Chapter 22-Jade

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I wake up feeling awful just as I did after drinking that full bottle of vodka the first night. I haven't seen or talked to Leo in almost two weeks. I heard that he demolished the competition during the last two games. Kara and Carlie went to both and asked if I was okay with it. I do have pretty awesome friends but I told them they should go to support Taylor, Devon, and Gabe. Kara told me later that Gabe was really pissed at Leo during the past two weeks because he was pushing the team even harder than the coach was and was acting like a complete dick. Their first game wouldn't be until the first week of January so they had a few weeks including the winter break to rest, recover, and practice. All Leo saw was winning and it's like he lost himself in the game completely she said.

I wasn't surprised by her answer. Since our breakup I've been completely lost in my studies and have picked up some research with Professor Darby and Anderson. To my own surprise Professor Darby offered me an incredible opportunity to do research with him and his team of three other students during the winter break. We would be go to Costa Rica during the break to conduct medical research and perform humanitarian relief in a few villages. He takes this trip ever year with his family and students. I was stunned when he offered it to me after my TA session, but I didn't even wait for him to finish before agreeing to go. I would be leaving in a week and be gone for three weeks. I would miss the first week of class but he spoke to my professors. It's definitely nice having connections like this.

I head to my TA session an hour early as usual. I lay out pages of notes and start writing on the board. Student have their final on Wednesday so I'm giving them one last final study session. After getting lost in my notes, I hear the door open and slam behind me. Still facing the board I yell "the session doesn't start for another hour." When no one responds I turn around and see Leo is sitting the in the front row. "I need a tutor" he says calmly. Damn, he looks beautiful. His dark hair and muscular frame make me want to drop my panties for him right here. I quickly collect my thoughts "Unfortunately, it's a little late to get a tutor, but if you really need one there's a tutoring office elsewhere." I turn back around and start working again at the board. I hear him get up and instantly feel his arm wrap around my waist. I'm frozen and I can't help but sink into him. "I'm sorry baby. I was such a fool. I've been angry and downright miserable since you left my house two weeks ago. I'm not better or happier...or even better focused without you. I love you. Come back."

I swallow my tears and push back the love that I once felt so deeply for him. Who am I kidding, I still love him. "No" I whisper. I turn around with anger in my face and try to push him away. "You made me realize that we were stupid for falling in a matter of fact it wasn't love it was just us getting carried away in our emotions of intense sex." He doesn't loosen his grip around my waist, he actually pulls me closer. "I love you Jade. I was wrong. Please come back to me." I—" I'm interrupted by his lips attacking mine. I'm lost in a sea of passion, everything I feel for him and my body reacts as if it's hungry to live again. My lips part and he takes full advantage by sliding his tongue in. His hand runs through my hair and the other pulls me in closer at my lower back. Tears start to leak from my eyes and I pull myself away. "Stop...just fucking stop" I whimper. He doesn't loosen his grip but stares into my eyes looking for a shimmer of hope. "You said you were we're done. We're too focused on our goals to get in the way of each other" I whisper. "You don't mean it... I know you still love me, this kiss just fucking proved it. I was a fucking idiot...I didn't mean it. I was upset about my mom and a lot of things and I took it out on you...on us. Please forgive me."

I wiggle myself free and push away from him. "I'm going to Costa Rica at the end of the week and gone for three. I have to worry about myself. I got distracted with you and when you broke up with me you made me realize I was focused on the wrong thing." Fucking hell, all I want is to taste him again but I'm so afraid he'll do this damn near ruined me the first time. "Baby, please...I made the biggest mistake ever. What will it take?" My class starts in 20 minutes and I need him to fucking leave so I lie. "I'll think about it over break." A sparkle of hope flashes in his eyes. "Okay, think about it, but don't think too long. I love you and will do whatever it takes to make up for what I did." I nod and give a fake smile. He leaves the classroom and I fall to my knees, tears streaming down my face. I have 20 minutes to clean myself up and all I want to do is run into his arms and kiss him all over again.

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