Chapter 23-Leo

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She gave me hope that we could still work. Maybe I could still win her back? I know she still loves me, that kiss fucking proved it. She was lost in our moment. Fuck, she tasted like vanilla and my body missed her.

For two weeks, I moped around in between classes, practice, and the games. Coach could tell I was off though it didn't show too much on the fields except Gabe and all my teammates felt I was pushing them too hard so they all stayed the hell away from me. Kara and Carlie told me I was a fucking idiot multiple times, trust me, I didn't need a reminder of it. It showed me once again how Jade is freaking amazing and how her best friends were pretty unbelievable. I was surprised that they still came to the games, but Gabe told me they checked with Jade before coming. I hated looking into the crowds and not seeing my busty brunette wearing shorts and my jersey. She was always so supportive and cheered louder than everybody. I knew she never fully understood the sport but at least she knew more than Kara. I missed how after every game she waited for me and how she would jump into my arms screaming with excitement. She would always give me shit for not scoring or she would kiss me like no tomorrow when I did.

I knew I made a mistake the moment she collected her things and left my house. My bed felt cold without her every night and I slowly started reverting back to my cold, old self. I ran for miles every day during those two weeks. And instead of drinking myself to sleep I pushed myself harder during my own workouts on the field until my body collapsed. My body was in pure agony but my mind was simply lost without her. I miss the way she made me feel alive and felt I could get everything I wanted. She would be gone for three weeks and I hated the thought.

Finals are over and I head to Coach's for the holiday break. Gabe doesn't go home with Kara but heads over to the coach's with me because it's also too expensive to go home to France. He and his wife are happy to have us during the break but I know Coach will use this time to keep us in shape. Our first game is in the first week of January. I was hoping to win Jade back before then but I know she'll be in Costa Rica. Kara told me before she left Jade purchased an international plan so I know I can text or call her during the next three weeks, if she even answers.

I don't wait for Coach to tell me to practice, I tell him I'm going for a run and head out into the neighborhood. Hours later I find myself still running and dreaming of Jade. It's only been a few days since she left but I can't wait any longer. I pull my cell phone out and start walking in a park to find a seat to sit. I dial her and on the third ring she picks up "Hello" she says. Her voice sounds like heaven. "Hey" I reply. "I was just calling to say hi and see how the trip is." "Oh, umm...the trip is good. We've been really busy but you caught me at a good time. We're on break." She's surprisingly nice and calm to me and I smile at the thought. "So tell about what's going on." She provides me with immense details and I listen intently to every word. "Oh, Leo I have to go. Dinner is happening. I'll talk to you later." She hangs up and I realize that I've been talking to her over an hour. I slide my phone in my pocket and start running back to the house.

The two weeks during break go by fast. Coach pushes us both in more ways than one. I text Jade a few times here and there. But I don't call her again until New Years. "Happy New Year, Jade" "Happy New Year Leo" she says. "How's your trip? Are you ready to come back and finish the semester?" "Yes, I'm looking forward to being done. Actually...we're coming back early. We'll be back Thursday." My game is Saturday. Maybe she'll come? Maybe I can finally win her back? "Oh, that's great. Can I see you Friday?" She doesn't respond "Hum...maybe. I'll text you when I get back into town. Does that work?" "It works just fine. Travel home safely."

Maybe, fucking maybe? I need to see her now.

Gabe and I are back in our house. Classes resume... it's the typical first week of orientation and reading the syllabus. She's coming back today and I can't stop thinking about her. I fucked up royally and I need her in my life. I know her...I know she's shut me out the last few weeks and I completely understand why. We're both so driven that when we're thrown off we dig deeper in what we know. I've dug myself she needs to as well. What can I do that will help? I call Kara and Carlie for help with some ideas, I'm surprised they actually gave me the time of day, but I'm relieved and off to get this shit figured out.

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