Chapter 17-Jade

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I wake up the next morning wrapped in Leo's arms. As comforting as it is, all I want to do is vomit. I drank way too much last night but I had so much least the parts I can remember. I scoot away from Leo and scurry to the bathroom. I splash my face with cold water, pee, and take some ibuprofen I see in his cabinet. He's still asleep when I reenter but I know if I don't get some food in me I will truly vomit all over this floor.

I make my way down the stairs and I see Taylor and Carlie sprawled out on the couch with a few people I somewhat know on the floor, Kara and Gabe I presume are in Gabe's room, and when I walk in the kitchen I find Devon eating Taco Bell. "Hey hottie...Want a taco?" Though Devon can be a total creep sometimes, he definitely knows how to fix hangovers. I grab two tacos out of his hand and slather them in fire sauce. We eat in silence as I try to get the nausea feeling past me. "Did you have fun last night?" he asks. "Yeah, the parts I can remember. You?" my voice raspy. "Yeah, I think? I don't remember you remember if I made out with anybody?" he questions. "Yeah" I gruff. "You tried with me—"Devon drops his taco and his mouth drops open "Tell me Leo doesn't know... Oh, fuck he does. He's going to—" "Devon, I'm just messing with you. You had your tongue down some brunette's throat half the night." His face goes white to red instantly "If I didn't love you like a sister, I would kick your ass" he says playfully.

"There you are sleeping beauty" Leo says. "Eating tacos with the enemy." I laugh and try not to spit out taco from my mouth. He kisses me on the forehead and grabs a taco out of the box. He pulls up a barstool next to me and inhales it. "Devon don't forget we have practice in two hours so make sure you hydrate." "Why the fuck would coach makes us have practice the day after our Halloween parties?" he mumbles. "Because he knows either we'll be smart and limit our intake or be stupid and pay for it when we vomit as we're running sprints" Leo replies. "You better go wake up Taylor considering he's out cold in the living room" I say.

Leo leaves my side in the kitchen and wanders in the living room and starts clapping really loud. "Get up will hate your life in about two hours." Taylor and Carlie shoot up like bats out of hell. Carlie's makeup is completely smudged and her hair is matted. "I'm going to shower here and then crawl into your bed" she growls and stumbles up the stairs into the bathroom. The few remaining wonderers leave the house and Taylor makes his way up stairs as well. Leo runs to Gabe's door and bangs on it until he opens the door in his boxers. "Yes, Leo...I'm fucking up. I know we have practice in like two hours" he growls. "Good. Just making sure" he grins too large to show he's enjoying this.

"Babe you showering and staying here too? Or are you leaving and coming back" he asks. "Nah, babe I need to go home and shower. I'll probably take a nap too." I yell. I grab my bag and kiss Leo through the shower curtain. He says he'll be at practice for a while so of course his phone won't be with him. I ignore the typical remark and make my way back to our apartment.

I jump in the shower and let the warm water wash away all my sweat and dirt from the night before. I'm still nauseous though the two tacos helped. I step onto the bathroom rug, dry off, and blow dry my hair. I don't bother styling it and throw it up in a messy bun. Leo is always amazed by my ability to just toss my hair up. I slide on some black yoga shorts and a teal tank top. I climb into my cozy bed that still smells like Leo from a few nights ago. I set my alarm just in case and I drift off feeling so comfortable that I snuggle up under my covers even more.

I wake up a few hours later to a loud banging on my front door. I'm literally annoyed that the noise has woken me up from my beauty rest. I glance at my phone and determine Leo's probably got another 20 minutes of practice. Who's banging on the fucking door? Are my roommate's home? Ugh! I sluggishly pull myself from my bed and do a quick scan of the apartment and determine none of my roommates are home. I open the door without glancing through the peep hole and go completely white as those icy blue eyes pierce right into my soul.

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