Chapter 14-Leo

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I can't help but smile as I wake up to her in my arms. We're still in her bed underneath the covers and I can't help but feel like the luckiest guy in the world. Fuck, I could do this every day...the rest of my whole life even. She's incredibly peaceful when she's asleep and I don't wish to wake her but I've got practice in two hours so I need to go back to my place, shower, and grab my gear.

"Baby" kissing her head softly. "Baby" she stirs. "Baby" running my fingers through her hair. "I need to go" I whisper. "Don't go" she groggily whines. "Baby I have practice in two hours and I need to shower and grab my gear. "Ugh...fine. She slowly removes herself from me and we both realize I was inside her all night. "Owh" she squints. "Oh, sorry babe...I guess we fell asleep with me still inside you" I smirk. "No complaints here...I think that was the best sleep I ever had." "I would have to agree."  "You coming over tonight, so we can yeah...." I wink at her. She laughs and climbs off the bed. "Yes, I can over around 8 after I do some studying. Plus I have a TA study session today for an hour."

I gradually climb out of her warm bed and collect my clothes. I stare at her across the room as she slides back on shorts, bra, and tank top. "I wonder if Carlie and Kara ever came home...especially if they heard us" she giggles. "I'm sure Kara never made it our house and your friend Carlie...who fucking knows." She laughs again and I can't help but smile when she does. "Alright babe, I'll see you tonight. Remember, you're the only one "tutoring" me so people can take their hands off" I say using air quotes. I kiss her softly and close the front door behind me.

"You and Jade are fucking what?!" Gabe screeches. He catches me walking back in the house and head for my room. I can't hide from my best friend so I tell him everything, except for the major details about our sex ordeal. Damn, I feel like a fucking girl talking about this mushy stuff. "Kara is going to be so happy now...She'll want us to double date with you guys now" he continues. "Dude, I don't know about that... I just made it official with her last night and it was fucking unbelievable. It's like I was too focused for two years, screwed up for one, and got back on track when the universe says it's not good to focus on something too hard, so let me hand you a silver platter with a beautiful, smart, and funny girl on it" I say in awe. "I don't know how I earned her trust or her favor, but I did." Gabe just stares at me in utter amazement. "Shit, man I think you have it worse than me!"

Practice goes well and I'm focused as ever. Coach tells me that's the leader he wants to see and I feel stronger than I did all summer. I rally the team around and we get all pumped up about our next game playing Chapel Hill. Gabe and I hit the showers and are about to leave when our coach stops us "Boys, I've got great news ...the New York Red Bulls, the Orlando City SC, and the Atlanta United FC having been keeping tabs on you guys. They're coming to your game against Chapel Hill. We both almost drop to the ground in utter disbelief. "This is what you have been working make me proud and give it your all."

The coach leaves us dead in his tracks and when the door closes we both start screaming like little girls. I immediately want to find Jade and tell her the good news, but I know she's teaching right now so I'll tell her tonight.

A few hours later while I'm waiting for Jade, Gabe and Kara are performing an intense make-out session on the couch. Luckily, Taylor and Devon are at another party since they would be freaking out. Without knocking, Jade walks through the door looking a little flustered. "Babe" I shout. She drops her bags after she slams the door behind her and jumps into my arms. She buries her face in my chest and I can't help but breathe in her vanilla flavor. "Babe, what's wrong?" "Ugh...I hate freshmen. They don't understand anything relating to Biology 101 and its killing me...they'll be the death of me, I swear" she moans. She glances up at my face smiling big into her eyes "Sorry, babe" kissing me tenderly. "It hasn't been 24 hours and I already miss you" she whines. It's true, it hasn't been 24 hours yet and I was already dying to see her. This is new.

"What was your day like?" she asks me. "Well one" I kiss her gently again. "I'm sorry your day was a little rough...two, coach told me that a few pro teams will be checking out our game. So you have to come and bring me luck!" I say. "What?! That's incredible" she screams and hugs me tight. "You let me rabble on about stupid freshmen and waited to tell me this?" slugging me. "Of course I'll be there for you. I'll come with Kara." We hear a loud moan from the couch but Kara breaks free from a moment of their session "Don't worry, we'll be there Leo" and goes right back into sucking face with Gabe. We both shows signs of disgust and agree to make our way up to my room. "I think that was Kara's moment to get air" I laugh. "Yeah, I don't think they do that very often...probably killing all their brain cells." I add.

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