Reasons To Live

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It was a quiet evening at New Berk, with a beautiful sunset and the sound of the birds singing.

Astrid was four months pregnant now. Astrid and Hiccup were at one of their favorite places. It was a beautiful spot where they could admire the sea, listen to its waves, appreciate its breeze. He had already made a comfortable bench so they could relax on it.

They were sitting there enjoying each other's presence. Astrid's head was resting on Hiccup's shoulder and he was drawing imaginary circles with his fingers on her head.

"What if we talk to the baby? Just to see if it moves?", Hiccup said shyly.

Astrid gave him a kiss on his cheek before lifting her shirt so she could caress her bare belly.

"Hey little one! I'm your mother. I just want to let you know that we couldn't have been more excited when we found out that you were coming to this world. It was one of the best days of our lives. I love you and I can't wait any longer to have you between my arms."

"Well we only have to wait five more months m'lady", Hiccup said smiling. He kissed Astrid's forehead and kneeled down in front of her. "I think it's my turn."

"Hello sweetheart. I'm your father", Hiccup said putting both of his hands on his wife's baby bump. Astrid giggled at the feeling of her husband's cold hands and started to caress his hair.

"I'm sure that if you are a girl you are going to be just as beautiful as your mother is. You are going to be brave, fierce, determined and a little bit aggressive but I hope not that much."
Hiccup said looking at Astrid now. She punched him slowly.

"This is what I'm talking about." They just smiled.

Both of them were looking now at her belly with attention. They were really hoping to see their baby move.

"But, if you are a boy you are going to be the smartest person in this island. You are going to be curious, protective and a little stubborn like your father but it's nothing we can't deal with", Astrid said looking straight to Hiccup's eyes.

"Oh come on. I'm not that stubborn." Hiccup said acting like he was indignant. They both laughed. He was now grabbing Astrid's hands so both of them could caress her belly.

"We don't care if you are a boy or a girl. We will love you every single day of our lives. You will be our inspiration. You will be our princess or our prince.Your father and I will always be there for you, always."

They felt a little movement under their hands and they couldn't be happier in that moment.They jumped in emotion. Hiccup was almost crying, he just loved Astrid and their baby with all his heart.

He started to give little kisses to her belly and she giggled giving Hiccup a heartwarming smile.

"Oh Thor! The baby moved! Can you believe it?", Hiccup said.

"And that kick was pretty strong! I'm starting to think that it will be a girl, a little warrior just like me", Astrid said with hope.

"Oh wait wait wait. If it's a girl we have to take care of the boys around her", Hiccup said frowning a little bit.

"What do you mean with take care?"

"We have to know them! Their families, their intentions, everything!"

"Even if they are just friends?"

"Of course!"

"So we are going to make auditions or something like that?", Astrid said almost laughing.

"Mmm, actually that's a good idea"

"Oh Hiccup", Astrid said nodding with disapproval at him.

"What? We have to be careful Astrid", Hiccup said crossing his arms.

"Sure babe."

She grabbed Hiccup's cheeks and kissed him with love and tenderness. When they finished, they put together their foreheads and closed their eyes. She made Hiccup's life perfect.

Astrid and their baby were his reasons to live, his reasons to fight, they just made him the happiest man in the world and he was going to take care of them until the day of his death.

Take care,

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