Chapter 13-Jade

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I'm sprawled over his chest after hitting a third round trying to catch my breath. Luckily I had a few condoms in my drawer since Leo only carried two in his wallet. "I need some water, you?" I ask him. He's panting like a dog in heat "Yes!" he mutters. I kiss his lips and tell him to get some shorts on. I throw my pink tank top on and some panties while he rolls on his boxers and head to the kitchen.

I pull two bottles of water from the fridge and hand one to him. I prop myself on the counter and let me legs dangle over. He stands between them facing me while we both guzzle down the water as if we were walking in the desert for months. "So why do you want to go to medical school...why the big push on yourself?" he questions. He places the water down and grazes his large hands over my thighs brushing them back and forth. "Damn, I love how smooth you are." I smile from his touch. He leans in to kiss me but holds "Why medical school...and I don't want a bullshit answer." "I turn away and my hair falls over my face "Don't hide from me, you never have to hide from me" he says sweeping my hair behind my ear. "Because of my dad" I whisper. "Oh, his your dad a doctor too that's—"I interrupt him "No, Leo. He's not a doctor...nowhere close. He was an alcoholic and abused my mom. He broke her literally...we spent so many times to the ER that the nurses knew my name and I became obsessed with how to fix people, how to save people like they did versus break them. That's why I want to go. I promised my mom I would" Leo just stares at me like he's looking at a broken record. "Please don't look at me that I'm broken. My dad never touched me, I left before he could." "I'm not looking at you like your broken Jade, all I see is strength and ambition. I'm taken back of who you really are." He kisses me sweetly on the cheek and it soothes my heart.

"So where's your mom? Do you keep her updated with everything that's going on?" he proceeds. Tears start to pool in my eyes. I haven't talked about my mom since one random freshmen night when I lost my shit with Carlie and Kara. They never brought it up again. "She's...She's dead, Leo. She died before my graduation. She died of a brain aneurism." Tears start to fall more rapidly and heavily as I squeak "The worst part is I was somewhat happy that she he couldn't touch her anymore." I fall into complete hysterics and Leo wraps his arms around me and carries me to the couch. He holds me in his lap and I come completely undone. He just sits there with me in his lap stroking my back and telling me it's okay. When I finally gain my composure, Leo sweeps my hair out of my face again and wipes me my tears away with his thumbs. "Babe, you are remarkable. I'm sorry your mom is gone and your dad is a total jackass...let me rephrase that...worthless piece of shit, but you are amazing and have done so much for yourself."

I snuggle into his chest and breathe deeply to catch my breath. "Thank you." God, why did I just let my defenses go down? How did he get through me so easily? "What about you? Why are so hung up on soccer and going pro?" I ask. I feel him take a deep breathe "I've wanted to play soccer since I was five. I wanted to get into the club leagues in Brazil but my dad and my coach said I wasn't good enough so they thought me playing the States would actually had considering I've had scouts and recruiters for major teams watch me play since I was a freshmen...Gabe too actually. But...." He hesitates. "But what?" I rise from his chest and look into this milk chocolate eyes. He sweeps his hand against my cheek "But my dad is a complete asshole...He's a pretty big deal in Brazil, in the soccer world. He always said that he's raising me to be the champion he needs me to be. But abuses my mom and sleeps with different women all the time..."he hesitates again. "It's the reason why I was pretty crazy last year...booze, girls, and violent behavior during games. I basically lost my captain slot for time, but the team forgave me after I apologized to them this past summer and I worked with my Coach on how to control my anger, focus, and tune out the bullshit."

I exhale deeply like I've been holding my breath for minutes. "What?" raising an eyebrow. "I guess we are more like Romeo and Juliet considering how fucked up we are" I blurt. "Yeah, I guess we are kind of fucked up in our own ways considering how much we've been using blinders for the past three years." "Yeah, I guess so." He kisses me softly. "So you said that you left before he could touch you. But you never said where from?" "Oh, I grew up in Washington DC. But I have an aunt who lives about an hour and half a way...She's my mom's sister. She kind of helped me get away from him. She's the one I keep updated." I smirk.

"Do you ever want to go to back to Brazil" I ask. "No probably not. If I get a contract in the States, I'll move my mom up so she can get away from my dad. I know he won't let her leave and she won't leave him out of fear. But I promised I would get her out of there once I get some major money." Oh my God, I think I may love this boy. "You're pretty incredible yourself" I say kissing his lips. "So not to sound so formal or push things in a direction... but I really think I would like to make this official because I can't handle the thought of anyone else going near you, that ass, those hips, or that sweet pussy of yours" he grins. I start laughing as he continues to graze his hand over those areas he mentioned. "Exclusive?" I ask. "Definitely" he claims. "I'm all yours baby" I say crashing on his lips. What the fuck am I thinking?

"Great so that means you'll come to our game in two days. I know Kara will be going so you'll have a friend." "Yeah...I guess I can make room for you, being my boyfriend in can I wear your jersey or is that not the cool thing to do?" I ask. "Definitely a cool thing" he says grazing his lips over mine. I push him away teasing. "You need to stop teasing your lips over mine or we'll have to go back in there and do round 4 and I don't think you can handle that." "Baby, I'm a soccer player. I can run for hours" cupping my ass. I squeal as he pushes us up from the couch and we head back in the bedroom.

He lays me down gently and removes my panties and tank top in one quick movement. "Baby, I think you should always be naked for me." I start laughing again and wrap my arms around his neck to pull him in closer. "Only for you...And this time you can totally stare." My mouth instantly attacks his and I use my feet to kick off his boxers. "Are you sure you don't play soccer as well" his voice raspy. "No, I just know how to take deep long breathes" I whisper. He rolls over where I am now on top straddling him. "Baby, ride me please" he begs. I reach for another condom and roll it on his big, thick cock. I guide him inside me and I'm absolutely full, so fucking full "Oh fuck" I let out.

I roll my hips and I begin to feel waves of pleasure between my clit rubbing against his pelvic bone and my body clenching down on his cock. It's like he's the only one that can soothe away the ache between my legs. I kiss and nibble across his chest but he grabs my hair and pulls my head up to meet his mouth. Through our sloppy kisses he swallows my moans and the throbbing intensifies until we feel one big rush of pleasure knocking us bother over and slamming us deeper into my bed. I remain on his chest trying to regain control of my breathing. All I hear is the sound of his heart thumping so loud it might burst, but slowly it gradually decreases to a harmonious rhythm. I sink deeper in his arms and last thing I remember is falling asleep with him pulling me closer.

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