Chapter 26-Leo

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Jade says she's only a little nervous, but I think it's a total understatement. We have month left of school and we're both fucking panicking. After the team won the championship game it was made official that the New York Red Bulls were signing me for a 5 year contract, along with a pretty nice signing bonus. We all screamed like little bitches after Gabe scored the final goal making it 3-2. We jammed out to "We are the champions" by Queen while crowd ran onto the field. My girl jumped into my arms, screaming she was so proud of me, making it the best moment of my entire life. I will be leaving the University with 4 championships and an offer to go pro just like I always dreamed of. My mom cried when I told her about the offer. I told her to start packing her shit...actually, I told her "stuff" on the phone. I would be relocating to New York right after graduation and I was already looking for an apartment for her and myself. When looking for apartments, I was secretly browsing for places between the two schools Jade had just had interviews with for medical school. We didn't talk out loud about moving in together, but I figured it would eventually come up. I couldn't believe she got three interviews, but I shouldn't be considering her high test scores, GPA, and great recommendation letters. At this point I didn't care which New York school got into, as long as it was in New York that's all that mattered.

Jade was pretty excited for Carlie too. Carlie landed a great job at the New York design firm she interned with last summer. Meanwhile, I was proud to hear that Gabe was selected by the Orlando City SC with a 3 year contract. From my understanding, Kara would be going with him. I have no doubt that these two would be getting married. These two were so in love it was like they were living a almost makes you want to vomit. Nonetheless, I was happy for my best friend and happy for us both that we finally made our dreams come true. My coach cried when we found out about our offers. It was the first time I saw him cry and it meant the world to me when he told me he was proud of me. My dad called after me telling my mom. He told me my girl was a distraction and I needed to remove her from my life, he didn't even congratulate me nor say any words of excitement. So I told him to fuck off and never contact me again. I know he would try again soon, but I barely have spoken to him in the past four years anyway.

I'm walking out of my ethics class with Gabe when I see Jade running towards me. She's crying and I'm suddenly hit with concern that it's about her father or she's about to break my heart and tell me she didn't get in to either school in New York. I embrace her and start wiping the tears away with my thumbs. "Baby what's wrong" I sound so worried. She finally catches her breath and she smiles "I got in...I got in to NYU...We're fucking going to New York." She's crying with tears of joy and I lose it. I pick her up and swing her around. Gabe hugs us like a little kid. I scratch the moment I catch Jade in my arms after we win the championship game...this right here is the best moment ever. I know now what I need to do.

It takes us a whole thirty seconds to deicide to live together in New York, while it takes us a whole sweaty weekend to determine options. We settle on an apartment near her school. Though the stadium is about 30 minutes from our place, its 10 minutes for Jade. We know my contract is for 5 years, while Jade will be in medical school for 4. So after that we just have to worry about Jade getting her residency in New York and me signing another few years, but we can worry about that at a future time.


Graduation comes and goes and it's all a blur. We finished finals successfully and we party for days with relief and excitement about the next chapters of our lives. I'm getting ready at my apartment for a formal dinner with Leo. We're actually all going out to celebrate graduating and everyone's success. Gabe and Kara will be moving to Orlando soon. They'll be staying in warm Florida while Leo and I will be moving back to the northeast. Those two freaking live in a world of fairytales, I swear. It's like their on their honeymoon, they barely come up for air. I wouldn't doubt that they get married after they leave. I just hope it's during one of my breaks during school so I can come. I couldn't believe that Carlie and Taylor dated the entire year, but they don't seem to mind parting ways in a couple days. Otherwise, I'm grateful that Carlie will be joining us in New York. She'll be working at amazing interior design firm and her family is so excited to have her return to the city.

My aunt cried when I told her the good news. She told me that my mom would be proud. I was really grateful that she attended our graduation. But it actually worried me when I saw Leo and her engaged in a serious conversation while I was busy taking pictures with my best friends. I wonder what she's saying to him. I couldn't believe that Leo got a 5 year contract with a pro soccer team, but I shouldn't be considering his amazing footwork, speed, and ability to blow the competition away. I know he'll do great things. If he keeps up his health and skill I have no doubt that he'll play at least 10-15 years. Jumping into Leo's arms at his championship game and into his arms while telling him I got accepted into medical school have been the best moments of my life. I couldn't see how this could get much better.

But I know it will. I love the fact that we will be living together in New York, with Carlie nearby. I know his mom would be joining us there but will have her on apartment. We would be moving in a few days and we would have most of summer to explore the city and be wrapped up in each other's arms. His practice wouldn't start until mid-July so it would give me some time to look into opportunities of volunteer work or research before classes begin in August. I love that we settled on an apartment closer to my campus. And of course the pro soccer player didn't just rent the massive apartment out, he bought it. He said that if we were going to be there for 5 years, we might as well buy. He refused me to pay for anything, but he caved when I offered groceries and cooking dinner when I had the time. I'll just have to make up the difference with steamy sex.

I finish my hair as there's a knock on the door. Carlie opens the door and to our surprise it's a chauffeur "Ladies, the limo is waiting downstairs" he smiles. We all giggle like school girls and make our way down stairs. I have to admit I'm looking pretty good in my black lace dress and laced up stiletto heels. We climb in the limo and take off. About 20 minutes later we arrive at a fancy steakhouse restaurant. The three of us walk in side by side to the restaurant and to my surprise they scurry ahead of me to open the doors. My friends are so weird. I walk through the doors and rose petals are lined the entire walkway. The restaurant is has dimed its lighting and in front of me stands the most handsome man I have ever seen. Leo is standing is black slacks, a white button up shirt, and black tie. His black hair is geld and his milk chocolate brown eyes don't leave my eyes. I shift my gaze only for a minute and see Gabe, Taylor, and Devon sitting at a table staring at us with what I think is a cam recorder. What the fuck is going on? I move my gaze back to Leo who is now in a one knee position with a small black box in his hand. Tears start to swell in my eyes. I can't believe this is happening.

"Jade, you are the love of life. When I first met you I was so focused on my goals and never once thought about love. brought me to life and made me realize I can have it all...I can have love and reach my goals. Help we achieve my last goal...Marry me and love me forever!" he says. My mouth is dry and tears start pouring from eyes "Hell yes I'll marry you!" I squeal. He opens the box and removes a beautiful diamond and green emerald ring. He stands up and slides it on my finger. I plaster my lips onto his and lose all control. I pull back and see that Leo actually cried too. "Baby, are you crying?" He wipes a few tears from his eyes "This moment totally beats the ones where I won the game or you telling me you got accepted to med school" I wipe a tear from his face and graze his lips. "Is this what you and Aunt Sarah talked about at graduation isn't?" "Yes, I wanted to ask her permission." I just smile "Well I'm glad she said yes." "Me too" he says "Me too."

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