To Be With You For The Rest Of My Life - Part 2

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If you click on the video you will hear Firestone by Kygo.
I want you to focus on the lyrics mostly. 😊

This chapter has some smut on it. Just to let you know.

They kissed and everyone was full of joy. It was like a dream to see their chief with his beautiful wife. It was a new beginning for all New Berk without dragons, but with Astrid and Hiccup leading them, they knew that they were going to be fine.

At the party everyone was drunk. Tuffnut was still trying to dance with Hiccup and it was hilarious just because Snotlout wouldn't stop trying to dance with him too.

"Oh come on! Leave Astrid have at least one piece with him!", Heather exclaimed as all of them danced and danced.

Hiccup and Astrid were interacting with the villagers and when they noticed that the gang had stopped following them, they sneaked out of the party to their new house. They went directly to their room. They started kissing each other and their hearts were beating faster than ever. Hiccup got rid of Astrid's clothes and she did so with his.

They were only in underwear and Astrid made Hiccup sat on their bed. She took off her crown and stepped closer to him taking off his crown too. She put Hiccup's hands on her waist and looked him straight in the eyes biting her lip while smiling. The only thing she gained was a turned on Hiccup.

"Come here you", he said making Astrid sit on his lap.

Astrid let go a little moan at the feeling of Hiccup's bulge and started to kiss him passionately. She went down from his jawline to his neck leaving him a hickey. Hiccup moaned at the feeling and grabbed her waist very tight pulling her closer to his body.

They connected their eyes and felt sparkles. In that moment, they knew they were ready to be one. They were almost naked so Hiccup helped Astrid to get rid of her top, leaving her breasts uncovered. He took a look at Astrid's beautiful eyes and kissed her. They both smiled at the feeling of their tongues connecting like puzzle pieces. It was like a dream for them. They were enjoying each other bodies. It was like they were burning in love.

Hiccup was now on top.

He reached one of Astrid's breasts and pulled out his tongue kissing it delicately while caressing the other. She arched her back getting completely lost in that feeling and by instinct she started to caress Hiccup's hair.

He started to go down her breasts giving her little kisses until he reached her abdomen. He raised his gaze looking for approval to continue and Astrid nodded desperately. She just wanted to feel him inside of her.

Hiccup pulled out her panties and Astrid separated her legs automatically. He started to kiss her intimity while caressing her hips. All he could hear was Astrid's loud moans and they were music to his ears.

Hiccup felt her wetness and pulled out his boxers. Now they were completely naked.

"A-are you ready?", Hiccup asked timidly.

"I'm more than ready babe", Astrid said biting her lip.

They kissed like there was no tomorrow and when Hiccup penetrated her, they felt like they were going to outer space. Although it hurt at the beginning, after a while their bodies started to move like one. They were finally completely connected. It wasn't just sex. They were making love. They were opening their hearts to each other.

Hiccup felt Astrid's nails scratching his back but the feeling was stimulating. He was about to finish and Astrid noticed this because she was about to finish too.

 " I love you Hiccup, I'll always love you", Astrid said pulling him closer to her.

" I love you too m'lady, I'll always love each part of you", Hiccup said smiling. He wasn't inside of her anymore. They laid down on their bed and sighed.

"Hiccup, that was just awesome."

"It was amazing, but you are perfect m'lady."

He opened his arms so Astrid could put her head on his chest.

"It does feel good to share this bed with you Hiccup Haddock" , Astrid said running her fingers through his bare chest.

"This bed is now our bed and you, Astrid Haddock, you will be my wife forever".

"I love how that sounds. Never thought I will be a Haddock though", Astrid said smiling.

They both giggled and Hiccup kissed Astrid's lips before caressing her hair until they both fall asleep. Tuffnut was right after all, they just showed how much they loved each other, and with every touch they felt like one.

Take care,

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