Chapter 3-Leo

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"Bro, there better be hot chicks at this retreat" Gabe growls.

I chuckle as his comment trying to focus on the road.

"Gabe, we're doing this because Coach said we—"he interrupts me

"Because Coach said YOU should do this...I'm only doing this because I'm a good friend. I was just hoping you would do me the favor of ensuring hot girls would be at this thing."

"We'll be there an hour. And we'll only be there for a few days. I think you can handle not having your tongue down a girl's throat for that long."

"I think you under estimate my will power. Plus you know I'm from France and French kissing is part of my culture" he laughs.

Gabe was right about that. He's from France and no girl could resist his French accent along with his 6'2, 190lb, and muscular frame. He always flaunted his thick black hair and claimed every girl loved to tug and pull at it. He didn't mind my one night stands that I had every night of last year, he just minded the binge drinking and violent behavior I had on the field. Though we won the championship last year, I was suspended too many times so he was pissed that he had to do both of our jobs. But I was proud of him for winning MVP which I previously won in our freshmen and sophomore years.

After another hour of debating hot girls, plans for the semester, and the game schedule I pull my jeep into the small lot in front of a two story cabin. The cabin stood on its own acre with a wraparound porch, a large swimming pool that was screened in, and a large lake behind it. That's the problem with Florida you never know if there are alligators in a lake so everyone has a massive pool with a screened porch around it.

"We're here" I groggily say. I yawn and open my car door to step out onto the gravel. Gabe follows suit and we pull our bags out of the back. We're in nothing least to us but I know we look fucking good in our Nike sweatpants and tight Under Amour shirts considering I see the several eyes staring at us from the large front window. Gabe snickers "Fuck...there are hot girls here!" "Keep it in your pants, man. I don't want us to get kicked out for fucking a few girls on this trip" I say.

We sling our duffel bags over our shoulders and walk up the creaking steps towards the front door. I open the front door and swing it open to a group of at least 30 students drinking and talking. A few faces glance our way with utter shock when Professor Riley greets us "Hey, boys! I'm so glad you made it. Coach Jenson was really happy that you committed to do this. I'm excited as well...having soccer stars n' all mentoring some incoming freshmen who have no idea how to talk to girls." "Thanks Professor Riley...We're here to help" I shrug. " we're here to help" Gabe adds. "Okay boys, you're staying on the second floor, second door on the right. You can put your stuff up there and then come back down to eat. We're waiting on a few more people before we get started." "Sounds great, professor. Thanks!" I say.

We make our way past a few staring eyes as I hear a few comments "Oh, my god. They're involved in the program" "What the fuck..." "Oh, my god. They look like Greek Gods." That one caught Gabe's attention so he made a wink at the dirty blonde who was staring. I hear her giggle when we walk past and from the corner of my eye I see her friend another good looking blonde throw her elbow in her ribs to stop. I almost start laughing from the sight of that. I'm not surprised that most students wouldn't think that we would participate considering our reputations and thinking we're only dumb jocks. I won't argue our reputations but I'm no dumb jock...On the other hand, Gabe I would need to think about.

"She said second door on the left, right?" I shout over my shoulder to Gabe.

"You think I was paying attention, when there's all that hot pussy downstairs."

"Ah, fuck, Gabe!"

"Whatever man"

As I open the door I find myself staring and almost drooling at what seems to look like a Victoria Secret model. She's facing the opposite wall and wearing nothing but sleek cheeky panties that seem to be from Victoria Secret themselves. Her long golden brown hair falls to her hips and I can't help continue to stare at how her long, shiny legs reach an amazing and grabable ass that's begging to be squeezed. I instantly get hard and Gabe looks over my shoulder "What the fuck dude, just go in." He drops his bag at the same sight as she turns. Oh my god, her full lips, huge breasts, and green eyes are even could this get any better?

"What the fuck are you guys doing" she screams as she pulls a white tee shirt against her breasts. It doesn't help because I can still see her reddish, brown nipples through it. I can't even respond because I'm so mesmerized at her sight. We probably look like to sick puppies drooling over her. She places a hand on her hip while the other remains over her shirt gripping her breasts. Being calmer than I think she should be she snaps her fingers trying to wake us from our trance which seems to the do the trick. "Seriously, what the fuck boys. You walked into the wrong room. Can you please leave before I kick your asses?" I can't help but grin at this feisty girl's demands who I never found more gorgeous. "Yeah, okay" Gabe says. "Seriously, close the fucking door" she screams. I finally swallow the lump the size of Texas in my throat "Okay, sorry we were told we were in the second door on the right." She raises an eyebrow and says "Well, obviously you turned left. Now, please get the fuck out before I scream rape!" "Sorry...sorry, we're leaving" I say.

I close the door and take a deep breathe. Holy shit. There are hot girls on this trip. This is not good for me...not the distraction I need. We walk back the other way and we find our actual door "second on the right" and close it behind us. "Holy shit...did you see hot she was?" Gabe gasps. "Yeah, dude she was hot...but not that hot" trying to play coy. "Dude, fuck you. She was hot!" "Whatever man...we just walked in on her and now she could screw this up for us" I growl. "Its fine man, we left when she told us—"I interrupt him. "Oh, for fuck sakes. Let's drop our bags and get back down stairs"' I mutter. We close the doors behind us and walk back down stairs to "supposedly mingle" and meet the other mentors. She was seriously gorgeous...I wonder if I should talk to her...or at least apologize.

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