Chapter 19-Jade

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"Baby, what if I have one the guys escort you to and from classes" he says.

"Ugh, babe. I'm fine" stroking his cheek. "You don't need to stress. He's in jail."

"Yes, but for how long?!" he protests.

"Will it make you feel better if I have someone with me?" I ask.

"Definitely" he smirks.

"Okay...fine, you win" crashing my lips on his.

I don't deny feeling fucked up! This is probably how my mom felt every day, but 100 times worse. Leo brought me back to life in those first few days after the attack. He fixed me, he healed me, and he loved me with so much passion. Having him inside me and feeling the skin to skin contact was the greatest thing I ever felt. I'm definitely looking into birth control after that ordeal. Though the bruises have softened and lightened in color, I'm still sore around my ribs and cheek bone. I know all he wants to do is protect me because I know he feels like he failed, but he didn't so I let him win and allow friends of his to protect me.

Two weeks until Thanksgiving, thank God! I want to have another week of being wrapped up in his arms. Just me and him. But reality hits and I have to go back to classes and TA sessions. I leave his house and to my surprise Kevin is on the front porch waiting for me. "Kevin Hastings, reporting for duty mam" saluting to me. "Seriously, Kevin?" I ask. "Yeah, Leo told a few of us after what happened so the same few volunteered to walk you to and from classes, TA sessions, or back to his place." I can't help but smile knowing how much these people actually care for. Though I feel like a little kid being watched, it's nice to feel protected.

Kevin drops me off for my TA session an hour early. I move towards the board and the table, dropping my bag. I turn and I'm surprised to see that Kevin is sitting in the front row. "Are you seriously staying for the next two hours?" "Ummm...Leo said to not lose sight of you." I release a deep sigh. "Kevin, I can't focus on this when you're still here. Can you just go and get some coffee...come back like in 2 hours?" He looks a little concerned "Okay, but don't leave until me or someone else is back here to walk you home." I give him a salute and turn back to my work.

Students pile in and after an hour of hearing stupid questions I'm grateful that the hour is up and they all leave. I start to collect my papers and wipe the boards clean when I suddenly hear "So I hear that you don't like all the security I worked so hard to get for you." I turn my body and see Leo sitting in the front row with his arms crossed. I smirk "Who did you hear that from? Kevin?" "Maybe...but I called him off so I'll be your security detail for the rest of the night." He moves from the seat and walks around the table and places his hands on my hips. "Now if you don't follow my rules of me protecting you then I'll have to punish you." My ass cheeks immediately clench and my pulse begins to quicken. I play coy "Whatever do you mean Mr. Mendez. I followed the rules. I just told Kevin to leave while I was in class." I raise my hand and sweep it across his cheek. He lets out a soft sigh "I think you need a lesson young lady."

Before I can respond, he twists me around and behinds me over the table. I knew I shouldn't have worn a skirt today. He pushes up my skirt up over my ass and tugs on my panties until there at my ankles. The palms of my hands rest against the table and I shoot him a big grin over my shoulder. He pulls his jeans down, along with boxers to his ankles. I think condom right as he thrusts inside me and the thought immediately melts away. We haven't done this position and my moans start getting louder. He pulls my body towards him and I arch my back. One arm is around my waist to steady me and the other is playfully around my neck. "I should be bad more often" I whimper. But his thrusts only get deeper and harder and I can no longer contain my screams. He moves his hand from my neck and over my mouth. "I told you I would muffle your beautiful, fucking screams again." I reach my climax and I know it pushes him over the edge because I feel him hastily remove himself.

I regain my breath and I turn around to face him. He's holding himself and his release spilt over his hand. I pull up my panties and walk over to grab some tissues. He wipes himself clean and disposes of the tissue. "I think it's time for me to get on birth control." He releases a soft laugh "Yeah, I think it's time as well. We're becoming careless and we're not careless people." "I'll make an appointment at the student center this week." "Alright baby, sounds good. Now grab your stuff and let's go."

As I get into Leo's jeep "I want to stop by my apartment." Leo shoots me a concerned look "Are you ready to see it? It's only been a week?" "Yes, I know. I need to get over this funk. So let's go please." He agrees to take me and within 10 minutes we pull into the apartment complex parking lot. I pull my keys from my pocket and open the front door. The wall looks like it was patched up and repainted from where he slammed me into it and the house looks clean. "Kara and Carlie cleaned up the place and the landlord patched up the wall. But they haven't slept here yet. They both said they wouldn't until you did." I simply release "Oh" and make my way to the bedroom. It looks the same as it did the same day my dad walked in. My bed is half made and a few dirty clothes lie in the hamper. I sit on my bed and contemplate the night he was here. I know if I don't get over this he wins.

"Will you stay here with me tonight?" Leo looks uneasy about my comment "Are you sure you would rather go back to my place?" "If I don't get over this shit, Leo he wins...please stay with me tonight!" Leo sits next to me on the bed "Alright baby we'll stay."

The rest of the night I feel like Leo is trying to keep me from thinking too much. We watch endless hours of Netflix, clean up our apartment a bit more, and we end up ordering both Chinese and pizza. A part of me is glad he's trying to distract me because I am still uneasy and I almost feel anxious that he'll burst through the door any minute. We're snuggled up on the couch and he's half asleep. Should I tell him? Will he think I'm crazy?But I choose to go for it."Babe, are you awake?" I whisper. "Hum, babe?" "I need to tell you something" I whisper. He eyes flicker open and close a few times then remain open. "What do you need to tell me?" He pulls me closer to his chest and runs his fingers through my hair. I rest my chin on his chest "You know how I applied to med schools recently..." "Yeah" he says. "Well I didn't tell you where." Leo almost looks nervous as if I'm about to tell him I'm leaving him. "I applied to several schools...And some of them are in the same cities as the teams that you mentioned have been looking at you. So...I'm saying I applied to schools in New York, the program in Orlando, and two schools in Atlanta" I blurt. He looks stunned, fucking stunned. Why did I say something? I probably sound crazy to him since we haven't been together that long. I feel like minutes go by before Leo moves us to the sitting position. Still staying quiet, he leans over and places the softest kiss on my lips I have ever felt. He brushes my hair out of my face and tucks it behind my ear. "I think I just fell in love with you all over again Jade Patterson." My cheeks flush with joy and I tenderly kiss him back "I love you too Mr. Mendez."

He pulls me into his lap and places his hands on my hips. "I'm not surprised you didn't tell me, but I'm glad you did now." I rest my hands on his chest "I was worried that you thought I was crazy, but I couldn't stop thinking about us when I was working on my application. I just found myself selecting schools near pro teams." "Well, the universe now controls our future...let's just hope it's on our side. But as for now, what are you plans for Thanksgiving?" "Not sure, I haven't really thought about it...I went to my Aunt's before. As well as going home with Carlie to New York. Why?" "Well Coach invited me and you to Thanksgiving at his place. I know Gabe and Kara will be there, along with some other players. Will you come with me?" "Of course I will baby." He kisses me again but not so soft like last time. This time it's needy and desperate.

"I want to be inside you right now." "Good, because I need you to be inside of me right now" I whisper. He pushes us up from the coach and walks into my bedroom. He lays me on the bed and removes my clothes while I remove his. "Do you have condoms?" I ask. He looks annoyed. "Yes, baby I do. I don't want to use them right now but I will until you get your birth control figured out." I let out a small laugh and pull him into my body. He rolls on a condom and slides inside me. He's right it feels so different now after having skin to skin. Damn, I love this man. He pumps in and out of me a few times until I take control. I roll on top of him and slam down on top of him. He lets out a loud moan and grips my hips tight. I'm grinding him for a few minutes and the ache between my legs is unbearable. Both our bodies are begging for relief. I scream out his name and he shortly follows after me. I fall onto his chest and he rubs my back. We're soaked with sweat and our breathing tries to return to normal. I close my eyes and I again hear his heart gradually return to a beautiful rhythm. I fall asleep feeling loved, feeling safe, and feeling healed.

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