guys and girls were there cheering and chanting their names when they walked in. I sat on the steps with a cup in my hand while I waited for Leo to make his way towards me. He spotted me quickly through the crowd and ran up to me. I almost spilled my drink all over him when he picked me up. "Babe the pro team recruiters talked to me and Gabe. They said they were impressed with our skills. They said they'll be in touch...I think that's a good thing" he shouts. "Babe, I couldn't be happier for you" I reply. He kisses me hard and wave of heat rushes over me as it did before. "I think you deserve a victory dance" I devilishly say. He grins and with that in mind. He throws me over his shoulder and takes the stars two at a time.

Leo locks the door behind him and keeps the light off. He quickly removes his clothes before I can even room my shorts. "Seriously, it makes me nervous that you can strip that fast" I say. "It's not that hard, baby. Let me help you." With one quick moment, were falling on the bed laughing over his good news. He pins me in between his arms and starts rolling his hips. I'm already so wet for him. He reaches down and rubs my clit with his fingers "Fuck,'re always so ready for me." He returns to my mouth but leaves it for a moment to grab a condom from this nightstand. He rolls it on and in one thrust he's inside filling me completely. With one hand he holds my wrists above my head and with the other he covers my mouth to muffle the screams. Even though the house is full of people and the music blaring, I can't control my screams and moans as he pumps in and out of me. He's torturing me as he is pumping slowly and he can feel that I'm begging for release. After a few minutes of him teasing me, his movements become shallow and fast. The ache between my legs his throbbing for immediate release when I'm finally rewarded we ride our high out together and I feel him spill into the condom inside me.

He releases my wrists and my arms immediately wrap around him. He's about to pull out and remove his weight from me, when I stop him. "Babe, I don't want to hurt you" he whispers. I slowly rake my nails against his back and he shivers at my moment. "I don't want you to pull out...not yet." Tears start to fall from my eyes and he sweetly wipes each one away with his thumb. "Baby, why are you crying? Are you okay?" he kindly asks. "You have no idea, how alone I have felt until now...or how unsafe I felt until now...You have no idea how happy it makes me feel that you asked me to tutor you in Shakespeare." Leo breaks into wide smile and kisses me tenderly. "Baby, first, you are always safe with me and I never want you to feel alone. Second...I never needed you to tutor me in Shakespeare, I just wanted to get to know you. I kept lying to myself that I needed help when in reality if I just focused I would have been fine. I just wanted to be close and I realized from the beginning I was caught in your net."

I start to giggle "How soon did you know?" "As soon as I walked in on you changing...I saw that ass, long golden hair, and silky olive skin and I knew I just had to have you." We start laughing hysterically of the moment he walked in on me. I was so embarrassed and I thought he was such a jackass for staring and then apologizing in front of everyone. I could do this forever with did I not know him until now?

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