Chapter 27-Leo

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It's been four crazy years since we moved to New York. Jade has been wrapped up in medical school and absolutely crushing it. We both cried when she got matched at New Amsterdam Hospital. I know she'll make a great ER doctor when she's finished her residency training in four years. It's been nonstop for me as well between games, practices, and promotions. I actually got a few sponsorship deals which landed me another 3 year contract with the team. It made us so happy knowing that we'll be in New York another four years living our dreams. The coach has been impressed since the moment I got on the field. The owner was definitely hesitant, but when our starting forward got injured I showed everyone what I could do and never lost my spot moving forward.

We decided to get married the same week as Jade's graduation. We figured it made sense with friends and family coming. It would give us a solid two months to travel and live in our own bubble before returning to practice and her starting her residency training. With my stardom and Carlie's connections we planned for a wedding at the Plaza. Of course Carlie would be planning the whole damn thing...But I know Jade was happy about it because she was trying to finish finals.

I played against Gabe a few times and only once did his team beat us. We kept in contact with Gabe and Kara over the past four years. We weren't surprised that after our first year in New York that Gabe and Kara eloped to Vegas without telling anyone. Though Jade was pretty sad about missing her best friend's wedding, they made it up to her by using her name as their daughter's middle name that was born last year. I couldn't believe that our best friends were not only married but have been parents for a year. Delphine Jade Causse was a pretty cute blonde but an absolute terror when she wanted to be. Kara stayed home shortly after having her, but Gabe still killed it on the field. After Gabe's 3 year contract ended with Orlando he was traded to Atlanta. They actually seem much happier there and will be there at least 3 more years. I know they'll be coming to our wedding and Jade's graduation. I know Jade is dying to see them.

Taylor and Devon didn't go pro but are playing with minor teams in Florida and California. They're still living the single life and living it up. However, Carlie is a force to be wrecking with. She's got high profile clients and killing every gig. She's been dating some hot billionaire for the past two years, but Jade isn't convinced that it will last much longer. Even though Jade and Carlie have been swamped, they try to see each other every other weekend. Carlie's even come to several of my home games with Jade. Otherwise, the coach Jensen is still coaching at the university and his wife says he constantly brags to the team about how he has two rock star players who are now playing pro and several in the minors.


"Oh my god, Carlie...I'm fucking getting married!"

"Doc, just breathe...if you can pass medical school and land a sweet gig at a major hospital you can walk down the fucking isle" Carlie says comforting.

"Girl, you totally got this!" Kara adds.

"I think I'm going to be sick...What if Leo doesn't think I look pretty, what if the dress isn't—"

"Doc, I planned this entire wedding...Don't start saying shit you'll regret.

"Okay, you're right I got this."

Carlie and Kara help me with my veil. I admire my dress one last time in the mirror. Its ivory, lined with lace and beads all over. I'm wearing short green heels to give my dress some color and green emerald earrings Leo bought for me. Kara and Carlie are both wearing short emerald green bridesmaid dresses, while little Delphine matches her mom. I can't believe my best friend is a mom and my other is throwing my wedding. "Ready" Aunt Sarah says. "Ready" I whisper. The doors open and Carlie and Kara walk out first followed by my Aunt Sarah and me. The venue is breathtaking with white lilies and white and green lace lined up and down the aisle. The violins are playing softly as we walk and then I see him. The man of the hour is standing next to Gabe in a black suit and emerald green tie. His black hair his geld and his milk chocolate eyes are entirely zoned in on me. I get help but smile and tears start to swell in my eyes. Don't fucking lose're makeup will smear.

Minutes later when I reach him Sarah kisses me on the cheek and he takes my hand. The ceremony begins and we read our vows out loud. His words are soft and comforting, he even throws in a joke or two about when we first dated. He even adds how he knew he wanted to marry me the moment he basically saw me naked. Luckily, I love him so I let it slide. I reciprocated with words of love and joy. He stares at me the entire time so when I finish I sternly say "Remember...It's not polite to stare." He starts laughing hysterically and before the minster can say the popular phrase "you may now kiss the bride," Leo is already kissing me passionately. The crowds cheer and cry including us.

The reception is even better than I thought it would be. Several of his teammates and coach came. Taylor and Devon, along with his old coach Jensen and wife showed up. Many of my medical school classmates whom I developed friendships with came too. During our first dance he asked "So Mrs. Mendez, what shall we do with our time for the next two months?" I laugh at the sound of being called Mrs. "Not sure Mr. Mendez....We found love and are still working on our goals. Any thoughts?" He glances around and places his hand over my stomach. "I think we better prepare for the arrival of this little one" he smirks. My mouth drops open " did you know? I wasn't going to say anything until after our honeymoon?" "Baby, I've known for weeks, plus you know I'm a soccer player...When I shoot, I always score." A let a huge hysterical laugh escape my mouth "Oh, my god, I think I love you." "Good thing too, because baby I can be a complete and total asshole sometimes." I giggle lightly "Good thing you love me too, because baby I can be completely stubborn sometimes." He looks dead serious into my eyes "How about all the time."

He holds me close the rest of song and continues to do so throughout the night. We celebrate our love with family and friends and with pure excitement about the next chapters in our lives. After all this time we finally realize we could have both in our lives. We reached our goals and found love while doing it!

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