Chapter 4-Jade

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Oh, my fucking God. He just stood there like a sick, drooling puppy eyeing my entire body. What a freaking asshole. I had to yell at him multiple times... I hate dumb jocks. Why the hell is Leo Mendez and Gabe Causse at this retreat? The next few days are going to suck ass.

I still feel like I am suffering from the hangover regardless of the Excedrin I took this morning and the loads of coffee and water I chugged. I awkwardly put my black yoga pants on and placed a bra on, throwing my white tee shirt over top. I make my way back down stairs in hope of eating without vomiting. I spot Kara and Carlie sitting on a couch near the fire place with plates in hands. Why do Floridians have fire places? It's too fucking hot.

I plop down on the couch next to my two best friends after grabbing a bottle of water off the counter. "Oh, my God" I whisper. "What?" they say in unison. "I was changing and Leo Mendez and Gab Causse walked in...they basically saw me naked!" Kara almost chokes on her sandwich and Carlie begs for more details "What the fuck? Are you serious... did you tell them to get out?" "Of course I did, but...but they stood there for a few minutes just staring at me." "Well...hate to break it you doc, but your fucking hot like a Victoria Secret model so you'll have that problem when you start treating patients" Carlie grins. Kara reaches over and slams Carlie's arm "We all know you're do you think we always get into the clubs for free, but Jade, seriously are you okay? Do you want us to tell Professor Riley or Professor Ward?" "No, I'm okay" I grunt. "It's fine, I just won't worry about it...See, I'm over it now" as I throw my hands up in the air.

"Okay, guys. Everyone is here now so let's get started" Professor Riley says. "I want all of you to know how excited we are to have you here. This program has helped so many freshmen the last few years and we're excited to have you help. Many of you will be assigned multiple freshmen to work with and all of you are required to participate in our freshmen orientation this Saturday and Sunday before classes start, along with the occasional freshmen activities this month through October." "Thank you, Professor Riley. But before we get into logistics let's go around the room and introduce ourselves. We all know your seniors so how about you state you name, your major, and something else about you" Professor Ward says.

We scramble into a large circle around the room. One by one everyone stands and states who they are, their major, and something about themselves. Most resort to one of their favorite things like color, movie, book, or hobby. I almost vomit with Gabe stands " Hey everyone...I'm Gabe Causse many of you already know me" many giggles and smiles come from half of the crowd "I'm from France and a Sports Management major, I play soccer for the school, and I like kissing." Kara is literally drooling over him but I can't help by re-flexing into making a gag sound. Leo stands and I'm almost memorized this time considering I'm not screaming at him...he's tall, deep olive skin tone, with dark black hair, and long eyelashes that any girl would be jealous of. "Hey guys! I'm Leo, I'm from Brazil, I am also a sports management major and I would like to apologize to you for walking in on you changing that beautiful body of yours" pointing straight at me. I immediately flush with embarrassment and a hinge of anger. Why is he fucking smiling at me? "Her name is Jade, dumbass" Carlie shouts back and smiling at him while doing it.

The professors and most of the students are speechless, but a few others burst out in laughter. I'm seriously and utterly humiliated at his condescending voice. What a fucking prick! Before my professors can interject I stand calmly yet my fists are balled "Hi everyone, I am Jade. I am a health major and pre-med and I don't like fucking, dumbass jocks who are complete and utter chauvinist pigs." The room silences and I stare right back into those milk chocolate eyes. I'm absolutely pissed and I hope I put him back in his place. I tolerated enough bullshit as a kid, I am certainly not going to take it from this motherfucker. This is why I never dated long term, I had sex with a few guys over the years, but I never got caught in their nets because of my deadbeat dad and my goal of medical school.

He doesn't even pull away from our staring contest. He looks like he's almost grinning. "Okay about we break off into groups and start planning some ideas for freshmen activities, along with ways we can communicate with them" Professor Riley says. Everyone breaks off into group. "Jade, Leo...Can I see you for a second" Professor Ward says. We relocate to the back wraparound porch and I learn against the post while he takes a sit on the porch swing. Professor Ward slams the door behind him "Did you seriously walk in on a girl changing and then put her on blast in front of everyone" he yells. "You're already on thin ice Mendez...Coach Jenson thought this would be good for you...for this year...but now I don't know." Leo's shoulders and face immediately drop down hunch over as in almost defeat. What the fuck? This guy looks way...he's playing this shit up. 

"Jade, are you okay?" Professor Ward looks at me intensely. "Yes...Yes, I'm fine professor. You don't need to throw Mr. Mendez out of the program. Though he apologized in a shitty way, just keep him away from me and I'll fine if he stays." I respond. I'm surprised at my own comment but I could care less about this dumb jock... I have to remember I'm doing this for my application and I only have to see him and not interact with him a couple of times. "Are you sure, Jade?" Professor Ward worriedly asks. "Yes, I'm sure" I respond. "Okay, well Leo you owe Jade a real apology and then I'll see you both inside." He turns on heels and shuts the door behind him.

"Don't worry about an apology, just stay the fuck away from me" I gruff. "What about your friends...can I fuck... I mean should I stay the fuck away from your friends too?" he grins. Oh my God, he really is an asshole. I turn and place my hands on my hips staring at him with intense heat "You're a fucking asshole. Stay away from me. And for my friends...Yes, I would like you to stay away from them, but then again they can do whatever they want." I turn and walk to the door and begin to open it "You're pretty hot when you're mad. Did someone ever tell you that's a total turn on?" he laughs. "Seriously, you need help...just focus on your assigned students and leave me alone" I sternly reply and shut the door.

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