My Life Without You

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Hey! If you click on the video you will hear All I Want by Kodaline!

Valka was watching over little Zephyr while Hiccup was out catching some fresh air. It has been three months since he lost Astrid forever. He never thought that a day could be full of happiness and sadness at the same time.

The day his beautiful daughter was born, the love of his life died. Astrid made the greatest sacrifice of all by bringing their daughter to the world and no one could ever have predicted that she wouldn't survive to see her grow up next to her husband. Hiccup was completely devastated, but there was a ray of light who pushed him to keep fighting, Zephyr.

Hiccup was watching the horizon, feeling the cold air touching his face, remembering the times he and Astrid used to watch it together while she was pregnant. Hiccup took out of his pocket Astrid's betrothal necklace, he locked it with this hands and when he was about to speak, he broke down.

He felt on his knees and cried like never before. He just missed her. He just missed her soft skin next to his skin, her beautiful face, her perfect lips, her hair, her voice, he missed every single part of her. 

"A- Astrid I- I really wish you were here with us, with me. I used to think my life was perfect, but now that you are gone I just feel so empty. I'm still assimilating that you are not going to come back an-and I guess that the only thing I can do right now i-is to remember everything we lived together. I miss you, my body misses you, my heart misses yours. I-I jus-I just wasn't ready to live without you. I mean I think that you are never ready to lose who you love the most". 

He was sobbing. He really needed this to come out. Hiccup sighed deeply looking at the beautiful necklace, remembering how nervous Astrid was when he gave it to her. He smiled a little bit.

"But I know m'lady that you and my father will be taking care of us from Valhalla forever. You fought until your last breath, you gave everything you had so she could survive, you are my hero, our hero. Know that I will never stop loving you and you will always be the love of my life no matter what. I promise to take care of our beautiful baby with everything I have until the time for me to go where you are, finally arrives."

He felt his heart warming, it was like a response from Astrid, because no matter what, they will always be connected.

Hiccup got up slowly with the necklace still on his hand. He cleaned his tears and started walking straight to his house. He needed to hug Zephyr, he needed to let her know that nothing was going to happen to her, he needed to protect her, to show her how much he loved her, he needed to tell her how extraordinary her mother was. 

Valka was preparing something for dinner when the door suddenly opened.

"Mom", Hiccup said.

- "Hiccup! , is everth-"

He hugged her and sighed.

Valka knew how hard it was to lose the love of your life so she hugged him tightly. Valka and Zephyr were the only ones that Hiccup had now and he was not going to let anything happen to them.

"She is  upstairs on her crib" , Valka said grabbing one of Hiccup's cheeks. "I think she was waiting for you to come back".

Hiccup nodded giving a little smile to his mom. Valka continued cooking so Hiccup could go to see his beautiful daughter. He peeked out in the crib to see her big blue eyes, which she clearly inherited from Astrid. 

"Hey little you!", Hiccup said touching her little nose with his finger. Zephyr's little hands grabbed his  finger slightly. "Do you want to hear the story of your mommy ? The most beautiful woman on earth?", she was now  looking at Hiccup with attention. 

"I'll take that as a yes", Hiccup said while lifting her up so he could carry her in his arms.

There was that warm sensation again. It was like Astrid's heart was now attached to Hiccup's heart. Even if they were not physically together anymore, their souls were matched as one. He knew that it was a signal, he knew that every time his heart got this feeling , it was Astrid feeling as happy as he was with their family. 

Take care,

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