Chapter 10-Leo

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Did she have fun with me?

"Mendez...get your ass over here" Coach yells.

We're running up and down the field and it's fucking hot. We're soaked with sweat even though most of us took off our shirts. These sprints should be easy for me since I did these during my 6-8 hour practice sessions all summer long. "What's your problem, Mendez? You're the captain aren't you...then why are dragging behind?" Coach continues to yell. I push the thought of Jade out of mind and sprint harder gaining the speed that I should be at.

I hit the locker room and start peeling off my practice clothes. "What the fuck, dude?" Gabe asks. "Are you distracted or something...I thought you would be absolutely focused this season." "I am focused...fuck you." I say walking away. I walk into a stall and let the cold water flow over my head and shoulders. "Sorry, man...I didn't mean it. You just looked like you were distracted all practice. We're playing Welsh in a few days—" "I know Gabe, I'm just thinking about too many things." "Is it Jade?" Gabe asks. "What...Who...No man it's not." But Gabe knows me better than anybody, he knows I'm lying. "Yeah, okay man...Just remember she's way out your league and that's never a problem for us because everyone is in our league. No athlete who she ever tutored could get anything past first...yup first base if they even came that close." "Ah for fuck sakes, Gabe. I'm not in to her" I yell. "Speaking of that what's up with you and Kara?" "I don't know man but I've been seeing her non-stop for the past two weeks and I can't get enough of her. I'm surprised I'm not bored of her yet?" he admits. "Holy fuck... are you telling me that Gabriel Causse is off the longer playing the field?" I grin. "I don't know about all that, but I like were this this going" he stutters "So Jade is coming over again tonight." "Yeah, man. She'll be over at 7." I can't help but smirk so I look away.

I actually pick up my room tonight before she comes over. There's a knock on my door and I can't help but stare as Jade walks in. She's in those tight yoga pants, sneakers, and a black tank top showing too much cleavage that would sure enough distract me. But just my luck she pulls out a thin, black zip up jacket and closes off the view from me. "Shall we begin" she says. We go over my notes from the class and the section of Romeo and Juliet were in. I can't help but stare at the way her hair is tied up in a ponytail but a few strands still fall and how her thick lips graze the pen in her mouth. God this not a good thing. "What?" she sighs. "What?" I say back. "You're staring at me, Mr. Mendez. You know it's not polite... it's creepy. And I'll certainly start charging you for it."

"Okay, sorry... I thought you had ink on your lips from the pen." I lie. "Oh seriously, is there really?" She presses her fingers to her lips which only makes my desire to lick them grow. She gets up from the bed and runs to the bathroom to check the mirror. "Nope, were good" she yells. "Oh, thank god" I mutter. "So wanna take a break...I'm starving and need to not think?" she says. Oh, there's a million things we could do that wouldn't involve us thinking. Like you screaming— "Yeah, could order a pizza and watch a movie on my laptop." "Sounds great...No olives my pizza please."

She walks into the bathroom as I call for delivery. About 30 minutes later we're on the floor with pizza, beer, and paper towels in our hands. We stick with watching Die Hard considering we learned in those 30 minutes while waiting we have the same favorite movies. I'm actually relaxed with her in my room and I don't feel like I have to worry about impressing her or meeting some crazy expectations that I already hold myself to. The movie ends and majority of the pizza is already gone. "Die Hard 2" I ask. "Absolutely" she replies. "Do you have any more beers or snacks" "Yeah, I'll run down and grab a few things."

She's got Die Hard 2 ready on Netflix and I have two beers and bowel of popcorn in my hands. "Great, thank you" she says. We hit play and talk throughout the movie quoting lines and making dumbass remarks about the characters. When the movie ends I realize its 2am and were both looking tired. "I should go home" she yawns. "Really, can you drive home without falling asleep?" "Probably not...I'll just sleep on your floor if you're cool with that" she says." "There's plenty of room in the bed just sleep in here" I say. She again shows contemplation about it. "Jade, stopping thinking about it and sleep in the bed. I won't touch you." "Okay, do you have a shirt and shorts I can borrow?" I was hoping she would ask but I'm surprised that she actually did.

She grabs a pair of shorts and shirt from my hands and runs into the bathroom. I strip down to my boxers and slide into the far side of the bed. She walks out and I try not stare, but again that girl is looking hotter than hell in my clothes and about to climb into my bed. I see no difference in her face without makeup, if she was wearing any. I can only tell that she washed her face because the shirt has splashes of water marks on it. She climbs into the bed and lays on the far side of the bed. "Jade, there's plenty of space. You don't need to hang over the edge" I mutter. That almost seems to relax her when I feel the movement of the sheets and I flick the lights off.

I wake up and I feel different. My bed is not cold, but warm and I feel a slender arm pressed against my chest. Our bodies are somehow intertwined. Holy fuck I'm cuddling with Jade. I lay there for a few minutes thinking how nice this feels. Her body is warm and soft against mine. For the lack of my better judgement, I slowly move and hover over her. I stare down at the beautiful face of hers. Her golden brown hair is sprawled over my pillows and she looks like a freaking princess sleeping with her arms slightly above her head resting.

She must sense me staring because her eyes flicker open. "It's not polite to stare at your tutor" she groggily says. I swear I could kiss her right now, but I move against it. "Sorry, I was about to wake you" I whisper. "I had fun last night, but I need to go" she yawns. She pulls the sheets from her and tells me she'll wash my clothes and give them back to me later. I watch her leave and fall face forward into my pillows and immediately frown. Fuck, my sheets smell her vanilla. I cannot afford this distraction...No, No... it's not a distraction. She's tutoring me so I can pass Shakespeare. Which my first test is in two days.

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